Thursday, March 19, 2009

Responsibility to lead

Due to travel I was unable to get this out to you yesterday.

PRAYER: Thank You for this day dear LORD.  Show me how to experience this day and every day with full expectancy of what You have set out for me.  Show me how to remove the fear from my heart and operate in full boldness and on the security of Your Word.  You are an awesome God.  I trust You with my heart, my soul, my life, with everything.  Thank You LORD for caring about each and every one of Your children.  How good you are!  In Jesus' name, amen.

MATTHEW 18:1-9 part 2

(Jesus) And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! "

Do you know, once you accept Jesus Christ into Your heart as Your LORD and Savior that you have a responsibility?  Yes, we do.  We have a responsibility to obey God, and in obeying God we are taught the correct way to live.  None of God's Word is Null.  We can not pick and choose the parts we want to follow and ignore the rest.  This is not how it works with God.  If He said it, He meant it and He wants us to follow it.  Why we can't get it, is beyond me.  Leading another person to sin is one of the worst things we can do.  Please be conscious of your decisions in life because someone is watching you.  Someone respects the decisions you make.  And will follow your lead.  We do that as humans.  As you long for great mentors and wise friends.  Those in your life desire and require the same.  Let's get responsible ladies and gents.  Responsibility doesn't mean less fun, it means wisdom.  And wisdom bring life!  


SXSW- Day 1

So I'm in Austin for the first time in my life!  I was nervous before I got here, stepping into the unknown all by myself.  That's what I hate about traveling for work because I rather enjoy the fun stuff I get to do with people I honestly hang out with.  But this is when God shows Himself.  I had such a great time on day 1 of it all.

I landed and headed to the hotel with the most friendliest cab driver.  I tell you I get to know more strangers than anyone I know.  People tend to just talk to me.  I know she was born in Argentina, grew up in midlands, came to Austin to party and 25 years later she was still there and doesn't plan to leave. Her family worked in oil.  She owned her dodge that was the cab we were driving in, because those regular cabs were like boats for her.  She was great as my welcome to Austin.

Next, I made it to the lovely hotel.  Where everything just flowed.  No problems.  I didn't have to wait for my room even when check in was at 3p and I arrived at 12something.  And did I tell you that on the plane my card didn't work to buy 4 Christmases (a hilarious movie- I fall for Vince's characters every time!) and the flight attendant told me he would just charge me a drink.  Well when I asked about charging me for the drink at the end of the flight (I didn't want to cheat them, even though in my heart I knew he was just going to give me the movie free-but my spirit told me it was right to mention it).  And that's exactly what happened.  He said, "Don't worry about it."  I pray that he's blessed for blessing me.

Now I wasn't wearing anything special yesterday, my most comfortable airport outfit.  Leggings with boots and a loose shirt dress.  This must have been hot because I received so much attention from the men in the airport, on my flight and walking the streets of Austin.  And it was different from the type of attention I receive in New York that makes me feel gross.  It was complimentary and sort of cute because all these guys didn't know what to say.  I can't describe it.  It was interesting to experience and nice.

I didn't think it would be THIS hot in Austin.  And it's not that hot but compared to New York- it's a 100 dried heat degrees.  I had so many breaks at my hotel room as I went from show to show,  picking up badges and getting lost (of course).  Some of the bands I checked out yesterday Twin Atlantic, Chef, The Temper Trap and Fools Gold.  My fav- The Temper Tat.  They are a great dance/rock band.  Some of the celebs in the house to check them out at Dirty Dog Bar were Perez (if you call him a celebrity- he looks sickly by the way; the way you look when you're not losing the weight correctly..but who knows), Joseph Gordon Levitt (I think that's his name from 3rd Rock from the sun- he has an appeal in person), and Meiko.

I met up with some great new contacts and hopefully new friends.  And just really enjoyed myself.  I met this guy through a new friend and we hung out in the lobby talking- getting to know one another after leaving the Four Seasons.  Initially, he's not my type at all.  I think he's 40 (something maybe), jewish, divorcee, and a father of 7 year old twins.  But I enjoyed talking to him and this is me trying to give making different choices and taking chances a chance.  We're staying at the same hotel, so after 3a we went up on the elevator together and he tried to kiss me.  The look on my face had to be priceless and offensive unfortunately.  But I didn't mean it that way.  The old me would have kissed him.  But the new me is like "you have to get to know me a little more, I need to get to know you before I go there."  I'm over giving away my "goodies" LOL too quickly.  I found an email this morning saying how he didn't mean to offend me, that he enjoyed talking to me and hoped to hang with me again.  I told him I was flattered not offended and would definitely hang again.  What do you think?  The door isn't closed, the train just isn't moving on express.

Forgive me, I had my camera on me but didn't want to take it out for some reason.  I'll be more conscious about doing it today.

