Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today is suppose to be a review of the chapters we read this week, but since there weren't any chapters; I am called to pray and to encourage you to pray.  Pray this prayer below and let the spirit guide you to pray specifically where there is need.

Father God, thank You for this wonderful day!  I don't know what You have in store for me but I am faithful in expecting grace, peace and favor today and every day.  You are a good God, a God this is always on time.  You are a God that is with me when I'm low as much as You're with me when I'm high in spirits.  You're always there to bring me and keep me in right relationship with You.  LORD, please forgive me for doing anything my way.  For not asking permission from You before I act out on anything.  Please forgive me for thinking I have to get it all together in my way instead of following exactly what You want me to do.  Forgive me for not having faith in You.  You have a great plan for me and I know in the midst of it all- what I am suppose to do may not make any sense to me.  But I trust You LORD, over myself.  I trust You to guide and direct me through the leading of Your Holy Spirit in the right direction.  Show me how to quiet my head and just listen to what You have to say.  LORD, I rebuke the evil spirits that are in this world and in my life.  I rebuke the evil spirit of deception that allow us to think we're doing something good, when in the end it's evil and against You.  I don't want to do anything against my God.  I repent right now, for doing anything to satisfy my desires, my flesh, my emotions in rebellion to Your Word.  I ask that You continue to change my heart with Your Truth, and teach me how to walk in right fellowship with You, no matter the consequence, no matter the sin I have to give up in my life.  To live this life, to know You, to worship You, it is all a wonderful gift and a privilege and I pray that more people will begin to see this.  Thank You for keeping me from self destruction.  Thank You for shining light on the darkness in my life.  I do not want to be separated from You, EVER!  I desire to be set apart from this world because You are my LORD, my God and I love You because You first loved me and You called me to love You.  How awesome is it, that the Great I Am wants me to love Him.  I am humbled and honored.  I pray this prayer not just over my life, but over the lives of my friends and family.  Over the lives of those strangers that I have met and who have affected my life in some way.  I desire for everyone to know You through Your Son, Jesus, and enter into Your Kingdom.  I desire that we all reflect Your character on this earth and really make it a better place- no matter how corny it may sound.  It should be our reality.  In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray with faith that You hear me and will act on my behalf and on behalf of all of Your children who pray according to Your Will.  Amen. 

Side note: The singer of the song yesterday is: Damita Haddon "No Looking Back"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Song on my mind

Hey there-

My computer is on the fritz but the Word will be back.  In the meantime, there is this song that comes on every day when I listen to my XM radio on Praise.  I forget who sings it but I will find it if you're interested to know.  I just wanted to share these lyrics that are sticking out in my mind.

"I'm looking forward not behind, I made a decision to give You my life.  And there's no looking back."

You've answered the call to come to God.  Get to know Him and serve Him as He commands us to.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus' Resurrection

PRAYER: LORD we are waiting on a Word from You.  We want and need Your guidance.  Thank You for calling us to prepare for a visitation from You.  A holy, exciting and purposeful visitation from You.  It's so special and amazing to be called by the Great Almighty and Only God.  Speak to us LORD, let Your Will be done on this earth as it is in Heaven.  Use us LORD!  Hallelujah!  You are so close.  Thank You for loving us LORD, loving us so much that even though we make mistakes, we can come to You for forgiveness.  No questions asked, just pure forgiveness and a change of heart.  To live our life in purpose that honors and worships You.  We trust You LORD, and where we are lacking in trust, show us.  This is the time!  There is no better time than NOW for each of us to come correct.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

MATTHEW 17: 22-23

When they came together in Galilee, (Jesus) said to them, "Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life." And the disciples were filled with grief.

For a second time, Jesus predicted His death; but more important, He told of His resurrection.  Unfortunately, the disciples heard only the first part of Jesus' words and became discouraged.  They didn't understand why Jesus kept talking about His death because they expected Him to set up a political (earthly) kingdom.  The thought of His death dashed their hopes.  They also couldn't understand why Jesus wanted to go back to Jerusalem, where he would walk right into trouble.  They didn't understand that Jesus' death and resurrection would make His Kingdom possible.  Not until the Pentecost (Acts 2), did the disciples fully comprehend the purpose of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Don't get upset at yourself for being unable to understand everything about Jesus.  After all, the disciples spent three years with Him, saw His miracles, heard His words, and still had difficulty understanding.  Despite their questions and doubts, however, they believed.  We should do no less.  Believe in the God that you serve.  God will reveal what we need to know as we continue to respond to His call to search and learn His Word and spend time with Him through the Holy Spirit.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's interesting...

