Friday, January 30, 2009

The LORD's Prayer...

Many things that should make you think.  I just realized I didn't know what "hallowed" meant.  Just saying it!  God always lovingly corrects us.  Praise Him!

Rather cleverly done.
 This is in two parts, 
the prayer (in blue typeand GOD (in red typein response.
It is very, very good.
Our Father Who Art In Heaven.
Don't interrupt me. I'm praying.
But -- you called ME!
Called you?
No, I didn't call you.
I'm praying.
Our Father who art in Heaven.
There -- you did it again!
Did what?
Called ME.
You said,
'Our Father who art in Heaven'
Well, here I am.
What's on your mind?
But I didn't mean anything by it.
I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day.
I always say the Lord's Prayer.
It makes me feel good,
kind of like fulfilling a duty.
Well, all right.
Go on.
Okay, Hallowed be thy name . 
Hold it right there.
What do you mean by that?

By what?
By 'Hallowed be thy name'?
It means, it means . . good grief, 
I don't know what it means.
How in the world should I know?
It's just a part of the prayer.
By the way, what does it mean?
It means honored, holy, wonderful.
Hey, that makes sense.
I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Do you really mean that?
Sure, why not?
What are you doing about it?
Doing? Why, nothing, I guess.
I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control,
of everything down here like you have up there.
We're kinda in a mess down here you know.
Yes, I know;
but, have I got control of you?
Well, I go to church.
That isn't what I asked you.
What about your bad temper?
You've really got a problem there, you know.
And then there's the way you spend your money --
all on yourself.
And what about the kind of books you read ?
Now hold on just a minute!
Stop picking on me!
I'm just as good as some of the rest of those people at church!
Excuse ME.
I thought you were praying
for my will to be done.
If that is to happen,
it will have to start with the ones
who are praying for it.
Like you -- for example ..
Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups.
Now that you mention  it,
I could probably name some others.
So could I.
I haven't thought about it very much until now,
but I really would like to cut out some of those things.
I would like to, you know, be really free.
Now we're getting somewhere. We'll work together -- You and ME.
I'm proud of You.
Look, Lord, if you don't mind,
I need to finish up here.
This is taking a lot longer than it usually does.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
You need to cut out the bread.
You're overweight as it is.
Hey, wait a minute! What is this?
Here I was doing my religious duty,
and all of a sudden you break in
and remind me of all my hang-ups.
Praying is a dangerous thing.
You just might get what you ask for.
you called ME -- and here I am.
It's too late to stop now.
Keep praying.  ( . pause . . )
Well, go on.
I'm scared to.
Scared? Of what?
I know what you'll say.
Try ME. 
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
What about Ann?
See? I knew it!
I knew you would bring her up!
Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories.
She never paid back the money she owes me.
I've sworn to get even with her!
But -- your prayer --
What about your prayer?
I didn't -- mean it.
Well, at least you're honest.
But, it's quite a load carrying around all that bitterness
and resentment isn't it?
Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her.
Boy, have I got some plans for her.
She'll wish she had never bee n born.
No, you won't feel any better.
You'll feel worse.
Revenge isn't sweet.
You know how unhappy you are -- 
Well, I can change that.
You can? How?
Forgive Ann.
Then, I'll forgive you;
And the hate and the sin,
will be Ann's problem -- not yours.
You will have settled the problem
as far as you are concerned.
Oh, you know, you're right.
You always are.
And more than I want revenge,
I want to be right with You . . (sigh).
All right all right . .
I forgive her.
There now!
How do you feel?
Hmmmm. Well, not bad.
Not bad at all!
In fact, I feel pretty great!
You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight.
I haven't been getting much rest, you know.
Yeah, I know.
But, you're not through with your prayer are you? Go on.
Oh, all right.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Good! Good! I'll do that.
Just don't put yourself in a place
where you can be tempted.
What do you mean by that?
You know what I mean.
Yeah. I know.
Go ahead. Finish your prayer.
For Thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory forever.
Do you know what would bring me glory --
What would really make me happy?
No, but I'd like to know.
I want to please you now.
I've really made a mess of things.
I want to truly follow you.
I can see now how great that would be.
So, tell me . . 
How do I make you happy?
YOU just did.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eternal Perspective

Are you experiencing God's supernatural power in your life?  I am!  It's hard to explain and amazing to experience.  Today, our UPS guy asked me, "Why are you so chipper?"  In that moment, I thought it was because I was heading home.  But the real answer is that God was truly apart of everything I did today.  And because He was, I saw favor in every area.  And it only gets better. 

