Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can The Rich Enter the Kingdom of God?

It’s your time to pray…


Mark 10:23-31 (NKJV)

With God All Things Are Possible
23 Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!24 And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
26 And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved?”
27 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men
it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.
28 Then Peter began to say to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You.”
29 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life. 31 But many
who are first will be last, and the last first.

The disciples were amazed.  Was not wealth a blessing from God, a reward for being good?  This misconception is still common today.  Although many believers enjoy material prosperity, many others live in poverty.  Wealth is NOT a sign of faith or of partiality on God’s part.  Jesus said it was very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God because the rich, having their basic physical needs met, often become self-reliant.  When they feel empty, they buy something new to try to fill the void that only God can fill.  Their abundance and self-sufficiency become their deficiency.  The person who has everything on earth can still lack what is more important-eternal life.

But it isn’t only the rich who can suffer from filling the God-sized void with people and things; you and I do it as well.  Jesus explained that in the world to come, the values of this world will be reversed.  Those who seek status and importance here will have none in heaven.  Those who are humble here will be great in heaven.  The corrupt condition of our society encourages confusion in values and a great emphasis on money, fake, youth and self.  We are bombarded by messages that tell us how to be important, beautiful by their standards and how to feel good; Jesus’ teaching about service to others seem alien or again they reverse it back to themselves “It makes ME feel good.”  But those who seek to get His teachings and implement them into their very being; those who choose to humbly serve others will be the most qualified to be great in heaven.

BUT A HUGE CAUTION TO YOU:  Don’t do anything just to be great in heaven.  This is just a promise that follows our motives and actions in accordance to the Word here on earth.  It’s a great secret that God graciously revealed to us.  So concentrate on your motives and actions according to the Word of God instead and allow the promise to follow.

Often times living this life of faith requires us to give up things that we value.  Jesus assured the disciples that anyone who gives up something valuable for His sake will be repaid a hundred times over in this life, although not necessarily in the same way.  Along with these rewards, however, we experience persecution because the world HATES God.  The world may seem to tolerate Him or come at us politically correct about Him; all while it is trying it’s best to remove God and portray Him as the enemy.  Jesus emphasized persecution to make sure that we do not selfishly follow Him only for the rewards.  Because if rewards are the only thing on your mind, you’ll definitely fall and turn away from God the first chance you get.

So to answer the titled question, Can the Rich Enter the Kingdom?  Yes, they can.  Just like each and every one of us can.  We just have to come correct; in the way that He has lovingly revealed to us in His Word.  We have to make Jesus the center and director of our lives.  For alone it is impossible, but with Jesus all things are possible.

Build a strong foundation in God and His Truth.

Daily Prayer:  Heavenly Father, may Your children choose You.  From those who do not know You, to those of us who do.  May we all choose You and Your way; experiencing Your very power in our lives, circumstances and situations.  Living in a solid relationship with You and allowing Your Spirit free rein in all that we are and all that we do.  May we choose righteousness and stop making decisions that do not honor You.  And as we do grow in You individually, may we be obedient servants to one another – encouraging each other that we’re not created to serve You all alone; but we’re called to fellowship as a diverse family of believers.  May Your heart be represented through our fellowship with one another and through direct intentions to be in the world but not of the world from this day moving forward.  With honor and in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is Your Barrier?

I would like to thank each of YOU who have thrown me a word of encouragement in the past week.  I appreciate it greatly, and I love you.  I pray that God blesses you for blessing me with a word just in time.  Some of you probably don't even know what yousaid - but you have encouraged me.  Thank You Jesus!

Mark 10:17-22 (NKJV)

Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Man
17 Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”
18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Do not defraud,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother. ”  20 And he answered and said to Him, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.”
21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.
22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Many people read verses 17-18 as if Jesus was saying that He wasn't good? But when Jesus asked this question, “Why do you call Me good?"  He was revealing Who He was.  "He who has ears to hear, let them hear" (Mark 4:9).  What a revelation because so many people have been using this Scripture out of context.  Jesus was asking, "Do you really know the One to whom you are talking?"  Because only God is truly good, the man was calling Jesus "God," whether or not he realized it; and Jesus was asking, "Do you know Who I Am?"  Awesome right?

Unfortunately, I don't believe the man knew.  The rich young man was focused on if he would get eternal life, so he asked what he could do.  He advised that he'd never once broken any of the laws Jesus mentioned (10:19), and perhaps he had even kept the Pharisees' loophole-filled version of them - it wasn't going to give him eternal life either way.  Jesus lovingly broke through the man's pride with a challenge that brought out his true god: "Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor... then come (take up the cross), follow me" (LSAB).  Do you remember what The Cross represents?  If we take a look back (3/5/10) at TGN: The Cross -  Jesus used the image of carrying a cross to illustrate the ultimate submission required for His followers... Jesus was talking about the bold effort needed to follow Him moment by moment, to do His Will even when the work is difficult and the future looks bleak.  Jesus was saying, "Choose me!"  The only way to get eternal life is to accept and follow Jesus.

This challenge exposed the barrier that would keep this man out of the Kingdom: his love of money.  Money represented his pride in accomplishment and self-effort; money was his savior.  Ironically, his attitude made him unable to keep the first commandment: to let nothing be more important than God (Exodus 20:3).  He could not meet the one requirement Jesus gave-to turn his whole heart and life over to God.  The man came to Jesus wondering what he could do; he left seeing what he was unable to do.

What barriers are keeping you from turning your life over to Christ?

This question is not just for the unsaved; many saved individuals haven't completely turned their lives over to Jesus.  Is money your barrier?  What does your money mean to you?  Although Jesus wanted this man to sell everything and give his money to the poor, this does not mean that all believers should sell all their possessions.  Most of His followers did not sell everything, although we'll learn in other books, how they used their possessions to serve others.  Instead, this incident shows us that we must not let our possessions, prestige,  money... anything keep us from following Jesus.  We must remove all barriers to serve Him fully.
If Jesus asked, could you give up your house? your car?  your level of income? your position on the ladder of promotion?  Let's make it simple, how about your time?  Your reaction will reveal your attitude toward these things -- whether it is your servant or your master.  Distinguish your barrier(s), so that you can overcome them.