To another wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

PRAYER: Hallelujah LORD, the highest praise we offer up unto You.  You are so worthy of ALL of the praise.  Thank You Father.  Thank You for being with me through this life's journey.  You said, You will never leave me nor forsake me; and I believe it and I am so thankful to Your promise.  LORD, thank You for this new day.  Don't ever let us take advantage of the blessing of waking up every morning.  There are times we don't want to get up and out of bed, please forgive each of us for our ungratefulness, if any lives within our hearts in regard to each day of life that You have given to us.  Let us use this day and every day purposefully, according to Your Will and not our own.  Remind us that though we are able to live in access of all of Your benefits and blessings, that it's not about us.  It's about You.  Bringing a living Savior to a dying world.  I rebuke distractions in every form and I ask that You change our hearts to place You, Your Word and prayer as priority in EVERY area of our lives.  Thank You for being SO GOOD!  I love You, LORD.  In the name of Your Son, Jesus.  Amen.

MATTHEW 18:1-9 part 1

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things much come, but woe to the man through whom they come! If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands and two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."

The disciples asked  "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"  because they had just finished arguing over which of them would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Mark 9:33,34).  It's very important that we don't judge the disciples because their thinking is still present in our thinking today.  People are always wondering who is the greatest, who has the power, who do I have to suck up to; ultimately to get what they want, be recognized, treated exclusively and special.  Jesus used a child to help his self-centered disciples get the point.  We are not to be childish, like the disciples arguing over petty, irrelevant issues but childlike, with humble and sincere hearts.  The disciples had become so preoccupied with the organization of Jesus' earthly kingdom that they had lost sight of its divine purpose.  Instead of seeking a place of service, they sought positions of advantage.  It is easy to lose our eternal perspective and compete for promotions or status in this world.

Children know that they need their parents, they are trusting by nature.  We should know that we NEED our Heavenly Father.  We NEED to trust Him and His Word.  It's difficult for many people to identify with children-dependent, with no status or influence.  But dependency on God makes us strong.  I can admit the ONLY one that gets me through the day and through every thing in my life, from bad to good-is God.  I honestly do not know what I would do without Him.


Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15

Notes from Life Application Study Bible & NIV Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition.  Definitions from the New Oxford American Dictionary

Monday, March 16, 2009


are no good to keep.  What freedom you receive in letting things out of the bag.  You give the devil power when what you are keeping in the dark, should be brought to light.

This year it isn't no more drama (I've been let that go)... it is No more secrets!  Sho' nuff!

Christ's Ambassadors

There are many things that get us off track, but the good thing is that God is always there to lead you back.  
Note: The last Good News in Matthew was February 16th (just realized exactly a month ago) on Jesus speaking of his resurrection.

PRAYER: LORD we are waiting on a Word from You.  We want and need Your guidance.  Thank You for calling us to prepare for a visitation from You.  A holy, exciting and purposeful visitation from You.  It's so special and amazing to be called by the Great Almighty and Only God.  Speak to us LORD, let Your Will be done on this earth as it is in Heaven.  Use us LORD!   Direct our prayers to be more purposeful and according to Your Will and not just request for our needs. Hallelujah!  You are so close.  Thank You for loving us LORD, loving us so much that even though we make mistakes, we can come to You for forgiveness.  No questions asked, just pure forgiveness and a change of heart.  To live our life in purpose that honors and worships You.  We trust You LORD, and where we are lacking in trust, show us.  This is the time!  There is no better time than NOW for each of us to come correct.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

MATTHEW 17: 23-28

After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax came to Peter and asked, "Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?"
"Yes, he does, " he replied. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think Simon (a.k.a. Peter)?" he asked. "From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes--from their own sons or from others?"
"From others," Peter answered.
"Then the sons are exempt," Jesus said to him. "But so that we may not offend them, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours."

In this time, all Jewish males had to pay a Temple tax to support the service of the Temple (Exodus 30:11-16).  When Peter was asked this question by the tax collectors-Peter, as usual, answered the question without really knowing the answer, putting Jesus and the disciples in an awkward position.  We all get put in this situation.  Speaking way too quickly before we think.  It is ok to say "I don't know" instead of lying, even unintentionally.  Jesus used this situation, however, to emphasize His kingly role.  Just as kings pay no taxes and collect none from their family, Jesus, the King, owed no taxes.  But Jesus supplied the tax payment for both Himself and Peter rather than offend those who didn't understand His Kingship.  Although Jesus supplied the tax money, Peter had to go and get it.  Ultimately all that we have comes to us from God's supply, but He wants us to be active in the process.  Please understand, waiting on the LORD, does not mean to do nothing.  Your prayer life should be active, you should be living in full obedience, the Word should be your guide, your life and mind should be on God-not yourself.  And in this He will lead you to where you need to be.  But if you're concentrating only on yourself, waiting to hear this BIG voice from heaven.  You will be waiting for a long time.

As God's people, we are foreigners on earth because our loyalty is (or should be) always to our real King-Jesus.  Still we have to cooperate with the authorities and be responsible citizens.  An ambassador to another country keeps the local laws in order to represent well the one who sent him.  We are Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20).  Are you being a good foreign ambassador for Him to this world?