PRAYER: Father, I pray for healing in marriages and family relationships.  I pray that Your spirit moves the individual to think outside of themselves and look for ways to serve those that they love.  I rebuke the spirit of fear over those in my life LORD.  I pray that their trust in You precedes any stress, discouragement, and overwhelming states.  I pray for increased obedience LORD.  We know our salvation has nothing to do with rules but You do set a standard of quality for us to live by.  I pray that we each embrace this standard and live it uniquely to our individually characters but all in honor of You.  Thank You LORD for our past, present and future.  Thank You for choosing each one of us.  Thank You for creating us, and loving us even before we were formed.  You are phenomenal.  I love You.  In Jesus' name, amen.

MATTHEW 16: 21-28

(Emphasis v. 24-28) Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

When we don't know or honor Christ, we make choices as though there were no afterlife.  In reality, this life is just the introduction to eternity.  How we live this brief (though sometimes those days seems soooo long) span determines our eternal state.  What we accumulate on earth has no value in gaining eternal life.  Even the highest social or civic honors cannot earn us entrance into heaven.  Jesus has the authority to judge all the earth (Romans 14:9-11; Philippians 2:9-11).  Although His judgment is already working in our lives, there is a future, final judgment when Christ returns (25:31-46) and every one's life will be reviewed and evaluated.  This will not be confined to unbelievers; those who are saved, too, will face judgment.  Their eternal destiny is secure, but Jesus ties in order to determine their heavenly rewards.  At the time of judgment, God will deliver the righteous and condemn the wicked. We should not judge others' salvation, that is God's work.

For most of you, I know a lot of this, even when explained still doesn't make any sense to you.  Don't worry, pray for understanding and enlightenment from the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the only One who can reveal the true meaning of the Word.  I can type and talk my head off, and you may get some of it; but you wont get all of it until it is revealed by the Spirit.  So, be diligent in seeking the revelation of the Word.  Once the Word starts to take form and meaning in your life, your habits will begin to change.  I've been asking myself a lot lately, why does certain injustices irritate me so much?  Why do I care so much about certain things?  Why am I interested in certain areas?  To the human eye, we chalk it up to age.  But I know it's because my spirit is maturing and what was clouding my eyes before, God is clearing away so that I see what truly matters in this life.  It starts out confusing, because we're so worried about our exact purpose and the meaning of life.  But as I trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit, I see my life heading into a direction I never imagined but I know for sure is an exciting place, meant JUST for me.  God wants to take you on Your specific journey as well.



Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15

Notes from Life Application Study Bible & NIV Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition.  Definitions from the New Oxford American Dictionary

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happiness is...

 JOY!  Stop living without it.  Too many of us settle for "OK."  Not me, not anymore.  Nehemiah 8:10 declares: "...Do not grieve for the joy of the LORD is your strength."  So I should be full of JOY.  It's time to learn how to not allow our circumstances and emotions control us.  They are not lasting.  You have to try it, to see the difference it will make.  Are you willing to step up to the challenge?

PRAYER: LORD, Your joy is my strength.  Reveal to each person who seeks to know, exactly what this means.  You said knock and You will answer.  Seek and we shall find.  LORD, I pray that we don't give up on what You have in store for each one of us, due to our present circumstance.   Lead us to make our crooked paths straight and commune in right fellowship with You.  Let us place You in everything that we do.  I pray that our strongest relationship is the one that we each have with You.  Teach us how to truly love and forgive one another.  Praise Your name for shinning the light and for not allowing us to live blind.  I'm blessed to see.  Thank You LORD!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

MATTHEW 16: 21-28
These verses may be broken up to discuss each point

(Emphasis v. 24-25) Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

I'm sure those of you who have never had these verses explained to you are asking "huh?"  I've had it explained several times and I will admit I have to constantly refresh myself on the meaning of the verses.  This is exactly why we must study the Word, listen to those called to preach the Word, and pray for constant revelation from the Holy Spirit.  I will be in the commercial that confirms that the Holy Spirit ALWAYS comes through.  Anyone casting?

