Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mark 8:25-26

   TGN is shouting out 
We thank the LORD for your life!

Please join me in lifting Tiffany up in prayer:

Heavenly Father, when You create- it is declared good; and you created something special in Tiffany.  She is definitely a woman after Your own heart and we celebrate Tiffany in Your presence today LORD.  Thank You for the peace and goodness that You bring into her life, as she acquaints herself with You daily.  What an awesome example You have in Tiffany.  We pray that Your Message continues to reach the students she teaches, the parents of those students, her co-workers and all the people she encounters on a day to day basis.  Let Your light continue to shine brightly through Your beloved daughter.  We pray protection over her family LORD.  Destroying all strongholds and declaring a bless and prosperous future in her life.  If there is anything unpleasing to You in her, please reveal it; so that she can submit it completely to You and be free of anything that might be disrupting the ministry You have placed within her.  Speak to all of the issues of her heart LORD.  Answer the questions that she has.  Direct her every step.  LORD, bless and keep Tiffany.  Continue to smile upon her and be gracious to her all the days of her life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If YOU, too, would like to be celebrated on your special day ( ) please comment on this post and I will add your birthday, anniversary, baptism, the day you gave your life to Christ, any special days you want to recognize and get prayer for; will be added to the TGN calender.  If you replied to the original email sent on October 30th, you're all good!  No need to reply today.


Thank You!

Mark 8:22-26 *part 2*(NLT)

:25-26 "Don't Go Back into the Village..."

25 Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. 26 Jesus sent him away, saying, “Don’t go back into the village on your way home.”


Some of you may be saying to yourself, "Didn't we already pass this verse?"  And you would be right.  But God has something else He would like explained, and I will be obedient in that.  This verse also stood out to one of our readers ( ), which confirmed it needed to be addressed.

How many of us, get clarity from God on a certain issue, and then we walk right back into the environment that gave us the issue in the first place?

This can be anything!  This can be choosing to stay with the girl/boy that keeps us living in a life of sin.  This can be continuing to live the party lifestyle, when you want to stop the mistakes that come along with it.  This includes, wanting to change your work atmosphere, but you continue to hang with the gossips of the office.  This includes anything that redefines INSANE.  Choosing to do the same thing over and over, yet expecting a different result.

Jesus tells us not to go back the same way.  Jesus tells us that something has to change, and this is usually our walk and our routes.  Once your spirit has been convicted, You have given up that sin to Jesus, and He gives you a fresh start.  This means it is time to make different decisions.  Don't allow the lie fool you into thinking, just because you can see the danger clearly now, that you can walk right back into it.  Because you are NOT strong enough.  And trust me, God probably doesn't want you there (or in that situation).  He tells us to FLEE (run away quickly) from temptation.  He doesn't tell us to test our strength against temptation.

We need to listen to our God.  We need to make some changes.  Each and every one of us.  Now that it has been made clear to you, "Don't go back into (whatever is YOUR village) on your way home."

If you desire to grow; if you desire things to change- You need to listen to what Jesus is telling you.


Daily Prayer: Jesus, I pray that each one of us reading Your awesome Word today, take heed to Your instruction.  That we deliberately choose each and every moment of our day not to make the same decisions we made yesterday, that push us further away from You and right into sin.  I pray that those of us who have been awaken by this message today, will bow down to You and ask for forgiveness and for Your strength in fleeing temptation each step of the way.  For we should not be the same as yesterday.  Your Word changes us, brings us towards Your likeness- and away from the appeal of the corruptions and lust of this world.  LORD, I pray that the salt and light in this world, Your redeemed people will live to make a difference for Your Kingdom today, tomorrow and forever.  In Your Name, Jesus.  Amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Comments From God's People RE: TGN: Faith

Yea, so happy to see this in my box this morning. I had been wondering. Have a beautiful day! xoxox, -C
I thought of you too hoping you were okay! I even went to post on your FB wall but it didn't have a place to do that. is good and needed...."Charity does begin at home" Have to take care of our own consciousnesses and hearts. I totally understand.
Im happy you are back and rested.