One last thing for today, you will noticed that I made sure to highlight in bold, the fact that Jesus loved this rich young man.  People often spread the lie that God does not love the rich.  Yup, it's a lie!  And we'll talk more about that tomorrow.  Jesus showed genuine love for this man, even though He knew that the man might not follow Him.  Love is able to give tough advice; it doesn't hedge on the truth.  People are so quick to put others down for "judging" them; and some may be - BUT some are just trying to lovingly get you out of ignorance; some do speak the truth to you because they want to see you succeed.  We often label it "judging," because we simply don't want to change.  Can I be real with you today?!?  (Like I'm not real with you every other day LOL) Why do we get mad at people for reminding us to live a life of righteousness - even if they're not; isn't it good to be reminded that we're called to live a life that is according to God and not this world? Or do we want to remain in the ignorance of sin?

Christ loved us enough to die for us, and He also loves us enough to talk straight to us.  If His love were superficial, He would give us only His approval; but because His love is COMPLETE, He gives us life-changing challenges.

Are you ready to be changed?

Let's start with recognizing our barriers and removing them.  Let's not walk away for Jesus sorrowful.

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father!  Your Word is SO GOOD!  You are not holding back and we're thankful to You!  We're thankful that You love us completely; You love us so much You give us the Truth.  You don't play around.  It's not Your intention to raise ignorant children.  Thank You for Your wisdom LORD.  Thank You LORD for discernment that comes right on time.  LORD, may we really dig deep and bring our barriers that keep us from following Jesus to light.  By Your Spirit, may we destroy each and every barrier, in order to have a full, loving, real, and everlasting relationship with You through Your Son.  Oh, what an honor to be loved by Jesus!  Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!  May our lives honor the great sacrifice You made for each and every one of us.  Thank You Jesus!  In Your Name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Lyani Lynn


Let's pray:

Father, in the name of Jesus, we want to thank you for Lyani Lynn; Your child.  You knew her before she was even formed in the womb and You have mighty plans of success and prosperity for Your daughter.  We confess Your Word over Lyani Lynn, surround her with faith-faith in Your Word that You watch over it to perform it!  We confess and believe that Lyani Lynn is a disciple of Christ, anxious to accept Him into her heart; to be taught by You and obedient to Your Will.  Great is the peace and undisturbed composure of Lyani Lynn, because You, God, contend with that which contends with her, and You give her safety and ease her.

Father, You will perfect that which concerns her parents and her.  We pray that Your Spirit moves her parents to commit and cast their cares for Lyani Lynn once and for all on You, Father.  She is in Your hands, and we are positively persuaded that You are able to guard and keep that which is committed to You.  You are more than enough!

We pray that as Lyani Lynn grows, that she is a godly example to others in obeying her parents in the LORD as Your representative, because this is just and right.  May Lyani Lynn honor, esteem and value as precious her parents-for this is the first commandment with a promisel that all may be well with her and that she may live long on the earth; serving You.  May Lyani Lynn choose life and love You, LORD, that she obey Your voice and cling to You; for You are her life and the length of her days.  Therefore, Lyani Lynn is the head and not the tail, and she shall be above only and never beneath.  She is blessed when she comes in, and when she goes out.

Protect her LORD!  She is precious in your sight and may Your right arm serve to be her guard at all times.  For You are Great and nothing can stand against You and succeed.  May Your mighty angles be with her at all times, fighting any spiritual principalities that seek her destruction because of the great plans that You have already established for her.  Thank You for giving your angels charge over Lyani Lynn to accompany and defend and preserve her in all her ways.  You, LORD, are her Refuge and Fortress.  You are her Glory and the Lifter of her head. 

We lift up Lyani Lynn's parents.  May they be mighty servants of the LORD Almighty.  LORD, show them how not to provoke, irritate or fret Lyani Lynn.  Show them how to not be hard on her or harass her, or cause her to become discouraged, sullen, or morose, or to feel inferior and frustrated.  Let them take no part in breaking or wounding her spirit, but rear her tenderly in the training, discipline, counsel, and admonition of the LORD.  May they stay committed to training her in the way she should go, so that when she is old, she will not depart from You.  May their parenting come in ways that honors You at all times.  May their love for You, guide their love for their child.

O LORD, our LORD, how excellent, majestic and glorious is Your name in all the earth!  You have set Your glory above the heaven.  Out of the mouth of babes and unweaned infants You have established strength because of Your foes, that You might silence the enemy and the avenger.  We sing praises to Your name, O Most High.  The enemy is turned back from Lyani Lynn in the name of Jesus!  May their entire family increase in wisdom, obedience and in favor with You and man.  Amen.


*Prayer That Avail Much... Germaine Copeland

Jesus Loves the Little Children



Mark 10: 13-16 (NKJV)

Jesus Blesses Little Children
13 Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.16 And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.

Jesus was often criticized for spending too much time with the wrong people - children, tax collectors, and sinners, to name a few.  Some, including the disciples, thought Jesus should be spending more time with whom they deemed to be important.  But Jesus wasn't about supporting their corrupt motives, as God, He wanted to speak to those who needed Him most.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the divide between children and adults is becoming wider each and every day as we decide we can't relate to one another; or on the other side of the extreme, when we think we're their age and teach them absolutely nothing about respecting authority.  Respect to Authority is what we all need to serve God.  The divide is playing right into the enemy's hands.  As adults, we can't place it in the child's hands.  It's our responsibility to be the adult in the relationship, and to take our responsibility as parents or just the adult figure seriously; for the sake of our children and their future.

