Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Review: The Seven Woes

PRAYER: I cry aloud to You LORD; I lift up my voice to You for mercy. I pour out my complaint before You; before You I tell my trouble (What are your complaints, your troubles? Let God hear them from your lips). When my spirit grows faint within me, it is You who know my way. In the path where I walk, there may be hidden snares for me. Sometimes I feel as if no one is concerned for me. I feel no refuge; and it's as if no one cares for my life. I cry to You, O LORD; You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living. Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me with evil intent, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise Your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of Your Goodness to me and Your light in me (Psalm 143). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

MATTHEW 23:13-36

Jesus mentioned seven ways to guarantee God's anger, often called the "seven woes." These seven statements that we've been studying for the past two weeks, about the religious leaders must have been spoken with a mixed tone of judgment and sorrow. They were strong and unforgettable. They are still applicable. Anytime we become so involved in perfecting the practice of religion that we forgot that God is also concerned with mercy, real love, and forgiveness.

(1) 13-14 Not letting others enter the Kingdom of Heaven and not entering yourselves.
(2) 15 Converting people away from God to be like yourselves.
(3) 16-22 Blindly leading God's people to follow man-made traditions instead of God's Word.
(4) 23, 24 Involving yourself in every last detail and ignoring what is really important: justice, mercy, and faith.
(5) 25, 26 Keeping up appearances while your private world is corrupt.
(6) 27, 28 Acting spiritual to cover up sin.
(7) 29-36 Pretending to have learned from past history, but your present behavior shows you have learned nothing.


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