So glad you're back - thought I got removed for a while - lol. -svp
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Comments From God's People RE: Greeting Cards Giving Opportunity

This sounds very nice.  How can I help from New York?

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 6:01 AM, The Good News WROTE:

GIVING OPPORTUNITY: Feb. 27th I am hosting a Greeting Card Party, where we'll get together over snacks and drinks to make quality homemade greeting cards with love, for the patients in the Pediatrics Cancer Ward and for Seniors in the Inland Empire Area. This is the month with the "love" holiday; but instead of focusing on couples-I would like to focus on "Hav(ing) a Heart" and show some love to those who may need a little extra right now. If your heart is stirred to get involved, here are a couple of ways:

 #1- If you live in Southern California and would like to join the party. Reply and I will hit you with all of the party & location details.

#2- If you are not local or cannot make it, but would like to participate. Reply and I will give you the requirements for making the cards and the directions in sending them to me by Feb. 27th.

#3- If there is someone in your world, you think would appreciate receiving a card of love. Reply with their information and they will receive a card the first week of March, along with the rest of our love recipients. You can have this sent anonymously.

Easy enough! Have a heart and show some love! Thanks!

Comments From God's People Re: TGN: Faith

The goodnews always speaks loud and clear...  I thank God for our commitment to our friendship. I thank God for always keeping the bond between us tight over so many years. I thank God for blessing me with amazing people in my life. I thank God that one of those amazing people are you.

Love you,

Comments From God's People RE: TGN: Concerns

Thanks so much. I could barely get through this because of crying. I'm so grateful that you are obedient to God's call on your life. This covered so many of my needs for this day.

Nothing has changed since we spoke as I continue to wait on God, knowing he won't leave me.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


LT, Thanks so much for this one!

Comments From God's People Re: TGN: "Who Do You Say I Am?"

you know I am like where is the good news, I want more!!!!!  I am being patient until tomorrow.  just enjoying reading it and most of all spending time with God quiet time.  HE is truly to be adored. See you tomorrow and thank you for being HIS Vessel,


Comments From God's People Re: TGN: Faith...again! It's Important

How on point with what I am trying to accomplish!!!!  It seems like I have had my time with God quiet time every other day.  I enjoyed this one, thank you.   Ok I was gonna save this question for LG but I must know Was the blind man always blind?  I don't recall that from reading previously...It stood out to me when he told JESUS he couldn't see clearly that the people looked like trees?  

I liked how you related the foggy vision with examples of spirituality.  

One thing that was brought to my attention as I was reading and spending time was when JESUS told the healed man not to go back into the Village on his way home.  I related this to life when Jesus heals us and HE tells us and warns us not to go back into the village before going (home) or where HE has instructed us to go.  Not going to the village to me would be not going back to friends who are toxic, addictions, family if there are no good, places, etc...the places and people who are not of God.
I hope that was not confusing,


Friday, February 26, 2010

"Who Do You Say That I Am?"


We interrupt my Hip Hop for God promotion to help out a friend in need.  I wish I was on the East just to get that TV!  LOL


Daily Prayer:  LORD, thank you for boldness!  You make your children bold; able to stand strong and fear nothing.  Because nothing can defeat the God that we serve.  Nothing can stop You from whatever You have planned for each of our lives.  You are the God of Abraham and Moses.  You are the God that walked with Enoch.  You are the God of King David and Solomon.  You are the God of Ruth and Esther.  You are the God of Jeremiah and Elijah.  You are the God of Paul and Barnabas.  You are the God of Elizabeth, Mary and Anna.  You are the God of John and Peter.  You are the Father of Jesus.  And You are my God.  The same yesterday, today and forever more.  You are my Father.  You are my Friend.  You are my Savior.  You are my Redeemer.  You are my Healer.  You are my Stronghold.  You are my Right Arm.  You are my Victory.  You are mine, because I am Yours. You are an awesome God.  I can't stop praising Your Name.  I can't stop thinking about Your Greatness.  I can't stop appreciating Your Faithfulness.  Let each person who seeks Your Good News and blesses their spirit and lives with it prosper in ways that they can't even imagine. For the work that You build and put Your children in charge of is never in vain.  Bless Your Name.  Amen.