To feel secure, all children need is a loving look and a gentle (non-perverted) touch from someone who cares.  They believe adults because they trust us.  And this trust should be treated like the treasure that it is.
Jesus said that people should trust in Him with this kind of childlike faith.  We do not have to understand all the mysteries of the universe (we won't); it should be enough to know that God loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin.  This doesn't mean we should be childish and immature, but we should trust God with a child's simplicity and receptivity. God does not take our trust lightly; He will never abuse it.

Some of us may have forgotten about how simple it really can be, and have made serving God a burden to ourselves.  Let's take it back to basics and build upon the trust, faith and desire to be obedient to the God of the universe.  Receive the goodness that comes from the relationship with God and let's show this to the children in our lives, so that they know how good Jesus is - and carry His message on to every generation following.

Daily Prayer: Jesus thank You for loving each and every one of Your children on this earth. LORD, I ask that You heal and restore the relationships between the adults and the children.  Create and rebuild the trust, respect and love that has been lost because of foolish, perverted and selfish motives, decisions and actions.  LORD, forgive us.  Forgive us for falling off the mission, and help us to get back up.  For Your Glory is going to be revealed through each person saying this prayer today; and in our relationships with others.  I declare this today, because I trust You LORD!  For all who choose to love You, trust You and obey You; will not do so in vain.  For You are a faithful God and we love You.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

A Simple Reminder

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Did God Intend?


Mark 10: 1-12 (NKJV)

Marriage and Divorce
1 Then He arose from there and came to the region of Judea by the other side of the Jordan. And multitudes gathered to Him again, and as He was accustomed, He taught them again.
2 The Pharisees came and asked Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” testing Him.
3 And He answered and said to them, “What did Moses command you?
4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to dismiss her.
5 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6 But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ 7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
10 In the house His disciples also asked Him again about the same matter. 11 So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

The Pharisees, once again, were trying to trap Jesus with their question.  If He supported divorce, He would be upholding the Pharisees' procedures, and they doubted  that He would do that.  If Jesus spoke against divorce, however, some members of the crowd would dislike His position; some may have even used the law to their advantage to divorce their wives.  More important, He might incur the wrath of Herod, who had already beheaded John the Baptist for speaking out against divorce and adultery (6:17-28).  The Pharisees wanted Jesus to be punished in any way; it didn't matter for what.

The Pharisees saw divorce as a legal issue rather than a spiritual one.   Jesus used this test as an opportunity to review God's intended purpose for marriage and to expose the Pharisees' selfish motives.  They were not thinking about what God intended for marriage but had settled for marriages of convenience.  In addition, they were quoting Moses unfairly and out of context.
Do you know the context?  God allowed divorce as a concession to people's sinfulness.  The people were already doing what they wanted.  Divorce was not approved (because no man is to separate what God has joined together as one), but it was instituted to protect the injured party in a bad situation.  Women were often treated as property.  This wasn't God's idea; this is the perversion that man ran with and claimed was from God.  Marriage and divorce were regarded as transactions similar to buying and selling land.  Unfortunately, people used (and still use) Deuteronomy 24:1 as proof text for divorce. 
Jesus condemned this attitude, clarifying God's original intention-that marriage brings oneness (Genesis 2:24).  Jesus explained that divorce was not God's intent; instead, God wants married people to consider their marriage permanent. Many marriages are coming together from lust and rush; instead of from the direction of God and in taking time.  Don't enter marriage lightly.  Don't enter marriage with the false fairy tale of all love and no work.  Don't enter marriage for SEX!  Don't enter marriage with the option of getting out.  Because if you are even thinking about that option; why are you getting married?  Your marriage is more likely to be happy if from the outset you are committed to permanence.  Don't be hard-hearted like these Pharisees, but he hard-hearted in your determination, with God's help, to stay together.   And wait for the person who will have this same determination.  It is OK to wait!!!!! 

Jesus showed these "legal experts" how superficial their knowledge really was.  Is He revealing superficiality in your own knowledge?  Let's correct ourselves in all areas.  We have to stop making God fit our ideals and lifestyles; and we need to live what we know is commanded by Him.
Are you a "pharisee" or a Child of God?  If we're children of God; Honor Our Father!
*COOL TRUTH: Did you know what God intended; those intentions have not changed?*
Daily Prayer:  LORD, this is Your time!  We live in expectancy of all that You are bringing forth in the lives of Your children today.  Let understanding, obedience, and application come forth.  Holy Spirit, bring the darkness to light in each and every one of us.  Let Your children, who bear Your name live a distinctive life that honors Your Name.  The time is now LORD.  The time is now.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Would love to hear from you!  How will you apply this to your thinking/your life?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

He's Able

(You have to go to the website to hear the song)


Mark 9:49,50 (NKJV)
Tasteless Salt Is Worthless
49 “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. 50 Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”
Jesus used salt to illustrate 3 qualities that should be found in His people: (1) We should remember God's faithfulness, just as salt when used with a sacrifice recalled God's covenant with His people (Leviticus 2:13).  (2) We should make a difference in the "flavor" of the world we live in, just as salt changes meat's flavor (Matthew 5:13).  (3) We should counteract the moral decay in society, just as salt preserves food from decay.  When we lose this desire to "salt" the earth with the love and message of God, we become useless (hard word, but it's true) to Him.  We're called to stand out.  Not in a self-righteous, "God loves me, not you" type of way... But in a "Taste and See that the LORD is good," kind of way.  People won't know it, unless they see it in you and me.

This isn't necessarily just for the outside of us; it actually needs to begin within ourselves.
One way we can "Have salt within ourselves," is by living in peace.

PEACE: Definitions from for us.
  1. a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations.
  2. public order and security.
  3. cessation of or freedom from any strife or dissension.
  4. freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.
  5. a state of tranquillity or serenity.
  6. in a state or relationship of non-belligerence or concord; not at war. b.untroubled; tranquil; content.
  7. to maintain order; cause to refrain from creating a disturbance.
  8. to become reconciled with.
  9. to ask for or arrange a cessation of hostilities or antagonism.
Is there a peace within you?
If not, what are you allowing to disturb your peace?
Are you living in peace with others?  OR are you just ignoring them?
Are you actively pursuing peace?  OR are you pursuing more strife?

