Another night at this horrible club.
It was a hip-hop studded affair. T.I. performed. I love T.I.!
Kevin Liles came out
Cassidy on the Mac 1s and 2s
Beyonce and Jay chillin in the VIP
Jeezy on the floor
Buttah was my favorite surprise of the night- Hoodfab!
Nelly was there, and Jezzy called out Bow Wow-though I never saw him, I believe he got booed...
Wale got on the stage to perform...
Jay wrapped it up with the "My President is Black" remix
I wish I had a white arrow to point out the horrible bouncer in the club that night who had the nerve to push me like a man, when I a credentialed guest was trying to get back to the space MY COMPANY paid for after using the restroom. He's the bald head one right next to the curtain. I wanted to throw down with this guy, who's not a man for pushing a lady the way he did. He even had the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't be moving in and out. Well, Mr. "genius" Bouncer, How do I get to the restroom? I tell you NEVER AGAIN will I go to LOVE in DC. I don't think every club is bad but many sure are desperate. There is a place I will visit again if I'm ever in DC in the future but that's another blog for you. 
Another irritation about the above picture is all of those people who KNOW they do not have access to the VIP area are trying to get in. If people would just accept their place in life- things would work out better. This female who came with us, lost her purse at the end of the night because of 2 things. 1) all the groupies let into our VIP section that shouldn't have been there. 2) She was one of the people who had to be in the most VIP section, with the artists and did everything she could to get in there. She sure was worried about her purse when I saw her on the stage dancing. the word here is PRIORITIES... What are yours?
Overall the performances were great! But then 4a rolled around and people got more belligerent. Girls with their butts in the guys' crotches. It was so gross to witness. And I'm ashamed for any of the times I have ever behaved this way. If you want to have sex, go home and do it because you look gross on the dance floor grinding and not dancing. Ewwww! Seeing this nasty behavior truly makes me never want to drink again! Being around groupies is the worse surrounding. Male and female groupies. Just booo! It was funny to catch one girl throwing down with this female bouncer. She latched on to her like a cat. I wish I had a shot to share with you about that. I was just observing people. This one lame white guy tried to give a bouncer a coffee gift card to get into the VIP section. The bouncers laughed so hard. Who does that? Points for creativity anyone?
The men in this club also confirmed why I'm not so interested in black men. And it's not because I hate who I am or my people. I'm just not attracted to a majority of them. If you're a Barack-well, that's different. But so many of the ones that come on to me, are not! They don't even aspire to be anything. The ones I encounter are the rudest, filthy minded individuals ever. And they always invade my personal space. Doing anything they can to appease their ego. And please note, it's not everyone but the ones I've encountered. For example, this large black man had the nerve to rub up on my breast, I didn't notice at first because I thought I was being pushed up against him, but when I realized. He had the nerve to smile, laugh and try to hug me like it was all right. This man was literally molesting and violating me. How gross. He even had the nerve to say "I thought you would enjoy that massage. NASTY! I've never been treated like that from any other men of other nationalities. Not saying that any is better. But black men have by far been the worse in my life. Some of the blame are the women; they allow this behavior because (I don't care how you spin it) THEY DON'T RESPECT THEMSELVES. Because when you know who you are in God, you don't tolerate or look for this type of treatment and disrespect from men.
And what's horrible is that, the world is going to get worse than this... How horrible is that thought?
By the end of the night, the only thing I could think was how I couldn't wait to go home! Looking at what surrounded me, made me think that people really can't be mad at the stereotypes that others give. Because there are many people who will continue to act ignorantly and think it's cute. I wish people would aspire to more, to be more, to want more of what's good... that's my hope for us. But my greatest disappointment of the night was not seeing Michael Phelps. He was suppose to be there. I don't think you can miss him LOL.
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