As we focus on joy, really take in the verses above.  When Jesus used this picture of his followers shouldering their cross to follow Him, the disciples knew what He meant.  Crucifixion was a common Roman method of execution, and condemned criminals had to carry their cross through the streets to the execution site.  As Jesus, whom was innocent, did before he was crucified.  

Following Jesus, therefore, means a TRUE commitment; being charged with sin- because we are all sinners.  We are all subject to the power of sin.  Sin is not only an act that we can commit, it is also a power/force-that we cannot fight without Jesus.  Second, you have to admit your sin to God.  As you grow more confident in your relationship with God, you will begin to share with others.  You have to know that secrets are a method of satan.  You do not need to be ashamed.  God forgives, and you sharing your trials and tribulations will help someone else.  Third, you must continually die to sin.  You have to continually make the difficult choices to not indulge- which starts in our thinking.  Once you allow that thought to form and exist, you'll soon accept yourself committing the act.  Satan can be smooth in his temptation, when you're not filled with the Word.  You're not strong enough to resist satan on your own, this is why you NEED Jesus. 

The possibility of losing their lives was very real for the disciples as well as for Jesus.  Real discipleship implies real commitment-pledging our whole existence to His service.  This means in EVERYTHING we do.  Not just on Sundays, not just at home.  But EVERYWHERE YOU GO!  And it's natural.  When you force it, it's an act- it's not true.  But when it's just apart of who you are.  People will see Jesus, without you even saying a word.  

If we try to save our physical life from death, pain, or discomfort, we may risk losing eternal life.  How?  Because you would be doing everything in your own power, instead of trusting the Mighty God.  If we protect ourselves from the pain God calls us to suffer, we begin to die spiritually and emotionally.  How?  Again, by doing it our way and missing the blessing and growth that God desires for us.   Our lives turn inward, and we lose our intended purpose.  When we embark on the pursuit of happiness for ourselves, it eludes us. But when we give our life in service to Christ, we discover the real purpose of living.  When you become absorbed in something demanding and worthwhile, above and beyond ourselves, happiness seems to be there as a by-product of the self-giving.



Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15

Notes from Life Application Study Bible & NIV Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition (Catherine Marshall).  Definitions from the New Oxford American Dictionary

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Meena tagged me so I am tagging her back...

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

NEW RULE: You're tagged if you're reading this...  Feel free to repost wherever it works for you.

1. I like to laugh.  The best medicine

2. I also like to cry.  It's good for you as well.

3. I fear nothing.  God tells us to "Fear Not!"

4. My hair is growing evenly.

5. I write blogs and in journals.  I love to get my thoughts out of my head.

6. I occccaaaaasiiiionally like New York.

7. I hate certain aspects of technology, I feel it's created more bad than good in our world.

8. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

9. I love to love. 

10. I believe in the power of prayer.

11. My family, I pledge to honor more. 

12. I despise disrespect and dishonesty.

13. I fear nothing, why put fear on here twice.  Tells you a lot how people think.

14. I am growing in the most important areas.

15. I am not mean. 

16. I don't like waiting. 

17. I love the people in my life who have been so true, no matter what!

18. I curse when I'm rapping a song...that's why I need the clean versions.

19. I don't have a celebrity cheat, I don't plan to cheat...ever-there are no exceptions.

20. I love learning.

21. I totally have a purpose in life, that I'm so excited to be living.

22. I miss my Grandfather.

23. My sibling called on the day of the inauguration.

24. My new favorite place is in a warm shower.  I can stay in there for hours when the temp is right.

25. I am a child of God.

Television, Movies & Awards

If you know me, you know (if you don't, you'll soon find out) that I LOVE television and movies.  But as I grow older and closer to understanding the things of God; I'm learning to become more selective in what I watch.  I can't just watch anything.  I can't just let any and all ideas into my thoughts and my spirit.  But as I tell you all the programs I watch, you won't think I'm that selective... BUT I AM.  There's more crap I could be watching.

A few that I've given up on permanently: Nip Tuck-too sexual and silly; American Idol-it's the same thing every year; 10 Items or Less- I tried it out and it sucked; I just erased another show-but can't remember what it was-meaning I shouldn't be watching it.

I go back and fourth with Oprah.  She inspires so many people, but the lady does not inspire me.  She has some great moments so I haven't decided.  Her show depends on the guest, I guess.  LOL.