This is a hard one!  We, as people - we can be some difficult, harsh, hard to love individuals.  Yet, God still loves us.  So if He can, knowing all that we are, and all that we've done.  Can't we strive towards not reacting, but responding to one another from the motivation of love and peace?  No matter how hard the other individual makes it, "salt" up the situation with what God requires; instead of our own desires.

If you don't think you can do it, trust God to help you through it.  Add this to your prayers today.
Daily Prayer: Heaven Father, thank You.  For since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with You through our LORD Jesus Christ.  You are the God of peace, and as Your children - peace should dwell in us and live through us.  LORD, show each of us how we can be salt to this world.  Show us how we can live at peace with one another.  Work on the forgiveness we need to extend from our hearts, as I believe this is the main ingredient keeping us from a life of true peace.  Work on the trust in our hearts, for I believe this is another ingredient to the lack of peace in our lives.  LORD, You have clearly written out who You are for each and every  person.  Who You are is not a secret to us.  What You desire to do in and with our lives, is not a secret to us.  For You plainly tell us Your desires.  Forgive us for making it so complicated.  I pray that we choose to proclaim Your Name, and praise Your greatness.  You are the Rock, Your works are perfect and all Your ways are just.  You are a faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just You are.  There is no other god beside You.  You bring to life, you heal and no one can deliver out of Your hand.  Your Word is not idle, it is living and should be our life.  LORD, may we simply love and obey You; may we allow our faith and trust in You to grow beyond our limitations; may we live a life that honors You LORD; and may we be at peace.  If anything is different in us, may the peace that You bring to our lives shine brightly in this world and in our interaction with one another.  Surely it is You who loves the people.  In Your mighty Name, Jesus, we pray.  Amen (Romans 5,16; Philippians 4; Deuteronomy 32, 33).

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Please join TGN Daily in praying this prayer over my sister Crystal!

Today we will love God and what God loves, His wonderful daughter Crystal.  Thank You LORD, for her life.  Thank You LORD for being the God of her every circumstance.  We pray that Crystal sees every thing as an opportunity to see You.  We pray that she will overlook the inconveniences of the world, and thank You for every moment.  Let Crystal face this day with joy and courage; in celebration of the day You appointed for her birth.  Thank You LORD for Your kindness and favor toward Crystal.  If there is anything in Crystal that does not honor You, forgive her LORD and move her spirit to choose goodness.  May Crystal choose faithfulness in all her dealings, operating in love and integrity.  Thank You for the people that You have placed in her life LORD, may their friendships be in honor of the good God that they serve.  May the love that they share with one another, be a great example to this world of how to genuinely love one another.  Let this be a day of praise  and communion with You and Crystal.  Bless this day and every day of her life with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and fun.  For we rebuke the lie, You are the God who created fun and we can have a great time in You.  We pray that Crystal allows You to direct each and every step in her life.  Show her what You have given her the skills, talents, gifts and abilities to be successful in.  And thank You LORD, for restoration in Crystal’s life.  Bless her for being a blessing to others.  And just continue to show Your daughter how much You love her and know her.  Praise Your Holy Name, Jesus.  Amen.



Wednesday, March 24, 2010



And if you don't know the words, the lyrics are provided for you!
Mark 9:42-48 (NKJV)

Jesus Warns of Offenses
42 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. 43 If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched— 44 where
Their worm does not die
And the fire is not quenched.

45 And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched— 46 where
Their worm does not die
And the fire is not quenched.

47 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire— 48 where
Their worm does not die
And the fire is not quenched.

Now, before you go cutting off a part of your body or start to spread the false claim that Jesus wants us to harm ourselves.  Let me clearly tell you what the verses above are talking about:


What are you allowing to influence your thoughts, and desensitize your heart; to eventually lead you to sin?  Is it the people you keep around you?  Is it what you're watching on television?  Is it the music you're listening to?  Is it the books you're reading?  Is it the places you go? Is is the amount of drinks you drink?

Jesus' uses startling language to stress the importance of cutting sin out of our life completely.  With these strong words, Jesus described the serious and eternal consequences of sin.  To the Jews, worms and fire represented both internal and external pain.  Nothing could be worse.  Painful self-discipline is required of Jesus' true followers.  Giving up a relationship, job, or habit that is against (or leads you to act against) God's Will may seem just as painful as cutting off ahand - but it's worth it.  Our high goal is worth any sacrifice; Christ is worth any possible loss.  Nothing should stand in the way of faith; we have to eliminate what causes us to sin.

I'm free!  So I'm not embarrassed to share some of the things that I have currently implemented into my daily life: I cut off most of the television shows I use to watch (and I use to watch anything and everything), I rarely listen to the radio anymore (I usually have my XM radio on PRAISE, I even enjoy riding in the car without music sometimes--- CRAZY!!!), I don't hang or communicate with manypeople who I use to and getting drunk has not been a part of my lifestyle; I don't even desire a drink anymore.  Why?  Because I realized that each of these gradually (or sometimes immediately) led me to make the wrong decisions; or to accept perversion-and eventually, to the act of some sin.  

What has letting go of the above done for my life?  Well, I've learned that I'm not missing anything, that all of it was just a distraction to keep me off of purpose and to lower my self-image.  It has made more room for the Holy Spirit to regulate in my life.  It has changed my heart on many issues of life.  I experience joy like I've never experience joy before; in the good times and the rough times.  It has help me to focus my eyes on Jesus; and is consistently replacing my selfish nature, with selfless actions.  And trust me, my life is more exciting than it use to be, because God is directing it.  I'm by no means complete, there is much more that I have to change as I mature in Christ; but I just wanted to share what God has been working on, because if He is doing it forme - He wants to and can do it for you!

