Now let's get back into the groove of TGN!!!!
Mark 13:1-2
Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple
1 Then as He went out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, “Teacher, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!”2 And Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
The Life Application Study Bible puts things into perspective for us; about 15 years before Jesus was born (20 B.C.), Herod the Great began to remodel and rebuild the Temple, which had stood for nearly 500 years since the days of Ezra (Ezra 6:14,15). Herod made the Temple one of the most beautiful buildings in Jerusalem, not to honor God, but to appease the Jews whom he ruled. The magnificent building project was not completely finished until A.D. 64. Jesus' prophecy that not one stone would be left on another was fulfilled in A.D. 70, when the Romans completely destroyed the Temple and the entire city of Jerusalem.
Let's face it, we're easily amazed and swayed by the appearance of things. We often base our moods, our outlook, our hope, our dreams, our desires, our goals... on what we can see before us. But just like the stones in these verses, are many of the things before us = FLEETING. All things that we give so much of our attention to, all the things that we place so much hope and expectation into; will be destroyed. None of it will last.
What will last? God's Kingdom. What will last? What God builds within You. What will last? What God builds through you, that which is everlasting.
In this life, there are material things that we need; there are material things that we're blessed to have; there are material things that we want; there are material things that some place HIGH value on. I am not saying material things are evil. BUT WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN YOUR LIFE? Is it just the material things? Is it just the things of this world? Is it just this life? If "Yes," was your answer to each of these questions. What are you going to be left with when it's all destroyed?
If you lost everything today, how would you go on?
What REALLY matters... - why don't you write down what comes to your mind, so that you know where you've placed God in your life.
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