So let me dive into the shows that I watch right now and maybe it can open up some dialogue between us.  I'm not here to only state my opinions, I love to debate and agree and laugh over funnies.  So don't be shy.  Let's get started, again it's the shows that are currently on (there are plenty more, but they're on break-so why talk about them now?  We have time)...

I like this show because it's funny.  Barney is the best character in a long time.  I can admit if he wasn't a part of this cast, it wouldn't have the same charm.  Ted is annoying.  Sometimes the Marshall and Lilly relationship is annoying.  Robin is cool, but Barney gives you the laughs out loud.  I also love how friendship in New York is portrayed, because it's pretty realistic.  You find your core group, you usually go to the same places and they become your family-because usually you're all from out of town.  I can't say that I've truly experienced this TRUTH (just due to the industry where I've met a lot of these cats-it hasn't all been real), but I would love to have had experienced friendship like this in New York.  I'm blessed to have this in California.  I really honor my friendships from home because they remind me of what's really good.

Now this show is HILARIOUS because it is so dysfunctional.  They take it to the extreme.  I love a show that really makes me laugh.  That makes me rewind to hear it again.  This show has many moments like that.  It's a goodie!

I've been committed to this show from the beginning.  It's a good balance of drama and comedy.  The lead gets on your nerves and then you love her.  Her supporting cast are perfect matches to one another.  "Thank You!"  You'll only get that if you watch the show which comes back tomorrow night.  Check it out.
I LOVE THIS SHOW!  No matter if you love or hate Kate.  It's a great example of family.  Of being blessed and using your blessing to bless others.  And those sextuplets are the cutest things ever!  The twins not so much.  But it all goes together to make a great show.

Unfortunately, Heroes has been a consistent disappointment recently.  But I can't give it up!  The characters have become so annoying and yet, I can't give it up.  I'm excited and hoping that this next chapter in the series, where they all have to work together to stand against the forces that be, will save the show.  Hopefully the story line is inspiring and captivating-because I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

Another show I've been watching from the beginning.  Allison annoys me because she has lived with this gift all of her life and she still doesn't understand it.  It's so annoying.  I love Joe and the middle daughter.  If they weren't on the show, I don't know if I could deal.  I'm interested to see where this season will go.

I am so late on this series, but now that I've found it I can't live without it.  James Lipton gets on my nerves.  He really does.  He takes it all way too serious.  But I love how the actors allow themselves to be exposed.  I dream of being on this show one day.  To have a collection of work that we can talk about.  I have interest in acting, but not sure if it's purposed for me.  We can want to do it all, but people need to realize that you're not created to do EVERYTHING.  People are so greedy.  I just watched Ricky Gervais' (original office) episode- a very funny guy and makes lots of sense in a lot of his opinions BUT then ignorance is always involved in the faith territory.  He asked, "if there is a God, why did he make me atheist?"  After he told the story of why he CHOSE to be atheist.  People never take responsibility for their choices.  They just want to blame God for everything.  I've found myself asking, "Why me, LORD"  but I'm learning to not go there.  Ask the right questions and I will receive the answers.  I'm about taking responsibility for my choices.  God gave us the FREEDOM OF CHOICE.  He wants us to choose to love Him, obey Him and most importantly fellowship with Him.  People seem to forget that part.  
Here I go preaching, lets move to the next show...

I find it interesting that Scrubs moved to ABC.  I like this show, I don't love it.  I didn't watch it from the beginning and I've been more fond of seasons more than others.  But there are some good moments of laughter, and I'm not sure it has too much longer to go.  So I'll stick with it.

This is a good one.  A great ensemble.  I like everyone but the redhead, she's annoying.  And is there something wrong with Robin's face.  Maybe after all the weight she lost, the scar or birth mark, whatever it is came out.  But this show is witty.  I like it. 