What is ONE thing that you will let go of today?

*don't try to do it all; just ONE thing.  What is one thing you can commit to changing today to start walking the path of eliminating sin from your life?

Another good thought from these verses:


Jesus cautions against harming little ones in the faith; but this also includes our peers and all other individuals in our life.  What we do individually as teachers and as examples, to what we allow to fester in our Christian fellowship are important influences; and should be seen as such.  If you haven't caught the theme for chapter 9, it is this: the motivation for our thoughts and actions.  They must be motivated by love.

We have a responsibility to confront flagrant sin within the body of believers.  It's a very fine line, so we have to be careful about judging others; but the world tells us to mind our own business; God teaches us to be accountable to one another.  All in love of course.  Again it boils down to your motivation and how you handle it.  Isolation and secrets are sure to keep us in sin.

I also have to encourage each of us to be open to listen to the words of the person who wants better from us and for us.  It's a heroic thing to risk unintentionally hurting a person's feelings and the relationship, in order to tell someone the Truth that will save their life.  Sometimes staying quiet is not the answer.  Be discerning of course, but it's so important for us to help one another.  We can't make it without God and we can't make it without loving each other.

Many of you don't want to hear this, and may ignore it.  But please be advised that it is better to miss out on all of the things that we enjoy, but are eternally bad for our spirit; than to miss out on a full, eternity-long and amazing relationship with God.   We must be ruthless in removing sin from our life now; there isn't any time to waste.  Make your choices from an eternal perspective.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, please direct  this word to rest in the hearts of everyone who reads it.  Let it plant a root in them that will produce good fruit.  I pray that we will each choose self-control today.  We are spiritual beings.  After this body is dead our spirits will soar.  I pray that we will refuse to allow what will rot, rule the eternal.  I pray that we will choose to be drunk only by joy.  I pray that we will be impassioned only by our faith.  I pray that we will be influenced only by You and taught only by Christ.  Through these I pray that we choose to commit our day to honoring You.  We praise you in advance for success.  If any of us fail, I pray that we seek your grace immediately and rebuke condemnation. For You are the lifter of our heads.  Thank You Jesus.  Amen.

Definition provided by



1. shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring: a flagrant error.
2. notorious; scandalous: a flagrant crime; a flagrant offender.
3. Archaic. blazing, burning, or glowing.

*Prayer: Max Lucado - When God Whispers Your Name

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We Can't Be Neutral For Jesus


Mark 9:38-41 (NKJV) *part 2*
emphasis on v. 40,41 Souled Out For Jesus
Jesus speaking to the disciples: 40 "For he who is not against us is on our side. 41 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward."
From Jesus' answer above, you may get the wrong impression.  Some may begin to think that simply being neutral, is OK with God.  Jesus is not saying that being indifferent or neutral toward Him is as good as being committed.  As He explained in Matthew 12:30, "Anyone who isn't helping me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me." (LASB).  In both cases, Jesus was pointing out the neutrality toward Him is not possible
In Jesus' eyes, whoever welcomes a child welcomes Jesus; just as giving a cup of cold water to a person in need is the same as giving an offering to God.  By contrast harming others or failing to care for them is a sin, even if they are unimportant people in the world's eyes - they are not unimportant to God.  Remember, our faith is revealed in our actions and the motives behind them.  Faith is not activated through neutrality. 
It is possible to be thoughtless, selfish people to gain a measure of worldly greatness, but lasting greatness is measured by God's standards.   Are you fired up for the everlasting?  I know, "forever, ever" is a hard Truth to grasp, but it is real and Jesus has given it to YOU.  Lasting greatness is where my eyes are focused, there is no neutral in me.  How about you?  Ask yourself, where are you hiding in the "neutral' spot?
Between the two, what do you use as your measure of greatness - personal achievement or unselfish service? 
In other words, YOU or God?

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, what a great day You have in store.  I call it great, because You have made this day and I am trusting You.  I'm standing on Your promises, and not the problems.  I'm living in your mercy and grace in kindness that You richly bless me with each and every moment of my day.  I'm expecting increase in every area, because it is Your wisdom that I'm choosing to guide me.  For through obedience, I can expect blessings.  Disobedience just opens the door to curses.  By Your Spirit, I am walking towards the God-sized vision that You have placed in me.  I will not serve You passively, but boldly - alone and before all the individuals - believers and non-believers - that You place before me.  I will not be neutral on Jesus.  I love You, my King.  Thank You for always loving me.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.


Monday, March 22, 2010

In Jesus' Name


Mark 9:38-41 (NKJV) *part 1*

The Disciples Forbid Another to Use Jesus' Name

38 Now John answered (Jesus), saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.”
39 But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. 40 For he who is not against us is on our side. 41 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward."

The disciples were jealous of a man who healed in Jesus' name because they were more concerned about their own group's position than in helping to free those troubled by demons. Whether, it's ego or ignorance; as believers, there are too many factors, such as affiliations and denomination that separate us.  The Name of Jesus should actually bring us together.

I was having dinner with a friend this weekend, I mentioned the owners of Chick-Fil-A and how I admired their business model because as a family, they are unafraid to share their faith in Jesus.  My friend's instant reaction, "He's Mormon!"

Do you see the error here?  I didn't know if they were Mormons that wasn't my point.   If you will read the below, you will see what my point was/is:

Famous for being closed on Sundays, in an interview with ABC News's Nightline, Dan Cathy (son of company owner S. Truett Cathy) told Vicki Mabrey; "He wanted he and his employees to spend time with family and worship."

Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy is a devout Christian who has taught Sunday School for over 51 years and whose religious beliefs permeate the company to this day. The company's official statement of corporate purpose says that the business exists "to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A." The chain invests heavily in community services (especially for children and teenagers) and scholarships. Cathy's beliefs are also responsible for one of the chain's distinctive features: All Chick-fil-A locations (company-owned and franchised, whether in a mall or freestanding) are closed on Sundays.