Mark 8 (NLT)

:27- 30 Jesus Asks What The People Are Saying About Him

27 Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

28 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other prophets.”

29 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

   Peter replied, “You are the Messiah (Christ).”

30 But Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.


Jesus asked the disciples who other people thought He was; then He asked them the same question.

So I propose this same question to you.  Who do you say Jesus is?

My answer to this question: Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb of God, He is the Way (the only way to the Father), He is the Word, He is Truth and Light, He is MY living Savior, MY King, MY Redeemer, MY LORD, My Peace, He is LOVE, My EVERYTHING.  And I don't just say (or type) this.  I believe it and live it with all my heart.  There is none greater in my eyes.  There is no one else that makes me truly feel valued and valuable, loved, special, priceless even.  Only Jesus, the One who sacrificed His life, so that I can gain one.  Each and every time I stop to really think about His purpose- I am left speechless.  It really is amazing.

It is not enough to know what others say about Jesus, it's not enough to know what I believe about Jesus: You MUST know, understand, and accept for yourself that He is the Messiah.  You must move from curiosity to commitment, from admiration to adoration (love greatly, to worship).

Once we know who Jesus is, only then can He begin to reveal amazing life changing, eternity focused things to us.

I can only share my experience with you- I've had some major growth in my relationship with Jesus in the last 8 months, and the things that are being revealed, the life experiences that I'm going through and seeing in the lives of the faithful believers in my life and the hearts of those seeking to get closer to Him-- WOW!  it's all God!  I don't care how much time it took me to get to this place.  I'm thankful to be here and excited for where I am going from here, and the people I get to join, fellowship and grow with along the way.

Don't you want this joy and expectation?

I hope you don't think I'm bragging or trying to put up an artificial front.  Don't let the devil lie and distract you from the message God wants you to hear today.

My purpose is to encourage you, to move you, to stir you to make the necessary changes in your life to receive ALL that God has in store for you.

Know Who you serve!


Daily Prayer: Jesus, dwell among Your people.  Reveal Your Spirit to Your people.  Save Your people LORD.  Redeem Your people.  Move their hearts to fully open up to You and worship You.  To serve You with adoration and complete surrender.  I desire for each of us to have a true, Word filled, personal relationship with You; that continues to grow and grow and grow.  There is no stopping Your children, with You in our hearts.  LORD, I pray that the blinders are taken from the eyes of those who are blinded by their lust for this world; and that they are blessed with the light of the eternal Love that You are.  What a Mighty, Mighty God we serve.  Thank You Holy Spirit; anoint the homes, works, schools, cars- each and every place Your children saying this prayer are right now.  Let Your Glory fill these places.  Thank You Heavenly Father.  Who is the beginning and the end.  It is all in Your trustworthy hands.  Have Your Way.  In Your Name Jesus.  Amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Faith...again! It's Important

If you don't know me personally, you don't know what a music head I am; of ALL music. If you worked with me, you could hear me saying all day, "I KNOW MUSIC!" Well, music has disappointed me for a while now, and I've been waiting for excellent music to love and get excited about again. A friend from the old school has blessed me with some excellent Hip Hop for God. I've found a few gems to bring me back to my style of Hip Hop. I'll be featuring the artists I like for the rest of the week. Let me know your thoughts and enjoy!

