I'm excited about the many opportunities set before us. One of those is to... Serve!
In 2009 the Obamas encouraged our nation to get up and serve the community on Martin Luther King Jr. day.
This year TGN is joining this great initiative and encouraging all of our readers to get involved as well: Monday, January 18th.
I am currently organizing a group in Southern California to serve with City Year Los Angeles. We'll most likely be painting various murals all over Belvedere middle school and painting the blacktop area with a US Map and other games. Minimum age is 16.
It will be an all day event and lunch will be provided by City Year Los Angeles.
If you're interested and available to commit, please reply to this email by January 7th and I'll add you to the list.
Confirmations with full details will be sent January 8th. We will organize a car pool as well if necessary.
Now, for family in NY, Atlanta, Kentucky, Texas and all the other wonderful cities and states receiving & spreading the Good News. If you have the heart to serve please head to Volunteer Match www.volunteermatch.org if you don't already have an organization in mind.
Disney has also jumped on to this initiative this year. With the Give A Day, Get A Disney Day promotion. Beginning January 1st, head to http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/disneyparks/en_US/WhatWillYouCelebrate/index?name=Give-A-Day-Get-A-Disney-Day
If the link doesn't work, just type it into your search engine and it should pop up. Disney is looking to inspire one million people to volunteer a day of service this year. Will you be one of them?
If you are looking for people to join you and want to send a blast to other TGN readers, please feel free to send my way by end of day, January 5th and I'll post all opportunities in one email, to be sent Wednesday, January 6th.
And if you don't want to join an organization, there are other ways to serve; cook dinner for some friends, clean your Grandma's house, wash your roommate's car, rub your husband's back, give a listening ear to someone who needs to talk. Whatever it is, do it out of love and for that person/organization/project. Selflessly serve without looking for return in any way.
Whether it's a Disney ticket, just a sincere thank you or none of the above- trust, you will be rewarded because God will be glorified in your service. Amen!
1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...
2010 Prayer: Father, when You test my heart, may You be pleased with my honesty. In everything I do, may I set an example by doing what is right and good from this moment going forward. May this very real change make a visible difference in this new year.
Every where I step, from my workplace to my home, may I show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose me may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about me. I purpose to conduct myself, as David did as he ran from Saul, with integrity of heart, and with skillful hands before the people who observe me.
Father, I thank You that the integrity of the upright guides me. May I be blameless in Your sight so that I will receive a good inheritance. Let it be said of me by all men, "We know you are a person of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth" (Matthew 22:16 NIV).
O Most High, make me secure and guard me in Your righteousness. In my integrity uphold me and set me in Your presence forever.
In this new year, a time of new beginnings from a God who loves to make all things new; teach me how there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Help me to keep my priorities in order. Help me to fulfill my call and responsibilities at home. Also, help me to take time to find rest for my mind, body and soul. You are a deliberate God and there is enough time to do what You have called me to do. I lose time when I get caught up doing things not purposed nor righteous. LORD, help me to know what I am to do because it is what You have created me to do; and to not do anything just because it's good or tempting. Let all that I do be right.
I cast all of my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns, once and for all on You, for You care for me affectionately and care about me watchfully. I affirm that I am well-balanced; temperate and sober of mind, vigilant and on guard at all times; for the enemy of mine, the devil, roams around like a lion seeking someone to seize upon and devour. In the name of Jesus, I withstand him; firm in faith.
Father, You are in charge of my work and my plans. You alone make me able to live this life. You alone direct my steps. Help me to organize my efforts, schedule my activities, budget my time and relax. It pleases You when I am not preoccupied with getting, so I can respond to God's giving. I steep my life in God-reality, God-initiative, and God provisions.
By the grace given me, I will not worry about missing out, and my everyday human concerns will be met. I purpose in my heart to seek first of all Your Kingdom, LORD, and Your righteousness. Father, may Your Word continue to be my compass on this journey, and help me see my life as complete in Christ. Not complete because of the job I have, the person I date or marry, not because of the material things I attain- but complete in Christ. I tune my ears to the Word of wisdom, and I set my heart on a life of understanding. I make insight my priority.
Father, You sent Jesus that I might have life and have it more abundantly. My desire is to live purposefully and worthy and accurately as a wise, sensible and intelligent person. Help me remember that my relationship with You and pure relationships with others is more important than anything else. Amen
*prayers that avail much for singles : Germaine Copeland.
www.thegoodnews4yourlife.blogspot.com "Providing you with what you already have access to in the most convenient way. So that we all can continue to grow in wisdom & understanding of God." LT
What makes us special is... The signature of God on our lives. To the new beginnings of 2010.