Our decision to close on Sunday was our way of honoring God and directing our attention to things more important than our business. If it took seven days to make a living with a restaurant, then we needed to be in some other line of work. Through the years, I have never wavered from that position.
—S. Truett Cathy 
Chick-fil-A has promoted religious groups via toys and CDs included in children's meals, much as movie studios promote new movies via McDonald's Happy Meal toys. These have ranged from including toys from the Christian television series VeggieTales in children's meals to including Financial Peace for Kids children's books by Christian financial guru Dave Ramsey and CDs from the Christian radio program Adventures in Odyssey, as children's meal incentives. The last show mentioned is produced by the radio division of Focus on the Family, and typically heard on Christian radio stations.

Chick-fil-A and Focus on the Family also have a history of cross-promotion. Chick-fil-A has also sponsored meetings by the group All Pro Dad; All Pro Dad is a group with affiliations with Focus on the Family via a group called Families First; Families First promotes a large number of conservative religious causes, including covenant marriage.

Chick-fil-A has also directly sponsored other religious campaigns. One of the groups sponsored by Chick-fil-A is Athletes in Action, a sports missionary arm of the Campus Crusade for Christ.
Another link between Chick-fil-A and religious groups includes promotion of National Bible Week. S. Truett Cathy is the chair of the National Bible Week Committee.

Truett Cathy is also heavily involved in the WinShape Foundation, a non-profit organization which was started in 1984 with its goal to "shape winners" by offering summer camps, retreats, foster care, and other services.

In New Jersey, they give support to Choices of the Heart.

Chick-fil-A received prime product placement in the 2008 Evangelical Christian produced Fireproof, in a scene in which the main character, working to save his troubled marriage, soothes his wife with the company's chicken noodle soup.

I'm not saying that the owners of Chick-fil-A are perfect, I don't know them- but that also, isn't the point.  None of us have it all correct-  there is no other Jesus (nor will there ever be).  But look what they are doing in the name of Jesus.  They are taking one of the strongest stands I've seen, in a very feasible way; that honors the God that we serve.  Ever since I saw the Nightline report I've been inspired by it.

When we refuse to associate with or judge Christians from other denominations because (1) other people or groups are not affiliated with our denomination, (2) their projects do not involve the kind of people with whom we feel most comfortable, (3) others don't do things the way we are used to doing things, or (4) our efforts won't receive enough recognition.  Correct theology is important but should never be an excuse to avoid helping people in need.

Being Baptist, non-denominational, Mormon, Catholic, Jehovah Witness or whatever denomination is no greater than the other.  Jesus' followers will not all resemble each other or belong to the same groups.  When the people who are on Jesus' side have the same goal of building up the Kingdom of God, they should not let their differences interfere with this goal.  Those who share a common faith in Christ should cooperate.  People don't have to be just like us to be following Jesus with us.  Let's get our focus off the wrong things.  God will deal with what is incorrect in each and every one of us.  Unity is key with believers; UNITY.  Satan loves that we separate over the most insignificant reasons. What any of us get wrong will be addressed by God's Spirit within us- for God deals with our hearts (rebuke will be administered-for false teachers will not last);  and by Jesus Himself when we meet Him face to face.

Daily Prayer:  Jesus, bring Your people together.  To work together for the purposes of Your Kingdom, loving You and one another.  That's it!  LORD, correct the lies, falsehoods, and incorrect information that we have received and are living on.  Help us to join together under the same Word and Your true Spirit.  I thank You LORD, for each and every person who believes in You.  For You are great and worthy to be praised; and how blessed are those who have accepted You into their lives.  May they build goodness upon the Truth that You instill in us and live a life geared toward pleasing our Heavenly Father.  I rebuke all false teachers, seeking to destroy Your children and Your Kingdom.  They have no power and cannot stand against the blood of Christ.  Let us remember to test and prove EVERYTHING by the Word of God.  In Your Mighty Name, amen.

*Chick-fil-A info found:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What is Your Role in the Lives of Children?


Mark 9:33-37 (NKJV) *part 2*

Children emphasis v. 36,37

 36 Then (Jesus) took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, 37 “Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.”


Jesus taught the disciples to welcome children.  This was a new approach in a society where children were usually treated as second-class citizens.  It is important not only to treat children well, but also to teach them about Jesus.  Children are smart little people, who deserve our full efforts.  Don't waste the children's time;  Teach.

A friend of mine shared her heart with me the other day, regarding her son and I find it appropriate to share with you in regards to the Word today.  One day this month her son was in pain and he asked her to pray for him.  She was so honored that her8-years-old son, called for prayer.  That he trusted prayer; meaning he trusted God to take away the pain.  Many adults don't even do this; yet, how awesome is it that this little boy knows the importance of prayer.  

She also shared how this month, she noticed that when he prayed over their dinner that he said "In Jesus' Name, amen."  She was so thankful to God that her sonknew the importance of Jesus.  How awesome is this?  This comes from a parent living her relationship with God with her child, and teaching her child the Word.

This isn't predicting that her son will never make mistakes, but God doesn't say that it won't.  God says train a child in the way that he/she should go, and when he/she is old they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6), meaning even when he makes mistakes - he'll have the Word to turn to for repentance and correction.
I find it too cool to hear this report from my friend because in a world where children are using sex at the age of 10 years old (this is the most recent account I've heard), and listening to songs about "birthday sex"; the time is now to take our children back for God.  Whether we're parents or not, it is our responsibility to lay the Rock as foundation in their lives.

I'll share one more testimony, another friend was so impressed that her 13-years-old son decided on his own that he was going to fast for God.  Again, this only comes from watching the examples in his life, and being taught in the way oflove - the way of our living God.

My hope is to have more parents in my life (including myself) share in this godly joy.  Let's plant hope in our kids for the future;and not destruction and despair.

