PRAYER (via CCC): Father, give me a steadfast and persistent spirit that delights in talking and communing with You all day, every day. Jesus commanded His disciples to always pray and not to give up in Luke 18:1. Show me how to pray continually to You (1 Thessalonians 5:17). In the name of Your loving Son, Jesus. Amen.
MATTHEW 18:15-20 part 2
(Jesus speaking to His disciples; emphasis on v. 16) "But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' "
It is truly important to know what's in the Bible. Many people think what was established in the Old Testament doesn't apply to us today. This is a lie from the enemy. Why would God do that? Just think about that. All of God's Word applies to us. In this verses Jesus reminds His disciples of a law that was established in the Old Testament; that "every matter my be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." If you will turn your Bible to Deuteronomy 19:15, the same law was established and it continues to apply to us today.
For this specific law of the testimony of 2/3 witnessed and in applying it to our lives today; when we're looking to find out the truth about something, we should never rely on the words of one person. No matter how good of friend they are, they may not have the best intentions for the situation. You want facts not opinions. So speaking to 2/3 people who know the facts is good in drawing a sound conclusion. For example, you find out someone is spreading lies about you behind your back. It is not wise to just take the word of the one person who told you, it is best to talk to other people, hopefully not close to the person you spoke to, to find out the truth. Going through this process also helps to come at the situation wisely, instead of emotionally.
Yes, the sacrifices of the Old Testament have been officially fulfilled by the sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection. The reason the people in the Old Testament did these things is because Jesus had not been born and fulfilled His purpose on earth. But now He has. We no longer have to sacrifice animals on the altar for forgiveness of sins. We can go start to God and ask for forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. We can do all things through Christ! The point is, always look at the context first, when reading the Word. The situation may not be something you will ever go through. But the underlying Truth of God's Law will always apply to you and I.
You may not get this point right now, but continue to think about it as you read the Good News and the Bible on your own. Pray for understanding and you'll begin to get how to apply God's Law to your life.
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