Some thoughts won't be complete, as I'm learning and can't share everything. I have someone who is holding me accountable. As we should all have in our lives. There will be questions in the TVOG blogs that I'm asking myself that you can ask yourself as well. I will relate it all to the Word and call out some connections in my life. Remember, most of this information is not arcane wisdom. We just need to seek it continually and live it.
Let's begin-
*Compromise- is it worth it? And how not to be so hard on myself when I do. What is the balance?
*Know boundaries - one of my next books will be Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend.
*Remember that life is exciting.
-every part of it. We get stuck on all the dumb stuff.
*There is NO truth in satan. He lies and uses lies only. He is the ultimate liar and accuser. It's time to recognize every one of those lies and rebuke them.
- Adam and Eve for example, satan gets us to believe that God is keeping something from us with His commands in order to be mean; as if we're missing something better. I fall into this lie every time I act or speak without God.
*This is a season of learning my strengths and weaknesses; which means thinking back (and in moving forward) learning from those who oppose me.
*allow God to drive out who and what needs to be removed. Because when I do it on my own, I can be wrong.
*God provides as it makes sense to Him, not me. And it's never too much- for He knows what happens when things multiply too quickly. So whatever seems like too much is a time to step back and ask God to prioritize because it only takes the Holy Spirit's discerning wisdom to figure it all out. And NOTE I said what God provides, not what I place on myself.
*confusion- destroys!
*"When I am ready" When God finds me ready, I move.
*it's ok to seem weak or seem however people think- because I know where my help, strength and purposes comes from.
It sometimes pops in my mind how people think I failed or gave up in some decisions I have made. But I have to remember Whom's Voice I heard and that their thoughts of me don't matter. This also goes back to a lie from the enemy. I don't know who is thinking that and if they are, who cares. I'm not living my life for them, I'm living for God.
*MATURITY this is huge confirmation. Do you feel that you've outgrown much in your life? Things that use to be fun, seem so dull and worthless now? And do people seem like they are just catching on to what you use to do? Well, I do! Today, it's more about innocent fun, the small things in life, my loved ones. Doing nothing for show and just living differently. I don't want to play around in useless activity or even conversation anymore. MATURITY IS A BIG THEME FOR US TO RECOGNIZE TODAY.
-Maturity in our understanding of Jesus and the Word.
*Greeting people is important-be personable, - do the opposite of this world's customs and behaviors.
*Let God change my thinking.
-don't try to manipulate God.
*God's Will for us is good, pleasing and perfect
*MAJOR theme:: SUMBIT!
*The TRUTH sets me free from what may be true in the natural.
*Oh this hit me in scripture today: we are to obey the law, not judge whether it applies to us.
*God has established the work of our hands!!!!
*Reclaim and claim and receive all that God has promised in Jesus' name. Aloud! Every Day!
*God is repaying and replacing all that was stolen and lost. Did something still your happiness? Well God is replacing it.
*This is a time of transition, so don't get frustrated if you feel stuck. You're not... Things are moving and we have to live in that unseen movement.
*laugh (loudly)- Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh, Laugh, Laugh!!
*Are you denying any Truth? Anything God has said you will do, are you denying it? Like the disciples and Peter denied what Jesus said would happen in Matthew 26.
DO AS GOD INSTRUCTS -A reminder that it is not about us. Take ourselves out of the equations and just do what we're called to do.
*Be complete in God as a single woman or man.
*Teach people how to love God by the way I live
*Encourage, Uplift and Edify.
*Interceed (preparation)
* "renewal"
*God is definitely persistent
-anything Jesus says ~I need to do it!
Personally ***God is releasing the desires of my heart***
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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