Saturday, June 27, 2009

Coming off...

I just completed a 3 day fast with someone who asked me to join them for some revelation in their life. This is where the not so quite "Random" Revelations from the Bible have been coming from and it was placed on my heart to share these truths in The Good News. When we are called to Fast, it is serious. It's a hard process. We need to press in to God's heart in every way available to us. I am very honored that this person asked me to join in with them, because that is what we're here for. We're here for one another. And as we help one another, we benefit as well. God never returns anything void.

So below are some more things to think about concerning life, and living for God in this life:


Romans 1:20 (NIV) "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
-There is no excuse as to why you don't believe in and serve God.

We've got to glorify (reveal God's glory in our actions) God and thank Him every day. (:25) The Creator is forever praised!

Do not use the freedom that God has given to us, to indulge in sin. Crucify (kill) the sinful nature and passions.

  1. Wisdom protects and watches over those who don't forsake her.
  2. Esteem (respect and admire) wisdom and she will exalt (hold you in high regard; speak very highly of...) you.
  3. Embrace wisdom and she will honor you. - Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline.
  • Guard (watch over to keep safe) your heart.
  • Look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Not in the past or so far in the future that you're not in the present. - Do not swerve to the left or the right.
  • Make level paths for your feet and only take ways that are firm. God will show you which ways are firm when you seek Him.
  • Wisdom keeps us from being led astray. From entering into the wrong places and/or on evil paths. And from listening and receiving persuasive words, or seducing smooth talk.

  • Keep your foot from evil.
  1. Sinners will try to entice (attract/tempt by offering pleasure or advantage) you. DO NOT GIVE IN.
  2. Do not set foot in their paths, they are only after ill-gotten (illegal/unfair) gain.

  • Put away perversity (unreasonable/unacceptable behavior/sexually perverted/contrary) from your mouth.
  1. Keep corrupt (dishonest; evil; morally depraved; unreliable) talk from your lips.

  1. ALL those who sin against you. Forgive them and move on. When you hold on to any hurt, you give it power in your life. Let the Holy Spirit have the power.
What fruit do you experience in your life? You should have it all!
  • Since you live by the Spirit, keep in step with the Spirit.
  • LOVE one another. All your actions should be done in love.
- There is no fear (deals with punishment) in LOVE.

  • Use God's freedom to serve one another.
  1. Do not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
  2. Don't quarrel. Fighting over words is of no value, only ruins those who listen.

If you have faith in Jesus, you would do what He did on this earth. You will do even greater things because of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will do what You ask in His Name -->so that the Son many bring GLORY to the Father.

Remember: Romans 2:16 "God will give to each person according to what (they) have done." - This is to tell you that a relationship with God is ACTIVE, not passive.
  • Persist in doing good - for God brings glory, honor and peace to everyone who does good.
  • Do your best to present yourself approved to God.
  1. No shame.
  2. Correctly handles the Word of Truth.
  3. Avoids godless chatter. When you do, you become more and more ungodly. Keep the Word on your lips always. God should be a part of every area of our lives. Not just church, praying at night or when we're desperate.
  4. Remember God builds and watches over you.
  5. Fear God only! Walk in His ways and eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

More Revelations from Reading the Bible

Again, Truth that has caused me to think. Reinforced what I haven't been thinking about or doing. Hopefully the below will engage you to think about areas in your life as well:

  • PRAISE THE LORD- the LORD is your Counselor; He counsels you
  • SET THE LORD- always before you.
  • BELIEVE without a doubt- In Jesus name' you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
  • BE READY: to do for the name of the LORD Jesus.
  • "The LORD's Will be done."
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit.
  • Don't lust for beauty. Don't let lust overcome you.
  • Don't let yourself be seduced (corrupted/led astray).
  • EVERYTHING comes from God
  • FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE will always remain. They are not going anywhere. Be faithful in prayer, be joyful while you hope, and the greatest of them all is LOVE.
  • LOVE- The most excellent way. Without love, everything is worthless and you can nothing. Love is- patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong, does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always protects, always hopes, always trusts, always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS!
  • Love is expressed through (sincere) ACTION (be devoted to people) and in TRUTH.
What do you have to work on? We all have something to develop when it comes to love...

  • When perfection, which is Jesus comes-imperfection disappears.
  • Hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Be over come by GOOD, not evil.
  • Never lack zeal (great energy, enthusiasm).
  • Keep you spiritual fervor (intense & passionate feeling).
  • Be patient in affliction
  • Share with God's people, who are in need. Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.
  • Practice hospitality.
  • Bless others- do not plot revenge. God says, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay." You don't have to worry about it. Do good, even-especially to those you consider enemies.
  • Live in harmony with one another. Live at peace with everyone; even if you're rejected (which you will be) still be at peace. Don't react to foolishness.
  • Do not be proud or conceited.
  • Be careful to just do what is right!
  • Have self-control. Young MEN especially. Encourage others to be self-controlled.
There's more to living than just existing. Really think about the above, and take action within your life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random Revelations from reading the Bible

In no sort of order; just read and maybe write in your journal what you receive from the revelations below:

  • Watching any type of porn is adultery. You are looking lustfully at other men and women.
  • God offers so much more. Set God always before ourselves, because He is for us. With Him we will not be shaken. Keep your eyes on Jesus always!
  • Reject the worldly desires that try to stop you from surrendering your life fully to Go. This is something we have to actively do and constantly.
  • Fast and petition God - He will answer
  • Forgive, Forgive, and forgive again. Forgiveness comes from the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Do your emotions get in the way of thinking straight and/or doing the right thing?