I sit here with a mind loaded with thoughts, hopes, dreams and feelings.  Yet, I stare at this computer screen, wanting to write and share-but nothing is forming in my head.

I wrote that last night, this morning I know God has a Word for me to share with others and He is preparing me in order to share it.  So get serious about the Word, share everything you are with God in prayer and count on Him to answer You.  This Word may be just for you.

More to come...

Weekend Review: Matthew 17

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You are the God of Love.  The only God.  For You so loved ME (make it personal) that You gave Your only begotten Son to save ME.  Thank You LORD.  Your love is so great, I would hate to live without it.  I would be so lost and lonely without Your sovereign love.  I don't think we really think about how the All-Knowing, All-powerful, the King of kings, the LORD of lords, loves each one of us.  LORD, please show me how to love those around me.  To not be selfish or selective with my love, but to love Your children, my family in Christ unconditionally.  Let love be my motivation in all that all do.  Starting with my obedience to You.  Bless You Father.  In the mighty name of Your Son, my Savior-Jesus Christ, amen.


Get it Right: (Emphasis v. 9-13) Jesus told Peter, James and John not to tell anyone what they had seen until after His resurrection because Jesus knew that they didn't fully understand it and could not explain what they didn't understand.  Their question about Elijah revealed their misunderstandings, they failed to understand that John the Baptist took on Elijah's prophetic role, boldly confronting sin and pointing people to God.  The disciples knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but they had much more to learn about the significance of His death and resurrection.  As many of us today need to learn.  Don't claim to know the Word.  Really know the Word and spend time with the Holy Spirit so that mysteries within the Word can be revealed to you.  When you speak of the God you serve, you want to know Whom you're talking about.  So ask questions, get into discussions with other believers, read, memorize and meditate, go to a church that is centered on the Word-not sermons focused on making you feel good or condemning you-but TEACHING you the Word: pray over the Word and pray the Word over you life.  The only place you'll find yourself is closer to God in every area of your life.  I know that's an awesome place to be.  God challenges us so that we grow in right relationship and fellowship with Him and the people in our lives.  Don't let this world blind you to think and live opposite of how He commands us to live.

Faith is Important: (Emphasis v. 17-20) O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me." Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that moment.
The disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"
He replied, ''Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  In the NIV text it reads, Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
The disciples were unable to cast out this demon, and they asked Jesus why.  He said that their faith was too small.  It is the power of God, plus our faith-our belief in His power, that  moves mountains.  The mustard seed was the smallest particle imaginable.  Jesus said that even faith as small or undeveloped as a mustard seed would have been sufficient.  As humans, we always include ourselves.  The disciples were trying to cast out the demon with their own ability rather than God's.  It's not by our power at all.  There is great power in even a little faith when we trust in God's power to act.  It takes time to learn this, so don't be discourage if you don't totally get it right now.  If you feel weak or powerless as a believer in God, take time to examine your faith, making sure you are trusting Gods power, not your own ability to produce results.  If you are facing a problem that seems as big and immovable as a mountain, turn your eyes from the mountain and look to Christ for more faith.  Only then will you be able to overcome the obstacles that may stand in your way.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Faith is Important

So what does Friday, the 13th mean for you?  Are you extra careful because it is an "unlucky" day?  Rebuke and bind that thought or belief right now. You cannot believe in God and think that the days that He created bring any kind of luck-good or bad.  With God, there isn't luck-there is purpose.  This is a good day no matter what, because the LORD has made this day for you.  So rejoice and be glad in it.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD for an amazing day.  Today is another opportunity for me to grow closer to You.  To discern and learn Your ways.  To fill my heart with the concerns of the LORD and to remove more of what is inside of me that is not of You.  LORD, thank You for continuing to change and transform me into the person I am meant to be.  I am blessed to be able to see things on spiritual level, beyond what the world sees.  You provide me with wonderful insight into not only my own circumstances but I'm sensitive to the circumstances of those around me.  This sensitivity gives me the opportunity to serve others in the way that You have commanded me to.  Thank You LORD, for rebuilding a servants heart within me.  I desire to serve You and Your people in godly ways.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

MATTHEW 17: 14-21

When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. "Lord, have mercy on my son," he said. "He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him."
"O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me." Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that moment.
The disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"
He replied, ''Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Have you accepted Jesus as your personal LORD and Savior?  If the answer to this question was "yes," then you have a gift.  You have faith.  It takes an answer of faith, no matter how small or big-to respond to God's call for your heart.  Accepting Jesus begins your relationship with God.  And through this relationship, your faith is tried and tested in order to grow. 