If I'm a fan of any show, it's LOST!!!!  And I'll never forget how I almost gave up on it.  I had an advance copy of the pilot and thought it was great, but if the monster turned out to be a dinosaur or something ludicrous that treated the audience shrewdly I wasn't going to watch.  But LOST proved me wrong.  It went for an intelligent audience.  It stretches your mind as much as it entertains you.  I'm with this until the end.  I LOVE it!  The first episode this season took us on a crazy ride.  I love how it brought back old characters.  How good did Anna Lucia look? Go head Michelle Rodriguez.  I find it interesting that any new character they introduce, who is suppose to be someone who has always been on the island and survivor but is now speaking up-they are always annoying and they are killed off.  No matter who it is.  If the story line doesn't connect to the main characters, they always feel forced.  How many years has it been.  Introducing them now, just doesn't make any sense.  This first episode was full of guesses, and I've heard the 3rd episode is going to have a SHOCKING moment.  Can't wait!

Top Chef is another show which is pretty much the same thing every season.  But I think they choose the best personalities.  Fabio is my favorite this season.  And I love the black girl, she makes the most out of this world comments.

I don't know about this show.  There have been some great moments.  Loved when they were in the club and had the dance battle.  I love the most recent episode when Kim told Craig "I told you to call the lizard"-meaning she wanted him to call Geico for car insurance.  That made me laugh.  It's just so silly, that you hope for those moments.  They don't always come through, but when they do they're good.  So I'll stick with it until it's pulled.  I'm not sure it has enough viewers, so I don't think it's going to last long... but it may do an office turn 

I actually gave up on this show the first season.  They didn't have the chemistry that they have now.  I couldn't do without this show now.  It's just hilarious because they are normal people exaggerated.  I think Pam and Jim have become boring now that they're together.  But the rest of the characters are maintaining.  This recent episode when they were debating over if Hilary Swank was hot, definitely a goody! 

My show!!!  I admire Tina Fey, she's cool to me.  Someone who is who she is, talented, funny and with this amazing ensemble and guest stars.  I hope this show never goes off the air.  I mean Kenneth did the "Top That" rap from TeenWitch.  Not too many people know about that!  Loves it!

I'm more annoyed than I am loving the characters on this show today.  I'm glad that Lexie is with Mark because now she's not as pathetic as she was when she was chasing after everything Meredith.  I can't wait for them to kill off Izzy, please don't allow her to survive.  George has no purpose anymore.  And Miranda is too soft nowadays.  Though Meredith has the dream man and she does everything to drive him away, I like her because she's honest.  I cried on this last episode when she said "I know you don't understand me, I don't understand me..."  I totally understood what she was talking about.  I feel that way often.  And then when Christina came to the car when she wouldn't stop crying.  It said so much about friendship.  Friendship is so important to me.  Too important at times, that I often get hurt-because what I give and expect back is often never matched.  So I guess I got a little emotional seeing the love and familiarity of being able to turn to a friend, even after being angry with what looked like no hope of forgiveness.

OK, I admitted to you that the premiere drew me back in (the only show I watch on MTV) and then the next episode sucked.  The dancing was whack.  I'll give this show one more episode, if it's no good-it will be easy to let it go.

I watch this show on fast-forward.  It is the worst show on air right now, but I have to watch it since it's the last season.  Even heard Clooney is going to make an appearance in the final season.  But the story lines suck, the characters are not likable and the acting is bad.  When this show leaves the air, it will be a good day! 

This is an old logo, Wife Swap comes on Fridays now.  I love this show, even though it's starting to be the same thing.  But these dummies make me laugh with their out of this world ways of raising children and having a family.  And for someone like me who wants a family in the future, it's a big way to learn what not to do.

This is the show that says everything you were thinking, AND THEN- brings up the things you missed but would have loved to see.  If you haven't figured it out, laughter is one thing that keeps me loyal to a show.  And BWE, has some lame moments-but it can usually get a laugh out of me.

Another disappointment.  I was looking forward to this show coming back.  But I don't get where it's at.  I'm not even sure I knew what grade everyone was in, because I thought they were all the same age except for Matt.  Who knew Smash was the eldest and the only one to graduate.  Where is Street?  I just feel like the story lines I was left with haven't been answered.  Why aren't Tyra and Landry together anymore?  I was so excited and I've been let down.  Lila isn't a Christian anymore?  They threw out so much without explanation.  It makes no sense right now.  How did Tammy become principal?  I'm not too happy right now.  I hope it picks up.  Because this is a show that impressed me from the beginning, that I signed petitions to keep.  Don't make me regret it!

I'm disappointed in the start of this season.  And who the final cylon is.  I wish Dee didn't have to die.  And the story just isn't compelling.  Hope it picks up, I'll definitely watch it regardless because it's the final season-but who says I'll be paying attention.