  • Praise the LORD! He is our Counselor. He instructs us when He is in our hearts.
  • At the LORD's command make moves. When we obey God's law-it makes it easier to set ourselves up for God's commands. When to stay and when to go. When you're told to stay where you are; it won't always be delightful, there will be time of barreness and waiting (which isn't easy). Regardless of our own strength, eagerness and impatience STAY until God directs you by whatever means. A long wait is a test of obedience. But then when God tells you to move- MOVE! Look out for this call usually when we're settled and comfortable. But you will see the relief in the move, especially after all of that waiting. In time... patience really is key.
  • Know God's Will (His Word), and ask. Do this, you will have whatever you ask.
  • God's Will, not your own will.

  • PEACE- do you have it? God has called us to live in peace.

  • This world is polluted by the corruption of its peoples. Their detestable acts have filled it with impurity. So look to God to give light to our eyes.
  • We are responsible to God, not man. First and main concern should be, God's affairs- "How can I serve the LORD." Keep an eternal perspective on things. Your soul is important.
  • We serve God and others in the way of the Spirit. Get to know the Holy Spirit. Let the Spirit guide you.
  • God shows us mercy and compassion. Nothing depends on our desires or efforts, it all depends on God's mercy.
Chew on that...

Review: The Seven Woes

PRAYER: I cry aloud to You LORD; I lift up my voice to You for mercy. I pour out my complaint before You; before You I tell my trouble (What are your complaints, your troubles? Let God hear them from your lips). When my spirit grows faint within me, it is You who know my way. In the path where I walk, there may be hidden snares for me. Sometimes I feel as if no one is concerned for me. I feel no refuge; and it's as if no one cares for my life. I cry to You, O LORD; You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living. Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me with evil intent, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise Your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of Your Goodness to me and Your light in me (Psalm 143). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

MATTHEW 23:13-36

Jesus mentioned seven ways to guarantee God's anger, often called the "seven woes." These seven statements that we've been studying for the past two weeks, about the religious leaders must have been spoken with a mixed tone of judgment and sorrow. They were strong and unforgettable. They are still applicable. Anytime we become so involved in perfecting the practice of religion that we forgot that God is also concerned with mercy, real love, and forgiveness.

(1) 13-14 Not letting others enter the Kingdom of Heaven and not entering yourselves.
(2) 15 Converting people away from God to be like yourselves.
(3) 16-22 Blindly leading God's people to follow man-made traditions instead of God's Word.
(4) 23, 24 Involving yourself in every last detail and ignoring what is really important: justice, mercy, and faith.
(5) 25, 26 Keeping up appearances while your private world is corrupt.
(6) 27, 28 Acting spiritual to cover up sin.
(7) 29-36 Pretending to have learned from past history, but your present behavior shows you have learned nothing.


7th Woe

PRAYER: LORD, You never cease to amaze me. Never! With all my heart I pray that the people in my life and on this earth get to know You the way I know You and beyond. I couldn't imagine living this life without You. And I really feel sorry for those who don't know You, especially those who don't want to know You. Because they are truly missing out. I don't think You're real, I don't hope You're real, I don't even believe You're real. I KNOW! You are the One true and living God. The God who knows me better than I know myself. The God who cares for me more than my own mother. A God who loved me since the beginning. I have an everlasting testimony that is still growing and I thank You for it. You have done mighty things in my life and there is no stopping You now. There is not one moment in my life that You were not there. Thank You for forgiving me for my mistakes and sins. Thank You moreover for building me up, even with the many messes I have made for myself. Thank You for directing my steps. Even when I don't know what I'm doing, You somehow place me exactly where I need to be. Not by magic, but by Your Holy Spirit who is my Counselor and keeps me in action and in step with Your Will. LORD, when I call, You come quickly. I'm thankful that You hear and recognize my voice every time. As David prayed, set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil, to take part in wicked deeds with people who are evildoers. Help me to not refuse the righteous you set before me. I rebuke the irritation and annoyance that builds up so quickly within me, so that I can show Your love to Your people and accomplish Your work. I pray against the deeds of evildoers. The wicked will soon learn who is the Truth and Almighty. Make sure I keep my eyes on Jesus and let anyone who plots or hates against me fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety (Psalm 141). I don't only pray this for myself but for all Your children reading the Good News today. Thank You for calling us to not only serve You but love You and be loved by You. It's amazing! In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

MATTHEW 23 part 10
7th Woe-

Jesus speaking to the crowds and to his disciples:
29 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets." 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers!
33 You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34 Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. 35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that had been shed on earth, for the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. 38 Look, your house is left to you desolate. 39 For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' "