Today's Featured Artist:
Shai Linne

This video & song is really cool- gospel knowledge:

Daily Prayer: The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid? When evil advances against me, those who part-take in it will stumble and fall. Whatever comes after me, my heart will not fear; though opposition breaks out against me, even then will I be confident. One thing I ask of You LORD, like David, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at His tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD. Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, "Seek His face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn Your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior. Though people in my life have and will forsake me, from relatives to friends, the LORD will receive me. Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, or to whatever/whomever may rise up against me. I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD, You tell me; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. In Jesus' Name. Amen (Psalm 27).

Mark 8 (NLT)

:22-26 Jesus Heals a Blind Man

22 When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to Jesus, and they begged him to touch the man and heal him. 23 Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. Then, spitting on the man’s eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked, “Can you see anything now?”

24 The man looked around. “Yes,” he said, “I see people, but I can’t see them very clearly. They look like trees walking around.”

25 Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. 26 Jesus sent him away, saying, “Don’t go back into the village on your way home.”


What can we learn from this healing?

We can learn that spiritual truth is not always perceived clearly at first. We live life on levels, arriving in stages (A.R. Bernard, CCC), but through it all we have to live from faith. Most promises in our lives will reveal themselves in stages; happening gradually rather than instantaneous. Why? Because God knows we would be overwhelmed with everything He has planned for us, if we received it all at once. We would most definitely mess everything up, because we're just not ready for what we think we're ready for- a majority of the time. Our LORD has much to teach us and build in us throughout the entire process. So welcome it. Welcome the time that it takes to get to where we are purposed to go. Stop grumbling like Israel about it not going your way. Work with God and according to His commands; not against Him- and thank God all the time, for handling each circumstance in His way.

Don't forget, before the (once blind) man was excused from Jesus' presence, he was healed completely. And you too will receive everything God has promised. You may not be able to see it visibly, touch it, nor understand it right now... but this doesn't mean that it is not on it's way. "You once were blind, but now (little by little, every day as You seek Jesus), you see." Faith is so very important, and that faith needs to be in God alone.

God is calling for our FAITH!!!!!!!

What do you have to let go of? What in your thinking do you need to change? What in your daily life do you need to remove? What negatives do you need to stop declaring over your present and future? How much time are you really spending with God alone? These are important questions to answer if you're really looking for what only God can offer.


Daily Prayer: I need Your help LORD in strengthening my faith in You. I want to trust You but I just don't know how to completely. But You know my heart, dear LORD- and it's a heart that desires more and more of You. I desire that my life goes Your way and not mine. Help me to take even the smallest steps in my actions that will increase my faith in You. You're Whom I want to trust. You're Whom I want to guide me. You're the Way I want to go. Show me how to appreciate the step by step process; the steady yet unbreakable build to the success You have planned for me in every single area of my life. I live to serve, honor and love You, My awesome Heavenly Father. You created me to praise You. Hallelujah. Let me praise You in all I do. In Your Son's Name I pray. Amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


PRAISE Prayer: Thank You LORD, for remembering Your children. You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You turn men back to dust. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children, in fructuous (fruitful/productive) ways. May the favor of the LORD our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us-yes, establish the work of our hands today. In Jesus' Name, amen (Psalm 90- A prayer of Moses the man of God).
*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 8 (NLT)
:14-21 The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod

14 But the disciples had forgotten to bring any food. They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat. 15 As they were crossing the lake, Jesus warned them, "Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod."
16 At this they began to argue with each other because they hadn't brought any bread. 17 Jesus knew what they were saying, so he said, "Why are you arguing about having no bread? Don't you know or understand even yet? Are your hearts too hard to take it in? 18 'You have eyes—can't you see? You have ears—can't you hear?' Don't you remember anything at all? 19 When I fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread, how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?"
"Twelve," they said.
20 "And when I fed the 4,000 with seven loaves, how many large baskets of leftovers did you pick up?"
"Seven," they said.
21 "Don't you understand yet?" he asked them.


Yeast in this passage symbolizes evil. Just as only a small amount of yeast is needed to make a batch of bread rise, so the harden hearts of the religious (Pharisees) and political leaders (Herod) could permeate and contaminate the entire society and make it rise up against Jesus. So in other words, Jesus said in verse 15, "Watch out for the EVIL (that will grow) of the Pharisees and that of Herod."