Daily Prayer:  LORD, reveal to each of us how we can be the most effective in sharing You with the children in our lives.  LORD, I pray that we do not become weary of planting Your seed within their hearts so that they can have a relationship with You.  I rebuke the judgments on our youth that we have allowed to become a barrier between "us" and "them."  I pray that their peers become bolder for Christ and begin to minister to one another; emphasizing Your Greatness; instead of the sin that plagues their lives.  Thank You LORD, for loving the children.  I pray that each of us, do our part in showing Your love to them in our efforts, time and relationships with them; pursuing pure, mentoring relationships with them.   I pray that as adults, that we're more genuinely proactive, instead of reactive in their lives.  Father, show us how to become better and more responsible parents.  Help us to become encouragers and gentle restorers as siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, God-parents, friends of the family.  It is our responsibility.  We should not be ignoring Your children  I declare the healing of Your children; I pray that abuse, perversion and neglect is replaced with Your Holiness, Your Love, Your Son.  In His Name, we pray.  Amen.


my favorite part is when she says "no" LOL- too cute!

Friday, March 19, 2010


→IT'S TIME TO PRAY... go right ahead, you can do it!

Mark 9:33-37 (NKJV)

Who is the Greatest?

33 Then (Jesus) came to Capernaum. And when He was in the house He asked them, “What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?” 34 But they kept silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves who would be the greatest. 35 And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” 36 Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, 37 “Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.

The disciples, caught up in their constant struggle for personal success, were embarrassed to answer Jesus' question.  It is always painful to compare our motive with Christ's. I believe this is what the Holy Spirit is calling us to look at today: OUR MOTIVES. 

If Jesus asked you the  questions below today, would you be embarrassed to answer?  Let's check them out...

What are your motives in your life? 

What drives you to do what you do each and every day?

What are your motives in taking this faith walk with Jesus?

What is your motive for going/or not going to church?

What are your motives for praying?

What are your motives for fasting?

What are your motives in reading TGN (or any daily email)? 

What are your motives in sending that person that email forward?

What are your motives in being kind to someone? 

What are your motives in being rude to someone else?

What are your motives in dressing in the morning? 

What are your motives in speaking to others? 

What are you motives at work? 

What are your motives for and towards your family (your kids)?

What are your motives in staying with that man/woman?

What are your motives in pursuing that man/woman?

What are your motives in business? 

What are your motives?

Today, I challenge each of us to really know what are motives are in doing all that we do.  I want us to come to a full understanding of where our ambitions are leading us.  Are our ambitions pushing obedience, service, love and care to one side and allowing selfishness to reign?  Selfishness is our human nature but it is NOT of God. We all need God's help and grace in this matter.  Trust me we cannot handle it on our own.  This is why it is time to bring this before God; admit it; repent of it; ask for forgiveness; accept our forgiveness; and be obedient to the changes God wants to make in us. 

When ambition pushes obedience and service and love and care to one side and allows selfishness to reign, it becomes sin.  Pride or insecurity can cause us toover-value all of the wrong things, such as position and prestige; whatever makes SELF look good.  In God's Kingdom, such motives are destructiveThe only safe ambition is directed toward Christ, not our own advancement.

Let me type that again:  The only safe ambition is directed toward Christ, not our own advancement. We have to check our motives often, because they are so easy to cover up; they easily become apart of us.  If they are not godly motives they will destroy us.  I don't care how good your life might seem to be, withoutGod - it is not worth it.  For He is worth everything!  Give Him all of you, today, lets start with those motives!
Be encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daily Prayer:  Heavenly Father I come before You, laying my motives at the altar to be fully checked by You.  LORD, where have I taken my eyes off of You and placed them on something/someone else, or even on myself.  LORD break me where I have pride and move me to long forbrokenness .  For a proud heart keeps running into the same obstacles, and is defeated again and again.  But a broken heart victoriously conquers new ground daily.  Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, andlead me along the path of everlasting life.  For I long to be with You.   Show me how to focus on You in order to be lead by you in all that I do.  In themighty mighty mighty, everlasting Name of Jesus.  Amen (Psalm 139).

This is a song that speaks to my heart all of the time!!!  I hope it speaks to your today!  God loves you so much!

Micah Stampley - Take my life (Holiness)
Uploaded by wanzea. - See the latest featured music videos.

Sorry about that bad cut at the end.  I couldn't locate a better version.

*Prayer Reference: The Invisible  Bond -Barbara Wilson

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Are You Afraid Of?

→Prayerfully seek the LORD to give you His heart and mind when reading the Word.

Mark 9:30-32 (NKJV) *part 2*
emphasis v. 31,32

The Disciples Were Afraid To Ask Jesus

31 For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.” 32 But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.


Why were the disciples afraid to ask Jesus about His prediction of His death?  Perhaps it was because the last time they reacted to Jesus' sobering words - Peter was scolded (8:32,33).  Perhaps it was ego.  How many of us have remained silent when we didn't understand something, (more often than less) because we didn't want to appear stupid OR we think we should already know the answer?

Let's also look at it from the view of the disciples.  Let's not forget that God had not given them the understanding of what Jesus was saying to them.  So, in their minds, Jesus seemed morbidly preoccupied with death.  Also, they didn't totally understand the Kingdom of God.  They may have had questions like, "How can Jesus bring this Kingdom if He is dead?"

But they didn't say a word.  I can't guess what Jesus would have said if someone would have asked Him what He meant by these predictions; but from His history - Jesus usually answered the disciples when they asked questions.  Why weren't they bold enough to ask?

So I propose this question to you.  What are you afraid to ask?  What understanding do you need, but you won't ask for?  What help do you need, that you won't ask for out of fear?  What are you afraid to ask of or from Jesus?  Are you afraid to ask FOR Jesus?

