Monday, March 9, 2009

Explanation and more

Hello there-

I owe you all an explanation of my lack of blogging the last week. My Mac computer and the Safari function has been tripping. It takes forever for it to load and then it continuously crashes when I try to switch sites. Last night was the best it worked since this problem began but it was after 2a when I decided to blog a little that I had to force myself to sleep for the undesired work day today. The Good News and this blog are 2 commitments that I want to remain faithful to, so please forgive the scarcity of it all. I hope that you have remained faithful in the Word. The best thing to learn from this is to not depend on people for your daily fill of God's Word-my goal is to encourage and teach you to dig deeper in the Word on your own. So that when I miss a beat (or several) you're not at a lost.

Well lets catch up! I want to say that not much as been happening, but lots has. It's a very weird time for me right now. Not a horrible place- just a weird one. As I've been discussing- I'm cleaning house, in regards to people, my apartment, bills, and just the clutter in my mind. It's definitely time for this. I'm stepping out making bold moves in every direction. Making sure I have the right motives in all that I do and all that I'm hoping for. I'm learning so much, that sometimes it fills like I can't retain it all. And I don't know about you but once I learn something I want to get out there and use it- but sometimes the world isn't ready for it or maybe I'm not. Is this ramble of thoughts making any kind of sense? If not, it's a true story that I'm in a weird place. It's hard to describe being excited, hopeful, dreadful at times (that I've now proclaimed I will never be again), irritated a lot of the time, having plenty moments of revelations and moments where you just want to escape. Can we say weird place? And what's really real, is that I'm holding so much in that I would like to burst and yell it all into the universe, but I can't.

I'm praying a lot more. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't. But speaking aloud to God and letting Him hear- not just relying on the fact that He's all-knowing. But knowing He wants to hear from me, I talk it out.

I'm trying to become less busy and in freeing up my time... I would love to get certain things accomplish. I don't know how many dinners a girl can have. Am I the only one that goes straight home ONCE a week. My weekends are getting ridiculous as well. "This can't be my real life!" As Tish would say. I'm totally skipping my plans tonight, to just go HOME. Hopefully I will get The Good News back on track for you.

thanks for reading this rant of thoughts.

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