How could the disciples experience so many of Jesus' miracles and yet be so slow to comprehend who He was? They had already seen Jesus feed over 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish (6:35-44), they had seen Jesus feed 4,000 with seven loaves and a few small fish (8:1-10), yet here they were concerned again about their lack of bread. Jesus questioned their memories and they remembered what He had done, but still couldn't apply it to the now.

Sometimes we are also slow to catch on. Although Christ has brought us through trials and temptations in the past, we often don't believe that He will do so today. Is your heart too closed to take in all that God can do for you? Don't be like the disciples. Don't just remember what Christ has done, but have faith that He will do it again, and again and again.


Today, continually remind yourself of this. Carry it into the week, into the month, into the year. Throw those concerns out, believe in our God and stand on this Truth.

The definition of INSANE: Doing the same thing over and over; yet expecting different results.
If you are looking for things in your life to change, the change HAS to begin with YOU!

Daily Prayer: Father, forgive me for closing my heart to Your awesome Spirit. You have shown Yourself faithful over and over again, yet- I can't seem to trust You. LORD, I repent of this right now and asked that Your Spirit enter in and change my heart. I pray to remain consistent in renewing my mind and checking my attitudes in every situation. Help me to serve You with my whole heart, mind, will and emotions. Trusting You each and every step of the way. You are able; You are consistent, and You are faithful. Hallelujah Jesus! In Your Precious Name, I confidently pray. Amen.

Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Monday, February 22, 2010

TGN: Have You Decided to Believe?

*Latasha N. has a great testimony and we're going to shout out God today in PRAISE and CELEBRATION*

PRAISE Prayer: Hallelujah! LORD, we send You the highest praise, again and again. You are so good, not just in this blessing but always. We do want to take the time to honor You, to bring the focus of this blessing to You. So that everyone knows the Name of the LORD, our God. The King that we serve orchestrated everything up to this point and will not stop. LORD, thank You for walking with, carrying at times, Latasha during each moment that has brought her to the authority of being a brand new homeowner. When there was absolutely no way, You made a way- each and every time. Thank You for honoring her faith in You, with faithfulness, on top of faithfulness.
Set up, anoint and consecrate her new home; receive her home as a gift to the LORD in thanksgiving at all times. It is Yours LORD! We pray that it serves every single purpose You placed it in Latasha's hands for. Serving, helping and ministering to others in need. Latasha is blessed and highly favored; no one needs to tell her, because You show her each and every day. You have secured her heart with Your Truth Father! In You she trusted and faithful believers joined in with her and they were not disappointed. Continue to honor Latasha's prayer over those who stood in the gap and in agreement with Your awesome promise; and rebuked the enemy before, during and after any attempt of attack. Because he did attempt, but failed miserably. Which is his ultimate fate. Thank You Jesus! There is something about that Name! It is the sweetest and most powerful Name I know. Oh how I love that Name! Continue to be Latasha's Guide, LORD; meeting every need and deleting every concern. Surely goodness and love will follow her all the days of her life and she will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. LORD, surely You will continue to show us Your faithfulness in Your Word and in each of our lives. In Your Name, Jesus. AMEN! IT IS DONE!

If Latasha ever gets the time to write it all down, I'll make sure to share the full testimony with you. But just know GOD PROVIDES, HE IS SO TRUE TO HIS WORD!!!!!!!

*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 8 (NLT)
:11- 13 Pharisees Demand a Miraculous Sign

11 When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had arrived, they came and started to argue with him. Testing him, they demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority.
12 When he heard this, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, "Why do these people keep demanding a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, I will not give this generation any such sign." 13 So he got back into the boat and left them, and he crossed to the other side of the lake.