I want to encourage you to shake loose the fear that is holding you back in your life.  Fear will get you no where.  Be bold in claiming the freedom that Christ has set us free for!  We only gain this promise of freedom by believing in Jesus.  My friends, do you believe?  All of this is just gibberish to you if you don't!  And you're missing greatness.  I don't want any of you to miss out, because God doesn't want any of you to miss out. Let's break through the fear!!!

Check out Galatians chapters 3,4,5 to get more insight on our freedom!

King James Bible 2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

For any Star Wars fans, Yoda makes it plain for us


Daily Prayer:  Because of You, Jesus and our faith in You, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence.  I pray that Your children are delivered right now from any fear that is living in their hearts, and keeping them from their full godly potential - even in the small issues of life.  For I pray that each and every one of us fully expect and hope that we will never be ashamed, but that we will continue to be bold for Christ. And that we trust our Heavenly Father in using our lives to bring honor to Christ.  I pray that with the great gifts, talents and abilities that You have given each of us, that we boldly and without hindrance and compromise, live  and preach the Kingdom of God and teach about our Lord Jesus Christ.  (Philippians 1:20; Ephesians 3:12; Acts 28:31).

♥ Thank You C. Robinson, your page led me to this Yoda clip.  I would have used the rap, but wanted to keep it short.  xoxo

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spiritual Discipline

Please begin with your own personal prayer; set the atmosphere for you and God.
Mark 9:30-32 (NKJV)

Jesus Again Predicts His Death and Resurrection

30 Then they departed from there and passed through Galilee, and
(Jesus) did not want anyone to know it. 31 For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.” 32 But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.


At times, Jesus limited His public ministry in order to train His disciples in-depth.  He knew the importance of equipping them to carry on when He returned to Heaven.  It takes time to learn.  Spiritual growth isn't instant, regardless of the quality of experience or teaching.  If even the disciples needed to lay aside their work periodically in order to learn from the Master, how much more do we need to alternate working and learning?

One of the examples that Jesus demonstrates to us through His time with the disciples, is the benefit of fellowship in small groups.  And not just hanging out, but coming together to actually learn the Word of God with one another.  I got involved in my first "Life Group" when I was about 22 years old; and I benefited greatly from it.  To join together with a group of women, of all ages, from different life experiences, with different careers; to talk about the Word and life according to the Word - even our mistakes...  Well, it was life changing.  It helped me mature in ways that I would never had experienced at that age.  It was another way to keep God and His Word real in my life.  It was the opportunity to really see people living a life for God.  And I thank God for the honesty and stories shared; because we learn a great amount from shared struggles and testimonies - we also gain freedom from secrets that the enemy tried to keep us ashamed of.

As many of you know TGN, began a life group this year!  Praise God!  And I can only speak for myself, but it is already changing and developing something new and godly in my life from sharing this time with some of the subscribers (fellow believers) on this distribution.  From new believers, to those of us who have been going to church for a while; I observe that we're all learning from one another in the TGN Life Group.  And again I thank God for this; it was His idea and He truly is genius! 

For the last 2 years, I've made it a priority to keep a good amount of my time with people who apply the Word.  For instance, over a year ago, a former neighbor and now great friend of mine in New York, started a weekly Bible Study, and we still keep it up via phone - because our mutual desire is to be increased in the Kingdom of God.  My family just started a monthly Bible Study to keep our family encouraged in the Word; it's just getting started but I know it's bringing power to our family.  I've stayed in consistently fellowship over (first through real letters, now) email with someone I've known since I was 8; we've lifted one another in the Word and prayer for many, many years now.  I'm even blessed enough to work for a believer, where my faith is supported and I can shout out God any time I please. 

I say all this not to brag, but to stress that we're not meant to do this alone. I say all of this to stress that God is offering opportunities to fellowship in Him with one another - ALL OF THE TIME!  Not just to me, but to each one of us. 

What is He presenting to you?

You don't have to jump into everything; but I'm sure that there is a need in you right now, that fellowship with other believers will fill.  The things I listed above are just some of the ways God has blessed me and I'm thankful that I took hold of each opportunity in order to allow the Word to come to life for me and in me.  This is how I implement it and get myself held lovingly accountable to it.  This is what God would like to build for you!

A great spiritual discipline, is doing as Jesus did.  One of His disciplines was to get away with a small group of believers and fellowship in the Word; reading and learning from it together.  It doesn't have to be a church structured Bible Study; it could be a small group gathering at the beach, at the Starbucks on the corner, in your living room over Cheetos; I'm confident the Holy Spirit will lead it, if He's calling you to it.  Just listen to His voice.  Reading daily emails from TGN, Rev Run, Joel Osteen,TGIF, daily forwards (that curse you if you don't forward them - so annoying!) and so on are not going to do it!  They're helpful and encouraging, and sometimes right on time with the Message you need, but they are not enough.  God put us here to go through this life together.  Our people time can't be all work, clubs, bars and lounges.  It can't all be about us or all about making money.  Our time with one another should center around God; and sync up with lives that are focused on Jesus.

Daily Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father for the believers that You have placed in my life.  From those relationships that only lasted a season, to those only there for a reason, to the many who have lasted a life time.  It is so awesome to be with them, talk to them and have Your Name exalted in it all.  You are so good LORD.  I thank You for every relationship in the past, present and future - with believers and non-believers; where I have learned more about the importance of serving and honoring You.  I thank You for being a God involved in every detail of my life, and that You direct my fellowship.  I desire to seek and get involved only by Your leading.  LORD, please show me when I am ignoring You and choosing my own way; for I rebuke rebellion from my mind, body and spirit - for rebellion is evil.  And the Holy Spirit lives in me.  Light and dark cannot co-exist.  Because You love us LORD, You have chosen us to accept Your Son, to live and fellowship with one another.  For isolation leads to death; Your Word says, it is not good for man (a person) to be alone.  The LORD my God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen

How will The Good News help you today?
♥ Thank You to L.Nias for sharing the picture above with me.