Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Mark 14: 53-64 NIV
Mark 14: 53-64 NIV
So today we are going to concentrate on the first 2 verses of this section, where Jesus is now before the Sanhedrin: "53 They took Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, elders and teachers of the law came together. 54 Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire." Now, do you remember verse (50) of Mark 14: "Then everyone deserted him and fled." But here we see Peter still following; and this huge picture of Christians today, came to my mind. Just think about it, this is EXACTLY what many of us do. We believe in our hearts in Jesus. We declare we love Him and take Him at His Word - BUT we choose to follow at a distance. We too, follow Him at a distance right into the seats of Sunday School/Service every week.
What is following at a distance?
Following at a distance is believing, but making no effort to share our belief with others. Following at a distance, is walking in fear to take a stand in those moments when Jesus wants us to stand for Him. Following at a distance is the fear of being labeled religious, conservative, extremist - because of our connection to Jesus.
We have all done it! My 5 years in New York just flashed before my eyes as, following Jesus at a distance. I knew Him and loved Him - I knew I needed Him; yet did things my way. Even abandoning Him several times to take part in death = SIN. And just as Peter warmed himself by that fire, we do the same. We take care of ourselves, instead of allowing Jesus to handle what He said He would handle. We do what we think is best for us, to fit in, to avoid criticism - and in turn we watch and allow our God to be treated in the most degrading and disrespectful ways. We try to play nonchalant, unconcerned, non-judgmental/accepting, just the same as everyone else. But God hasn't called us to be these things before evil and sin. Didn't He call us to be NOT of this world. Yet, we act, talk, live just like it.
I'm not here to tell you what Peter should have done; but if you know this part of our history, you know what Peter does do next... Do you want to go there? (If you don't know, feel free to read on to the end of the chapter). This is a wake up call to all of us. However we've become comfortable with "following Jesus at a distance"; it is time to correct this step. Jesus wants us close!
Prayer: Father, You have mercy upon us who have not obtained mercy; You have declared us Your people. Today, I declare, YOU ARE MY GOD! I choose to live with ALL knowing, that YOU ARE MY GOD! O LORD, how great is Your mercy to me. You owed me nothing, because I paid You no heed, yet You called me. When I walked far from You, You called me to turn to Your path. Thank You for caring for me when I wallowed in sin. I did nothing to earn Your grace, yet You gave it to me anyway. May Your great mercy be reflected in my life as I pass on mercy to those who sin against me. May mercy flow freely in my life.
- Please continue praying what's in YOUR heart. All prayers provided by TGN are just starters; please allow your heart and the Holy Spirit direct your words to God; and pray in the Name of Jesus. There is power in that Name! Amen!
In Jesus' Name. Amen (Hosea 2:23)
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