The Pharisees had tried to explain away Jesus' previous miracles by claiming they were done by luck, coincidence, or evil power. Here they demanded a sign from heaven-something only God could do. Jesus refused their demand because He knew that even this kind of miracle would not convince them. They had already decided not to believe. Hearts can become so hard that even the most convincing facts and demonstrations will not change them.

So first, let's check ourselves. Are you waiting on God to do something big in your life, before you will totally believe and trust in Him? If so, you're waiting in vain. As we see in the above verses, this is not how God works. Do you remember what God is moved by? FAITH! No matter how small. If your heart is looking to believe and trust in Him- with the motivation of knowing Him, loving Him and having a real relationship with Him. Well I know for sure You will see and live some great experiences and testimonies; just like Latasha. If your motivation is just for God to do for you; as you live life however you please. Well... big disappointments are in your midst. God created US; and He created us for the purpose of praising, serving and loving Him. Not the other way around. We're so blessed that He is a God who wants to bless us, because we really don't deserve it. Or let me speak for myself, I know I don't. I thank Him eternally for Jesus!

Now let's move to our witness. Sometimes we pray for healing, or a job, or this or that. And it doesn't end up the way we hoped. I don't know about you, but I've often wondered and have been disappointed- because I wondered how that non or new believer received it. "Did they think God couldn't and doesn't come through?" Would be a thought that would enter my mind. Well, my friends, if you've ever felt this way, let me kick that burden right off of you, as God has done for me. We don't share Jesus with others for miracles. And this connects with our previous read, when Jesus didn't want to be seen as solely a miracle worker. We share Jesus in order to restore a relationship with God and share life and eternity with Him. All the healing, blessings and goodness is a result of the most important thing: THE RELATIONSHIP.

So believe and build a relationship with God, simply because you desire to love Him. The rest is already promised.


Daily Prayer: LORD I believe in You and only You. My heavenly Father! My awesome Savior. Correct what is incorrect in me, from my thinking, to my attitudes, to my actions. Let my life be a celebration of You and our relationship, and of Your love for Your people. Bless Your Name O God. For Your Presence is here and it is wonderful. Thank You for not allowing me to go through this life without YOU. In Jesus' Name, amen!


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

TGN: Concerns

Daily Prayer: LORD, I love You. LORD, I need You. You mean everything to me. I desire more and more of You in my life. Speak today, as You always do through Your Word. Reach people exactly where they are, to bring them to where You have established for them to be. You are so good LORD. Thank You for Your Word today. In Jesus' Name Amen.


*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 8 (NLT)

:1- 10 Jesus Feeds Four Thousand

1 About this time another large crowd had gathered, and the people ran out of food again. Jesus called his disciples and told them, 2 "I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. 3 If I send them home hungry, they will faint along the way. For some of them have come a long distance."
4 His disciples replied, "How are we supposed to find enough food to feed them out here in the wilderness?"
5 Jesus asked, "How much bread do you have?"
"Seven loaves," they replied.
6 So Jesus told all the people to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves, thanked God for them, and broke them into pieces. He gave them to his disciples, who distributed the bread to the crowd. 7 A few small fish were found, too, so Jesus also blessed these and told the disciples to distribute them.
8 They ate as much as they wanted. Afterward, the disciples picked up seven large baskets of leftover food. 9 There were about 4,000 people in the crowd that day, and Jesus sent them home after they had eaten. 10 Immediately after this, he got into a boat with his disciples and crossed over to the region of Dalmanutha.

So to bring you up to speed, in chapter 6 Jesus fed over 5,000; that was a different miracle. Just to give you a little context: The 5,000 fed at that time, were mostly Jews. This time Jesus was ministering to a non-Jewish crowd in the Gentile region of the Ten Towns. It was very important for Mark's (writer of this book) primarily Roman audience to see that Jesus had compassion for non-Jews as well.

So first let's discussed the disciples. I have to bring to our attention (as I did in Matthew), how easily they forgot what Jesus was able to do when He trusted in God. There were at least 1,000 people less than the first miracle and the disciples still questioned Jesus on how they were going to find food to feed the people. I love how Jesus just went straight to providing for the people's needs. He didn't bother explaining; He just allowed the power of God to do what He desires to do; take care of His people.