I decided to check this show out On Demand today.  It's really interesting.  My biggest surprise is how attracted I am to the husband played by John Corbett.  I do remember him from Sex in The City-but he wasn't cute to me then.  I loved his character, but this time around, I love him.  Southern Gentleman it's really hot.  The teenage daughter is annoying, and I believe they display what I think is wrong with parents today.  They try too hard to be their friends instead of parents.  My mom was never my friend until I became an adult.  I'm not saying she was perfect, but I'm glad she was my mom and not my friend.  She didn't allow me to get away with disrespecting or doing wrong.  I appreciate that.  But back to the show, it's interesting.  So I'll give it a fair chance this season.  I love how Toni has a real woman's body, isn't the typical casting-but she's great!  I want to see more of this, so that people can appreciate different types of beauty.  People really don't know how brainwashed they are when it comes to what's beautiful and why they like people.  I'm glad to be out of that darkness, and I want to remain aware of searching for all the things that makes a person wonderful, other than their outside.  People have been taught to hate themselves in order to consume products.  That demon needs to be rebuked.  And there I go preaching again...

Ok, so I love television and MOVIES.  We know this now.  This weekend I was able to catch 2 movies I've been wanting to see:

Saw V
Which I was disappointed in.  I love horror movies.  But I loved Saw because of how everything connected.  It made me think and when I watched them with my fellow "Saw Ladies" we were kept in conversation for hours, trying to figure things out.  This particular one, we didn't rush to see at the theater, we weren't even waiting for it on DVD.  But we found a night to watch it, and now I think I'm over Saw.  I wasn't interested and the gore is getting to me.  But I do want to see the new Friday the 13th.  And I heard My Blood Valentine 3D was good.  Don't ask me why I like horror, just something my cousins and youngest aunt was always into.  We all still are.


Revolutionary Road
I loved this movie.  It wasn't a typical movie.  I didn't love any of the characters.  But I would watch it again and again and again.  The mistakes they made, people make daily and you can learn what you need to change in your own behavior from this movie.  Both Kate and Leo did a fantastic job.  I was annoyed by the "sick" son.  But everything else worked.  This is an intense movie.  I'm glad I didn't see it in a theater.  I can't wait to get it on DVD.

And the award goes to....

I don't get how many award shows this industry needs though!  I mean how much do you need to be praised and awarded?  People's Choice, Critic's Choice, Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG...I know I'm missing more.  It just doesn't make any sense.  How many gowns do you need to wear?  But the saddest thing is that I have to watch them all! HA! It really is the same show every time and the same people win.   That's how I know this industry is part of my purpose.  I work in it-though more on the music side at the moment.  But I long to get to the scripted side.  Music isn't inspiring anymore.  Television and movies have never disappointed me in the way, music has today.  I am watching the SAG Award show, and I have to give them credit, the start of the show.  It's different, it's personal, it's funny.  I hope there isn't a host, and my hope was met- NO HOST!  I think host are unnecessary.  Spoilers coming up, do not read if you still have the show taped ***I'M TALKING WINNERS PEOPLE****  

Tina Fey's acceptant speeches are awesome!  She won again for Comedic Actress.

Alec Baldwin commented on how good Sir Anthony Hopkins looked.  He does look skinny!  I don't want to condemn weight.  I totally believe that everyone is not meant to be super skinny, we're meant to be healthy.  But when you loose weight, you typically lose years.  You look younger.  That's what I've witness in this weight obsessed culture of ours.  Alec won again for Comedic Actor.

30 Rock wins again!  It is the greatest ensemble on television.  A smart and hilarious show.  And to know that Tina Fey got "I want to go to there" from her daughter is priceless.  It's the truth, when you operate from LOVE, things you love, people you love and passion- you create awesome work and art.

Best Actress in a Drama- my girl Kate Winslet.  She's great!  I love every character she plays and I'm so happy that she's getting her due at these award shows.  It's so funny that on her Actor's Studio she told the story of Emma Thompson giving her the advice to "never cry" if she won an award in her early career.  And if you saw her on the Golden Globes, she didn't listen to that advice.  And even tonight she looked like she was about to.  I admire this girl's talent.  She knows how to capture your attention when she's on screen.  She takes great characters, based on their characters and not on how huge the budget is or how big the film is going to be.  Other than Titanic, she hasn't really been in big budget films.  She isn't afraid of her body, no matter the size.  I honor that, because she's not in it for the fame.  She does it because she's blessed with the talent and she loves it.  And she does it without sacrificing her family in any way.  How cool is that?

