Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Area Is Without Jesus?

Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Peter Disowns Jesus

It is very easy to get angry at the high council and the Roman governor for their injustice in condemning Jesus, but Peter and the rest of the disciples also contributed to Jesus' pain by deserting Him (14:50).  Some of us may be thinking, "but Jesus predicted that they would desert Him."  Yes, He did, but how often do you expect the worse from those you love, and when they meet that expectation, you are STILL hurt by their actions.  You knew it was coming and you were still stung.  Just because we expect it, doesn't ease the pain.

Before we throw any judgment on Peter, we have to admit that we have all been guilty of denying Christ as LORD in vital areas of our lives; sad but true, there are some current vital areas of our lives we're denying to our LORD.  People take pride in not committing certain sins; as if there is a pyramid of sins - with ones rating higher than others.  NO!  Sin is sin.  All of it.  Whatever God calls sin - is sin; nothing better or less harmful than the other.  Sins do not expire, but they will expire us.  All sin is death.  I type this in bold, this because I don't believe we think about this as often as we should.  It is real ladies and gents.

So I ask the titled question of all of us, "What area(s) of our lives are without Jesus?  What have we decided we're going to do "it" anyway, and "make" Jesus accept of our lives?  What is so important of this world, that we rather choose death over life?  What feels so good, that we rather feel it than please God?  Where have we become "all-knowing" over God?  Because when you really think about it, this is exactly what we are doing and communicating, when we don't choose to believe ALL of God's Word, and create a life of disobedience.

When we accept Jesus as our LORD and Savior, we're saved!  There's no turning back; or giving back.  BUT... when we give our life, we submit our life completely... at least this is what He calls us to do.  Let's try God out fully, and give our all to Him.  Even the small things you don't think He's concerned about; guess what?  He is concerned.  He is concerned for every single little bit of us and our lives.  If I know anything, I know this; when we do this - He DOES NOT disappoint.  This world can throw us every disappointing circumstance and experience; but God, He remains faithful in everything through it all.  Come on sweethearts, let's live for God in every way - ESPECIALLY when it's hard.  We have the victory.  We're created to succeed.  Don't forget that.  But success is hard to find, when sin is our answer.  I encourage us to give it up today!  Whatever it is.  Let's make Christ LORD of our entire lives.

PRAYER: Father, thank You for molding your children, little by little, into complete spiritual beings mastering this human experience.  For we are of You, who is Spirit - therefore we are spirit first; and when all things pass away, we'll be left with our spirit; and not flesh.  Thank You for showing how to make discerning decisions that reap benefits to our eternal spirit and not to our temporary flesh.  Thank You for doing this in Your timing, with great patience with a very sinful people.  Always with love, knowing Your efforts are never in vain.  You have a vision of how I should turn out.  Forgive me when I take Your correction poorly, Father.  Often I cannot see the reasons for it and feel it is more of a burden than a blessing; often times I ignore it - but You never give up on me, no matter how stubborn I am.  You teach and correct with love, and little by little I become the person You want me to be.  May we, Your children choose to make decisions that creates and sustains a life that is worthy of You.  May we make more room for Your anointing, Your Presence; and less room for temporary false joys that are designed to distract and misdirect us from the holy goal before us.  May we not deny You, and what You have freely given us - LIFE.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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