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  In the NIV text it reads, Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

How would you measure your faith?  Is it weak?  Is it strong?  Is it wavering?  Does it come and go depending on the situation?  Faith is IMPORTANT ladies and gents.  I have learned that a right relationship with God is based on faith.  Come on, lets be honest, too many people think God is an imaginary being-it takes faith to believe that He is real and trust Him with our life.  Abraham is a great example of faith.  He was told that he would be the father of many nations (all who believe in God), he was told that he would have a son with his wife Sara-even in their old age.  When there was no hope, Abraham kept believing, his faith never wavered, it grew stronger.  God counted Abraham righteous and Abraham received the gift of God's favor.  Not as a reward, we don't work for God's favor.  God presents it to us as a gift.  This is what God desires to provide to us.  But it depends on our FAITH.  Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God.

We have discussed this before, how our faith is central to everything we do as believers.  Faith is why we fast, pray, study the Word, pray in the spirit, claim our healing, rebuke demons and evil spirits.  The devil is and will always be after our faith in order to hinder us.  In the above gospel, the disciples had been given the authority to do the healing, but they not yet learned how to appropriate the power of God.  Jesus' frustration is with the unbelieving and unresponsive generation.  A generation that showed a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that was unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.  His disciples were merely a reflection of that attitude in this instance.  Just think if Jesus was frustrated then, how frustrated He must be with our generation today.  But Jesus' purpose is never to criticize us but to encourage us to greater faith.  Jesus wasn't condemning the disciples for substandard faith.  He's straight-forwardness (which I love) may seem that way, but He always acts in love.  He was trying to show how important faith would be in their future ministry.

The disciples were unable to cast out this demon, and they asked Jesus why.  He said that their faith was too small.  It is the power of God, plus our faith-our belief in His power, that  moves mountains.  The mustard seed was the smallest particle imaginable.  Jesus said that even faith as small or undeveloped as a mustard seed would have been sufficient.  As humans, we always include ourselves.  It's not by our power at all.  The disciples were trying to cast out the demon with their own ability rather than God's.  There is great power in even a little faith when we trust in God's power to act.  It takes time to learn this, so don't be discourage if you don't totally get it right now.  If you feel weak or powerless as a believer in God, take time to examine your faith, making sure you are trusting Gods power, not your own ability to produce results.  If you are facing a problem that seems as big and immovable as a mountain, turn your eyes from the mountain and look to Christ for more faith.  Only then will you be able to overcome the obstacles that may stand in your way.

I would like to share something personal.  God has called me to make another HUGE move in my life.  And while there are many critics about my decision, I know I can trust God completely.  I will be honest and admit, there are times that I ask myself "What am I doing?" or "But what am I going to do."  This is when I look away from my mountain and I turn to God.  I know I can stand on the Word of God.  I know for sure that God spoke to me.  And I know that God will never leave nor forsake me or allow me to be led in the wrong direction, as I take action to continuously check my steps with Him.  And through this my faith is being tried and tested, but I know it's becoming stronger with every faith move I make.  I encourage you to take some steps in faith.  Not my steps exactly, but ask God what He wants you to do.  Because I know there is so much more He wants to show you and places that He wants to take you.  But are you going to trust Him?  Are you ready to be sure and certain of what you hope for and cannot yet see?



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can I share with you?

When you really seek God, when you begin to put away childish and foolish things and truly commit to God; He comes through in ways that you would have never imagined.  He honors us when we make way and room for Him in our lives.  When we make Him our priority, we begin to see changes within our thinking, our habits, our choices, the people we interact with; in every area.  And at first you don't understand it.  But in time you begin to wonder how you could have ever lived without Him or being this close to Him.

God is good, real, awesome and so worthy to be praised.

