Mark 15:47
47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid.
During this period of time, women could do very little. The women who followed Jesus, couldn't speak before the high council in Jesus' defense; they couldn't appeal to Pilate; they couldn't stand against the crowds; they couldn't overpower the Roman guards. But they didn't dwell on what they couldn't do; they did what they could. There's this strong fragrance in our air today; the nasty aroma of "I CAN'T". And it keeps us from stepping in what we CAN do?
These women stayed at the cross when the disciples had fled; they followed Jesus' body to its tomb; and they prepared spices for His body. Because these women used the opportunities they had, they were the first to witness the Resurrection. God blessed their devotion and diligence.
As believers, we should take advantage of the opportunities we have and do what we CAN for Christ, instead of worrying about what we cannot do. Begin to pray over what you CAN start doing today with the opportunities you have, and then step in it... DO IT. There is no reason to wait. These women didn't wait to hear God's audible voice to move and do what they did. They knew they were supposed to do what was right, in what they knew they were able to do. So many people are waiting, when the season is calling us to ACT; to DO! You know what that is for you; you are sensing it in your spirit right now.
May the grace and peace of Jesus Christ bless your devotion and diligence. Amen!
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