If you don't consider yourself a foreigner, if you look and act exactly like the people who don't know Jesus or don't serve God; You are way too comfortable with sin and NEED to check your relationship with God.  Now is the time to do it.  You can't get all of your sinning out of the way and then come to God.  He wants YOU now!  Just the way you are with a heart full of repentance (heart of change).  "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." John the Baptist.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I don't know about you, but I've been thinking a lot lately.  About everything, past and current decisions.; the activities I have taken part in; the work I've been involved in; what I've had interest in; people I have chosen to bring into my life; how I've allowed certain people to treat me...  I mean everything, I've been thinking about everything.  I'm no longer taking things lightly.  Everything has meaning.  When someone says, "I didn't mean anything by it" it's a lie.  The meant something, most of the time they didn't think you were going to get it.

I wouldn't call this position I am in- a crossroads.  Because I know where I'm going.  The decisions have been made in many areas of my life.  There's no turning back now, I'm trusting God to the fullest, no matter what!  I would call this position "days before graduation."  I am being promoted to another level in life and I'm filled with the excitement, anticipation, impatience, glee, and more in the days to come.

I'm doing my best to make bold, precise moves via instruction from my LORD and Savior.  I don't have it all figured out, but He does.  And I am grateful that every day I gain encouragement, vision, correction, and love.

God is really good!  If you don't believe that, you're honestly missing out.

Sunday Prayer- Ephesians 5

We're back!  My computer is now fixed by only the GRACE of God.  I give Him all the glory.  And I'm happy to be back on track with the Word in accordance of The Good News.  I am always reading the Word, I cannot live without it.  Below is a prayer from PRIME TIME WITH GOD, that I wanted to encourage you to pray today.

We continue in the book of Matthew tomorrow morning.

Sunday's Prayer 
Dear God, I desire to do as your Word instructs, and let "no corrupt word proceed from my mouth, but only what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." I do not want to "grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom I was sealed for the day of redemption." I pray that I will "let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from me. And I want to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as You in Christ Jesus forgave me. Oh that I would always be an imitator of You as a dear child. May I walk in love, as a child of light, finding what is acceptable to you." Please forgive me of my failures in these areas and help me to do better. I want to please you and be more like Jesus.Thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen. (in part from Ephesians 5)

Much love-

Monday, March 9, 2009

Explanation and more

Hello there-

I owe you all an explanation of my lack of blogging the last week. My Mac computer and the Safari function has been tripping. It takes forever for it to load and then it continuously crashes when I try to switch sites. Last night was the best it worked since this problem began but it was after 2a when I decided to blog a little that I had to force myself to sleep for the undesired work day today. The Good News and this blog are 2 commitments that I want to remain faithful to, so please forgive the scarcity of it all. I hope that you have remained faithful in the Word. The best thing to learn from this is to not depend on people for your daily fill of God's Word-my goal is to encourage and teach you to dig deeper in the Word on your own. So that when I miss a beat (or several) you're not at a lost.

Well lets catch up! I want to say that not much as been happening, but lots has. It's a very weird time for me right now. Not a horrible place- just a weird one. As I've been discussing- I'm cleaning house, in regards to people, my apartment, bills, and just the clutter in my mind. It's definitely time for this. I'm stepping out making bold moves in every direction. Making sure I have the right motives in all that I do and all that I'm hoping for. I'm learning so much, that sometimes it fills like I can't retain it all. And I don't know about you but once I learn something I want to get out there and use it- but sometimes the world isn't ready for it or maybe I'm not. Is this ramble of thoughts making any kind of sense? If not, it's a true story that I'm in a weird place. It's hard to describe being excited, hopeful, dreadful at times (that I've now proclaimed I will never be again), irritated a lot of the time, having plenty moments of revelations and moments where you just want to escape. Can we say weird place? And what's really real, is that I'm holding so much in that I would like to burst and yell it all into the universe, but I can't.

I'm praying a lot more. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't. But speaking aloud to God and letting Him hear- not just relying on the fact that He's all-knowing. But knowing He wants to hear from me, I talk it out.

I'm trying to become less busy and in freeing up my time... I would love to get certain things accomplish. I don't know how many dinners a girl can have. Am I the only one that goes straight home ONCE a week. My weekends are getting ridiculous as well. "This can't be my real life!" As Tish would say. I'm totally skipping my plans tonight, to just go HOME. Hopefully I will get The Good News back on track for you.

thanks for reading this rant of thoughts.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pray some moore...

Hi-This was suppose to go out yesterday for Sunday Prayer, but someone selfishly accommodated the internet to their computer only...  LORD, please help me!  May this prayer serve you well!

Heavenly Father, thank You for this day.  This day is good because You made it.  This day is good because You are with me every second of it.  Your presence in my life is the first thing I'm grateful for, because I don't know what I would do without You.  Do a good work in me and through me LORD.  I give myself 100% to Your plan, for Your glory and honor.  Remind me that it is always about You-no matter my plans or what I'm going through.  It's about You!  And as Your child, I only benefit from serving You.  Thank You for the peace over my life, thank You for the favor and the blessing to be able to live in great expectancy of what my King will do in my life.  Thank You for correction and mercy.  Thank You for loving me.  Show me specificly what I am to do today to serve a need in someone else's life.  In Jesus' name I pray, amen.