Praise Report!

Get it Right...

Sin is not ok!  We live life with the notion that if we don't think too much about the sin that we're not really doing anything wrong.  But WE ARE!  We are sinning against the God we serve.  We are showing Him through our actions that we don't believe His Word-which means we don't honestly believe in Him.  God is His Word.  Know this truth: Just because everyone is doing it, the majority is okay with it and people support it.  It doesn't make it right.  What is right-IS the Word of God.  It's time to come correct ladies and gents.
PRAYER: Cleanse me LORD!  I've allowed myself to be fooled by the ways of this world, when I should be transforming my mind with Your Word.  We get so confused and ignorant when we allow what is in front of us daily to become the norm for our lives.  Forgive us for not protecting our hearts LORD.  For living this life as if it doesn't matter.  As if this life is simply for our own pleasures and sinful desires.  Thank You LORD, for being who You are.  You are honest and reliable, You are all-knowing-you never forget or change Your Words and You have and will continue to fulfill every promise that You have made.  We can trust You, we can trust Your Words.  You are a holy, trustworthy and unchangeable God and I ask that You show us how to honor You in our daily lives.  Living our lives for You and not for self-satisfaction.  Thank You LORD for forgiveness and a clean start to be in full relationship with You.  In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, amen.

MATTHEW 17: 1-13
These verses may be broken up to discuss each point.

(Emphasis v. 9-13) As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, "Don't tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead."
The disciples asked him, "Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?"
Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.

Jesus told Peter , James and John not to tell anyone what they had seen until after His resurrection because Jesus knew that they didn't fully understand it and could not explain what they didn't understand.  Their question about Elijah revealed their misunderstandings.  Based on Malachi 4:5,6, the teachers of the Old Testament law believed that Elijah must appear before the Messiah would appear.  What they failed to understand at first is that John the Baptist took on Elijah's prophetic role, boldly confronting sin and pointing people to God.  Malachi had prophesied that a prophet like Elijah would come.  And Jesus referred to John the Baptists in this gospel.  The disciples knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but they had much more to learn about the significance of His death and resurrection.  As many of us today need to learn.  Don't claim to know the Word.  Really know the Word and spend time with the Holy Spirit so that mysteries within the Word can be revealed to you.  When you speak of the God you serve, you want to know Whom you're talking about.  So ask questions, get into discussions with other believers, read, memorize and meditate, go to a church that is centered on the Word-not sermons focused on making you feel good or condemning you-but TEACHING you the Word: pray over the Word and pray the Word over you life.  The only place you'll find yourself is closer to God in every area of your life.  I know that's an awesome place to be.  God challenges us so that we grow in right relationship and fellowship with Him and the people in our lives.  Don't let this world blind you to think and live opposite of how He commands us to live.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jesus Is...

Will you trust the LORD?  

PRAYER: I need You LORD!  Things do not seem to want to go my way.  The days are becoming long and harder than the previous day.  I'm calling out to You Jesus!  I am confident that You hear me at all times.  You are the only One that I will find my help in.  My help comes from the LORD.  I want to trust You with every detail of my life.  Show me how to do this during each second of my life on this earth.   Let Your power, glory and honor be lifted in our relationship with one another.  It is not about me, but I'm grateful and blessed that You love me. When no one else does, You love me LORD.  Thank You!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

MATTHEW 17: 1-13
These verses may be broken up to discuss each point.

(Emphasis v. 3-5) Just then there appeared before them Moses, Elijah, talking with Jesus.  
Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters-one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"  

So yesterday we discussed getting permission from God.  Today, we will dive into "getting it right"-knowing who Jesus truly is.  When Peter asked about building shelters, he wanted to build three shrines for these 3 great men to show how the Festivals of Shelters was fulfilled in the coming of God's Kingdom.  But there is danger with shrines, it inspires idolatry.  Peter had good intentions, but they weren't the intentions of God.  Moses and Elijah were prophets-NOT gods.  They also were not perfect, their deaths didn't save anyone.  They were faithful men, who fulfilled their purpose on earth, but they didn't and still don't compare to Jesus.  Jesus is more than just a great leader, a good example, a good influence, or a great prophet.  He is the Son of God.  When you understand this profound truth, the only adequate response is worship.  When you have a correct understanding of Christ, you will obey Him.  And Jesus does not need a shrine to be built for Him.  What He wants is for each of us to accept Him into our hearts and build a relationship with our Father through Him.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I had to share that I've just discovered (or maybe rediscovered) that I LOVE to read.  I'm going through books so quickly nowadays.

