Monday, July 6, 2009

Stand for one another

Prayer: Thank You LORD for Your consistency in my life. It's not only a blessing but an honor because there are times when I go my own way, when I make terrible decisions, where I don't think about You first- and still, you are there. Thank You Jesus, for the mercy and faithfulness to someone who isn't always faithful. Forgive us LORD! Change our hearts where they need to be changed. I pray that growth will develop in Your saints on this earth, willing to stand for You fearlessly, above their own selfish and sinful desires and in love. You are a God of peace and in everything we do, we ought to seek peace. Thank You LORD for revelation always in the right time. I pray that we all move forward in Your way, on Your course and in Your purposes all the days of our lives. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Matthew 24

Signs of the End of the Age - part 3 v. 1-14
(Emphasis on verses 9-13)

Jesus speaking to His disciples:

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."

Jesus predicted that His followers would be severely persecuted by those who hated what He stood for. I don't dare to claim mad persecution in my life, but I can tell you I'm over the negativity people want to throw on me and people who serve God. Yes, there are some wack-a-doos out there. Taking it to the extreme and creating error, but this is exactly why we need to stand firm and stand out and acknowledge the God we serve in all that we do. Not always in words, but in actions. And as sisters and brothers in Christ, we really do need to stand up for one another more than we do. We're so scared of being labeled that we don't take care of one another's spirits. Sometimes it is just praying for one another, but other times it's a lot more. Like acknowledging these fearless warriors who are doing God's work correctly and fearlessly.

Get ready for a touchy subject. Whether you agree with former Miss California or not-during the competition, she stood by what she believed. She wasn't hateful, she just answered a question. Regardless of how she lives the rest of her life (we all fall sort), she stood up to the odds that were stacked against her. If you take anything from that it should be - that God is bigger than earthly and spiritual odds. So start making some moves...

In the midst of terrible persecution, however, Jesus' followers could hope, knowing that salvation was theirs. Times of trial serve to sift true Christians from unbelievers and fair-weather Christians. When you are pressured to give up and turn your back on Christ, DON'T DO IT. Remember the benefits of standing firm, and continue to live for Christ.

You may not be facing intense persecution now, but Christians in other parts of the world are. I was just told a story last week how a pastor who was ministering with his wife in the middle east was taken by their legal forces to be shot in front of his wife. Yet, the gun would not fire on him. They shot it in the air, it shot- when the gun was facing the pastor- it locked. All while this pastor heard his wife screaming for his life in the background. First, how amazing is our God, is right! But just think what this couple went through and are still going through because of that dramatic event. As you hear about Christian suffering for their faith, remember that they are your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for them. We are suppose to be united under God. Ask God what you can do to help them in their troubles. And that person may not be across the world, but sitting right next to you every day. When one part of the body suffers, the WHOLE body suffers. But when all the parts join together to ease the suffering, the whole body benefits (1 Corinthians 12:26).

There are some cruel actions made in our world, we should stop ignoring them and really help one another. This includes correcting one another. Bold moves for God that are according to His Will, not our own- are the best moves to make in life.


Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15
Notes from Life Application Study Bible & NIV Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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