Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How Are You Handling the Situation?

 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2
Mark 15:3, 11 NIV

The chief priests accused him of many things. 
11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead.

Has someone wronged you?  Has someone unintentionally or intentionally hurt you?  Has someone upset you?  Has someone spread lies about you?  Has someone brought their troubles to you, only to sway you to their side against another?  Has someone brought some half-truths to you in order to create division in your heart and life?


I'm very confident in God, that He has given each of us going through one of these situations the right ways to handle them.  I know, God speaks directly to each of our hearts, and we hear it.  You know specific to you and your circumstance, what He is calling you to do.  The next move is to do it... or not.  I would like to discuss today, what I know God has NOT called us to do (from the examples given to us in His Word, and specifically regarding the verses above):
  1. God is not calling you to harbor hate in your heart.
  2. God is not calling you to speak ill and falsely of the person(s).
  3. God is not calling you to stir up another person, and/or crowd against that person.  God hates a gossip, and God is the God of Restoration.
If we are doing any of the above, we're not operating in TRUTH.  Let's not forget the Word that God has been providing to us recently, about living from His perspective, answering to the truth, and doing what is right.  This is what we're suppose to do at all times; not just when we feel like it.  Living in this, propels us forward, it opens our lives to the anointing that God wants to pour down on us; an anointing that will move us to the next stage and level in this life of purpose that we are living.  Let's not waste any time my friends.  Don't waste time with evil.

PRAYER: LORD, You have brought us together, sons and daughters all, and made us into one family, teaching every one of us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We are Your Church.  We are different in may ways: rich and poor, of different ethnicities and nationalities, male and female, related by blood and unrelated, with different skills, talents and abilities.  Some of us lead and some follow, each according to the talents You have given us and the needs of the community.  In many ways we are different than we are alike, yet Your love for us knows no human boundaries.  We are family.  We are Your Church, and now is the time to rebuke all attempts and active attacks of the enemy to tear us apart.  Using foolishness, lies, harbored pain, stubbornness, sin, ignorance and arrogance to divide us.  You are making it clear that these attacks are amongst us, and we thank You for bringing this to our attention, while calling us to walk in victory by living in love and truth in all our ways.  By living it and exemplifying it to every one we encounter day in and day out.  Rebuking the lies of gossip, by fleeing the opportunity to even listen to it; because once we listen, the only roads left are to spread it or to allow it to take root and pass unwarranted judgment against another.  Thank You LORD, for calling Your people to a higher place.  A holy place.  We pray that we not only hear, but do; in the name of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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