I recently completed If You Want To Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat and THe Shack.  Today, I began Understanding the Kingdom: Kingdom Principles- Preparing for Kingdom Experience and Expansion by Myles Munroe.  He's mission is Purpose and he writes in such a way that you will think and apply it to your life.  It's based on the Word, and can always be crossed checked with the Bible-as I have read several of his books in the past.

Up on deck:  I'm really interested in getting in the mind of President Barack Obama.  So I'm reading The Audacity of Hope, Change We Can Believe In, Dreams of My Father, and Team of Rivals.

I'll be sure to share any tidbits I find interesting and worth noting.  But I just wanted to share this reading kick I'm on.  I love it!

Grace & Peace

God's Permission

Do not accept things for normal just because everyone else is doing it.  Did God say that it was right?  Did you read that in His Word?  When we live in confusion and false notions, we can't get where we're supposed to be.  Think about it: Everyone in this entire world can tell me that God does not exist.  That does not make it true. The Word is Truth and you have to start there, if you're going to grow in relationship with God.

PRAYER: LORD Your children are suffering, they are being confused, they are being mislead, they are losing heart which is leading their faith to weaken.  LORD I bind the devil up in each of their lives right now!  I pray that they allow the Spirit that lives within them, Your Spirit to make a home in their whole hearts and not just in one section.  LORD, I pray that each child is enlighten to where all the pain is really coming from.  I pray that they each call out to You, in the name of Jesus.  That they stop relying on the words of people and their own minds and really seek to hear a Word from You.  I pray that they learn that You are real ALL of the time.  Not just when they're hoping, wishing and praying for something.  LORD continue to love on Your children and move their hearts to really experience what the love of  the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end is really about.  In Jesus' mighty name I pray.  Amen.

MATTHEW 17: 1-13
These verses may be broken up to discuss each point.

(Emphasis v. 1-4) After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses, Elijah, talking with Jesus.  
Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters-one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."  

What I love about Peter is that he always asked for permission.  He asked Jesus for his permission to walk on water and in the verses above he says to Jesus, "If you wish..."  So many of us do not ask for permission.  We just act and then suffer the consequences afterwards; giving God the glory when it turns out successful and growing angry and tired of Him when it fails.  What is wrong with us?  LOL  Will we ever learn? Will we learn that God is real?  Just because we can't see Him, nor do we always understand or agree with His ways and commands-this does not mean He does not exist.  This does not mean that His ways are not right.  Because they are!  It's time to stop treating God like a genie that we can place back into a lamp when we want to save up our wishes.  It's time to stop abusing out relationship with Him.  If anyone should come first in our lives, that should be God.  And this affects how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, the decisions we make, how much time we spend in the Word, when we pray, what we receive from church service and fellowship, our outlook on life and specific situations, the hope we have and so much more.  Don't be afraid to let God correct you.  Wouldn't you rather walk in light than be blind in darkness?



Monday, February 2, 2009

The Office and Heroes

How hilarious was The Office from Sunday night?  I don't think I've seen an episode of late that had me laughing so hard.  Don't get me wrong, I love The Office.  But this episode seemed to pack everything that made you smile, chuckle and just fall on the floor laughing all rolled into one.  

Take the opening scene.  The methods everyone had to get out of that office was just priceless.  Oscar falling out of the roof.  Angela throwing the car.  Jim using the copy machine to open the door.  I mean the list goes on and on an one.  I can watch that episode again and I probably will.  Because that scene was no joke.  Or was it? LOL

Heroes- This show just can't get it all right.  Started off the episode well.  It had action, my mind was excited to see what was going to happen next.  But then the story just doesn't make sense.  Why is Nathan locking everyone up?  He has abilities himself.  And whiny Claire, who now knows martial arts.  And "I want to save the world" Peter.  No wonder their a couple in real life.  They must have bonded over their terrible characters.  And Sylar.  Is he going to be the only bad guy in this entire series.  There is no other that can trump him.  Please!  This show needs to give me something more, and now!