I don't watch House, but I do love Huge Laurie who won best actor in a drama series.  You just know when people work in Hollywood and are not phased by Hollywood.  He's one of them  I respect that.  I love his sarcasm and I suggest you watch his Actor's Studio as well.

This show is moving at a good pace.  Amy Poehler is the best!

Question: Are Fred Armisen (SNL) and Elizabeth Moss (Mad Men) together?

Female actress in a drama series goes to Sally Fields.  I have nothing to say, I think she's great on the show-but I gave up on the show after the first season.  But I've always loved Mrs. Fields.  Sybil is still one of my favorite movies.

I'm not watching Mad Men, but it seems to get nominated and win awards at these shows.  Did you see William Shatner's face when they won though.  He didn't seem too pleased.  I love real reactions.  You can be disappointed because you lost.  It's ok!  It's not always enough to just be nominated.  Sometimes you really want to win and that's ok.

Forrest Whittaker seems like the most humble man.  I wonder if that's the real deal.

They just showed Anthony Hopkins again when James Earl Jones was being honored and he looks sick, but he may not be.  I don't want to wish that on anyone.  I love that James brought the Bible to his speech, he kept it short and he honored his collegues-dead and alive.

Why does everyone love that John Adams mini-series?  I tried watching one episode and fell asleep.  I can't comment on the acting because the slow moving story didn't allow me to get into that.  Laura Linney won again for best actress in a mini series.  I'm sure the guy who played John Adams (from Sideways) is going to win as well.

And they showed Anthony Hopkins again.  He doesn't look well.

Paul Giamatti is his name and he won.  I told you!  For John Adams.

It's so sad to see who has died over the year.  There are so many unexpected surprises.  I like this part of the award show because it's something you would never know if they didn't bring attention to it.  I don't know about you but I don't research who has died.  It's interesting who they give attention to in the media when they die.  I wonder if it's the wishes of the families or if they just didn't find them attention getting enough.  And I don't want to mourn the death as much as I rather celebrate their life and remember how they touched mine with their talents.

Do you ever wonder if people who are nominated and died, do they receive the award out of pity or do they truly deserve it.  Don't get me wrong, Heath Ledger was awesome in Batman, my favorite part of that long movie.  But are they honoring the work or the fact that he died and should get an award?  Just a question that came to my mind as he won the SAG.

I love when Meryl Streep wins because she's always surprised and excited about her win.  Meaning she doesn't expect anything!  "Even though awards don't mean anything to me any more, I'm really happy!"  She's priceless.  Her speech was the longest but the greatest.

I'm so weirded out by Katie Holmes.  She's trying to become a Posh wannabe.  It's sad to know nothing about this woman and yet pity her life.  Most of it is probably influenced by the tabloids but I've been in her presence and she's weird-especially with Tom.

Sean Penn is the next winner on the block.  I haven't seen MILK, so I don't have an opinion on his performance BUT Sean is a fantastic actor.  But I think he takes certain things WAY too seriously- not sure if you followed his whole Katrina drama, but he just made some ridiculous moves and comments.  So ridiculous, you couldn't tell if his motives were from his heart or for attention.  And did he just call tv people idiots?  What did he mean by that?  That's what I mean about him, he has an arrogance where he thinks he's always right.  I wouldn't want to get into a debate with him because I don't see him stepping aside to agree to disagree, or even listen to what I have to say.  

And I didn't get to see it because of course DVR does not account for a show running overtime.  But I checked online and saw that Slumdog Millionaire won for best movie.  I've been dying to see this movie, before it was awarded for anything.  I need to see it before the Oscars.  Hopefully, it's so expensive to see movies in New York that I'm sort of turned off.  When I was in Texas, $8 for a movie was amazing! Especially at the Alamo!  New York is ridiculous!

Hope you enjoyed the talk about television, movies and awards.  I'm going to go and watch the crazy funny Kat Williams in "It's Pimpin' Pimpin"  He makes me laugh!  But he curses so much it's full of bleeps and not that great as it is irritating LOL.

Good night!