Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TGN: Temptation... again?

Praise God!

I would like to welcome the new readers to TGN. My prayer, in the Name of Jesus, is that The Good News will make the Word more personal in your daily life, so that you can apply it to everything, and succeed and grow in all you do according to God's direction.
Thank You to everyone who stepped out to make a bold move; whether you got an answer or not from those you reached out to-the victory is in you making that step. Your faithfulness to the Word and spreading it will not return void.

I thank God for each one of you reading TGN, and the continued growth of this ministry.

Grace and Peace-

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I ask that You help me use this time with You today to show me what pleases You. Guide me in what You would have me do in my specific circumstances today. I desire that my lifestyle reflects my LORD. I welcome Your Word and Your Holy Spirit to transform and conform me, including my desires into the image of Jesus Christ. In His beautiful Name I pray. Amen

Mark 1 v. 12,13 (NLT)

The Temptation of Jesus

12 The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, 13 where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him.


Who is this satan? Some people don't think he really exist. Well- he does; Satan is an angel who rebelled against God. He is real, not symbolic, and is constantly working against God and those who obey Him. He loves those people who don't think he is real, because he can play in their life and they won't ever know about their power to fight against him. Thank the LORD, that we know the power of God's Word.

Satan tempted Eve in the garden and persuaded her to sin; he tempted Jesus in the wilderness but DID NOT persuade Him to fall. To identify fully with human beings, Jesus had to endure satan's temptations. Although Jesus is God, He is also man; "The image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15). As fully human, He was not exempt from satan's attacks. Because Jesus faced temptations and overcame them, He can assist us in 2 important ways today:
1) as an example of how to face temptation without sinning, and
2) as a helper who knows just what we need because He went through the same experience.

But don't miss Who compelled Jesus to go to the wilderness; it was The Holy Spirit- it was God. God knew satan was there, but sent His Son there any way. Why?

To be tempted is not a sin. Temptation is bad for us only when we give in. It's also a sin to tempt others to sin but we'll discuss that later. We should not hate or resent times of inner testing, because through them God can strengthen our character and teach us valuable lessons. When you face satan and must deal with his temptations and the turmoil he brings, remember Jesus. God sent His angels to take care of Jesus in the wilderness. He sends His angels, the Holy Spirit, His Word, everything He is with us as well!

There is nothing satan can do to us that God doesn't already know. What satan will never get because he IS NOT all-knowing nor all-powerful; is that God is bringing out the best in us through that temptation. And we don't always have to suffer, we have this great thing called wisdom that we can use from His Word beforehand; instead of suffering from the consequences of making the wrong decisions afterwards. This is a huge key to eliminating the suffering in most of our situations and promoting growth in our spirit. But when we do fail, that wisdom is still waiting for us, praise God. It's nice to avoid failure, but when we don't, we have our Savior to pick us up out of our mess. Don't ever forget that! Because the devil will lie to you about that as well. Where satan is trying to bring us down, God is always waiting to lift us up.

We know the enemy's game plan...

Prayer: LORD, You are great! My eyes are opened and my heart desires to know what I am suppose to learn in this trial that I am in. Bring Your Word to my spirit to stand on, guide me and fight against the attacks of the enemy. Use this time in my life to take me to the next level in You, Jesus. Hallelujah. I seek Your wisdom LORD, so that I can suffer less consequences and instead celebrate where I am going with You. Please show me how to continue to celebrate and offer thanksgiving unto You, especially when things don't look good. I want to keep my eyes on the prize which is above and not be distracted by what the things that will fade away. Thank You for bringing me out of darkness and ignorance, and into Your Kingdom to be salt and light in the world and live with You forever. In Jesus' name. Amen.

"Through God's mercy I have this ministry, I will not lose heart... I do not preach myself, but Jesus Christ as LORD and myself as the servant of the people for Jesus' sake." 2 Corinthians 4:1,5

Scripture from The Bible (biblegateway.com), Prayer from NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition. Study notes from Life Application Study Bible

www.thegoodnews4yourlife.blogspot.com "Providing you with what you already have access to in the most convenient way. So that we all can continue to grow in wisdom & understanding of God." LT

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