But you know me, I'll keep watching it- even if I'm daydreaming through most of it LOL.

Good night!

P.S.  Obama is too cool!


I don't know about you, but I am really digging into the Word.  This time around the Holy Spirit is telling me there is no time to mess around.  It's time to be serious about learning the Word, devoting real time to it, studying it, praying for understanding, never to let anything discourage me and never giving up on it.  This is the time to join with friends and spiritual colleagues in reading and talking about the Word.  It's time to ask questions and throw out all of the misconceptions that we've been taught.  "Only You can prevent forest fires!" LOL That relates somehow...but if it doesn't make sense-it felt like the right time to say it :)

PRAYER: There is none like You, no one loves me the way that You do.  I can search through all eternity LORD, and find, there is none like You.  How true these lyrics are.  There is no other God in this universe for me.  You are all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.  GREAT is my God!  And I thank You for always having me on Your mind.  You teach me the true meaning of love, patience and understanding.  You teach me forgiveness and acceptance.  You teach me how to appreciate me and all that You have created in me.  You have begun a good wok in me, and You will carry it on to completion.  Everything You create is good; therefore I am good because of the blood of Jesus.  Thank You Jesus, Your sacrifice should never be taken lightly or be forgotten.  Thank You for showing us how to be fully human and rely totally on the Spirit of God.  What Would Jesus Do? He would always turn to the Father.  You are a mighty Savior.  In Your name I pray, amen.

MATTHEW 17: 1-13
These verses may be broken up to discuss each point.

(v. 1-13) After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters--one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"
When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. "Get up," he said. "Don't be afraid." When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.
As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, "Don't tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead."
The disciples asked him, "Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?"
Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.

There is a lot going on in these first 13 verses of chapter 17.  First, the transfiguration-it was a vision, a brief glimpse of the true glory of the King.  This was a special revelation of Jesus' divinity  to Peter, James and John; and it was God's divine affirmation of everything Jesus had done and was about to do.
Moses and Elijah were the two greatest prophets in the Old Testament.  Moses represents the law, or old covenant.  Elijah represents the prophets who foretold the coming of the Messiah.  Moses' and Elijah's presence with Jesus before Peter, John and James; confirmed Jesus' messianic mission; to fulfill God's law and the words of God's prophets.

Michael Phelps

"yeah...I knew Michael Phepls was BLACK!!!! He from B'More, he smoke weed, he chill in Vegas..what more can I say"

Are you kidding me?  The above is a quote from a random comment after the story broke that Michael Phelps had a picture of him smoking from a bong.  First, the person spelled Michael's last name wrong.  But what's really sad about this comment is that it is an opinion shared by many ignorant people.  People think to be Black you need to smoke weed?  I tell you, having a Black President has done nothing for a lot of people.  They're not aspiring to more because they're afraid to fail, they're too comfortable living in below 0 standards.  And I'm tired of it.  So tired of it.  The devil has been so busy allowing people to forget how God created us.  He created us in His image.  We are wonderfully and fearfully made.  God doesn't make ugly, we may have our dumb opinions but He does not make UGLY.  

When I found out what God thought about me, my whole outlook on myself changed.  I love me because of all that I am-because God knew who I was before I was even formed.  No one can tear me down, because I don't allow people to build me up.  God's Word builds me up and that is everlasting.  Learn who you are in Christ and allow the lies that have been embedded in your mind be washed away with the blood of the Lamb.  I can't wait for the day when people know who they are, and all they can be.  I can't wait for the day!!!!

Let's begin to pray about it prayer warriors.

Also, just because Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals, doesn't make him a role model.  I'm not disappointed in the kid, because that's what he is.. a kid.  He's going to make dumb mistakes.  Whether he did it before or after the 2008 Olympics-no one asked him about his moral character.  They were too busy asking "Who do you listen to in those headphones?"   He has done something great by accomplishing his goals-but that's it.  Who knew who he was before then?  This world does not uplift people because of their moral standards.  We are made to envy people who are not thinking about you or changing this world for the better.  They are mostly all about self.  They are drugged out, sleeping with any and everyone.  They go out every night, shop all day (for free!), vacation all week and donate money strictly for tax purposes.  Yet, they make the most money and get the most attention.  Aren't you bothered by this?  I know I am.  I will live to see a major change in this world, I believe God for it!

The Good News to come next.