Isn't it funny that every generation thinks they are better than the previous and the next, yet, they end up making the same mistakes. The people of Jesus' generation said they would not act as their fathers did in killing the prophets whom God had sent to them (23:30), but they were about to kill the Messiah Himself and His faithful followers. Thus, they would become guilty of all the righteous blood shed through the centuries. Are you just repeating where people have failed before you? Or are you doing what you can to change the circumstances not only for you but for your future generations. Spiritually, morally, environmentally, financial, health-wise, educationally, etc. There are so may areas of opportunities where we can either do what has always been done and make things worse or we can learn from the mistakes being presented abruptly before us and make a difference. No matter how small-it is a difference; add on righteousness in the name of Jesus-you'll be an active part of releasing God's glory into this fallen world. What an honor that is, when you really think about it. How many of you are waiting for God to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant"? I know I am. And look, this by no means will make any one of us perfect; but our hearts will change and focus on what's really important than all of the nonsense that we place before doing God's work.

Jerusalem was the capital city of God's chosen people, the ancestral home of David, Israel's greatest human king, and the location of the Temple, the earthly dwelling place of God built faithfully by king Solomon. Jerusalem was intended to be the center of worship of the true God and a symbol of justice to all people. But Jerusalem had become blind to God and insensitive to human need. In verse 37, we see the depth of Jesus' feelings for lost people and for His beloved city, which would soon be destroyed. Jesus wanted to gather His people together as a hen protects her chicks under her wings, but they wouldn't let Him. Jesus also wants to protect you if you will just come to Him. Many times we hurt and don't know where to turn. We reject Christ's help because we don't think He can give us what we need. But who knows our needs better than our Creator? Those who turn to Jesus will find that He helps and comforts as no one else can. You can be saved and still not turn to Jesus. Stop looking to your parents, friends, significant other to cosign with you and make you feel better. Go to Jesus and get real peace. Not to disregard the fact that He may use your parents, friends, significant other and even strangers, but your level of trust starts with 1 choice; who do you go to first?


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sixth Woe

PRAYER: Dear God, I pray that Your Word is reaching those who are hungry for You. I pray that a diligent spirit is pressing upon each person's heart, to be more purposeful in Your Word; reading it, studying it, letting it build inside of their hearts and minds. LORD, I pray that we each turn away from all worthless things in our lives and give our whole hearts to You; the living God. All of our concerns are easy for You. Strengthen Your disciples LORD and encourage us to remain true to the faith. Let us not be discourage by the many hardships that we must go through on this earth but be delighted and full of hope and joy because of the loving God that we serve. Thank You for knowing us, knowing our hearts and our thoughts. Continue to search us, O God, test us and see if there is any offensive way in us. Lead us in the way everlasting. In Jesus' name, I love You. Amen

MATTHEW 23 part 9
6th Woe-

Jesus speaking to the crowds and to his disciples:
27 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead man's bones and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

This issue was so important Jesus stayed on the subject of outward appearance versus what is on the inside, for a while. Again, Jesus condemned the Pharisees and religious leaders for outwardly appearing upright and holy but inwardly remaining full of corruption and greed. If you are living to impress people, you're wasting your time. Let's not play with God. He is not asking you to be anything that you're not. So don't worry if you don't know every verse in the Bible by heart, word for word, in every translation. Don't worry that you don't act like the person next to you. Don't worry that you don't make it to church every Sunday. Be concern about your relationship with God. Make sure it is a genuine relationship with Him and trust me everything will fall into place. You'll want to know more of His Word, you'll discover more about yourself through God's perspective and rebuke what this world has told you. His ways will grow within you, overcoming all the other methods you use to make decision. Because your focus is on the right One, you will be able to discern His advice through others, from His Word and by His Spirit. It will no longer be a guessing game. You won't know it all, but you will know enough and have an assurance in making your steps on this earth-even when it doesn't make sense to you or others.

Last Good News stated: Living our Christianity merely as a show for others is like washing only the outside of a cup. When we are clean on the inside, our cleanliness on the outside won't be a sham. Living LIFE merely as a show for others is wrong. Live life getting to know the One who gave it to you and making decisions out of love. This will take us far.


Fifth Woe

PRAYER: I give thanks to You LORD, for You are good. I give thanks to the God of gods. I give thanks to the LORD of lords: to You who alone does great wonders, who by His understanding made the heavens, who spread out the earth upon the waters, who made the great lights-the sun to govern the day, the moon and stars to govern the night; Your love endures forever. I give thanks to the One who remembers me in my low estate and has already freed me from my enemies, and who gives food to every creature. Your love endures forever. I give thanks to the God of heaven. My God, Your love endures forever. In Jesus' name. Amen (Psalm 136)

MATTHEW 23 part 8
5th Woe

Jesus speaking to the crowds and to his disciples:
25 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisees! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

Ask yourself this: Do I only do for God, when people are looking? Do I only talk the talk, when I'm around people who are or seem to be God-fearing?

Jesus condemned the Pharisees and religious leaders for outwardly appearing upright and holy but inwardly remaining full of corruption and greed. Living our Christianity merely as a show for others is like washing only the outside of a cup. When we are clean on the inside, our cleanliness on the outside won't be a sham.