Do you ever feel that God is so busy with important concerns that He can't possibly be aware of your needs? Do you often forget about the need He just took care of a second ago, just to grow concern about your next? Just as Jesus had compassion for these people's need for food, He is concerned about our daily needs too. At another time, Jesus said this about our daily concerns, "So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing... Your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs" (Matthew 6:31,32 LASB). Do you have concerns that you think would not interest God? Have you forgotten how great and faithful Your God is? He KNOWS your EVERY NEED. There is nothing too large for Him to handle and no need to small to escape His interest.

Tell God today, how you're going to trust Him to take care of your needs: and actually trust Him.  The 4,000 were so occupied by being fed by Jesus spiritually, that there is no concern recorded from them about their physical need of more food; they didn't move an inch.  This is trust, keep our eyes on Jesus, make it a priority to feed our spirit-man and let Him provide all that we need.  He is faithful in giving us the steps we need to take, if any.  Learn to wait on Him!  Trust God!

Daily Prayer: O, LORD, how I trust You with every concern and need in my life today. There is no One greater to place it all in the hands of. LORD, where I am weak in my trust, I ask You to make me strong. Where I am struggling, I ask that You show me my foundation which is in You and Your Word. LORD, enlightened my eyes, mind and spirit with Your holy wisdom. Let me live my trust in You and throw every concern out of the window. For You are faithful and You will not turn Your back on me. You never have and You never will. Show me anything that is unclean in me, and hindering Your full glory from flowing in my life. I want to be a total open vessel, used by my King. In the awesome Name of Jesus. Amen.

Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


2010 Census to Begin

WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau
Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johnson

With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau
(BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United   States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.

The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice:

** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions.  However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.

** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information.

Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. . Census.

While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, 

The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations.  Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau

AND REMEMBER, THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION..  No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.

Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the 
Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.

Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.


TGN: What was His Message?

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know that Your blessings are found in my obedience to Your Word. Help me to learn and understand Your Word, so that I can obey You, LORD, in the handling of every area of my life, that I may be a good steward over all you have given me. In Jesus' Name. Amen
*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 7:31-37 (NLT)
Jesus Heals a Deaf Man

31 Jesus left Tyre and went up to Sidon before going back to the Sea of Galilee and the region of the Ten Towns. 32 A deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to him, and the people begged Jesus to lay his hands on the man to heal him.

33 Jesus led him away from the crowd so they could be alone. He put his fingers into the man's ears. Then, spitting on his own fingers, he touched the man's tongue. 34 Looking up to heaven, he sighed and said, "Ephphatha," which means, "Be opened!" 35 Instantly the man could hear perfectly, and his tongue was freed so he could speak plainly!

36 Jesus told the crowd not to tell anyone, but the more he told them not to, the more they spread the news.

37 They were completely amazed and said again and again, "Everything he does is wonderful. He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak."


It use to trip me out how Jesus would instruct those He healed not to tell anyone.  Because the more He did, the more they kept talking about it. In my personal journal I wrote, "LORD, what was the purpose of this?" He had to know the people would talk regardless- and Jesus lived a life of purpose.

Well today, I received great revelation. I can't exclaim loud enough, how on time God always is when we seek and ask. All I had to do was right it in my journal and He sent the answer. Our Heavenly Father really is amazing.

Jesus asked the people not to talk about healing, because He didn't want to be seen simply as a miracle worker. He didn't want the people to miss His real message. Do you know what Jesus' real message is? Or is Jesus just a "holy genie;" there to grant your needs, wishes and desires?

We must not be so concerned about what Jesus can do for us that we forget to listen to His message, and obey what He told us to do. Jesus told us how we're suppose to live; how we're suppose to handle situations; how we're suppose to love and honor God; He told us to repent; He commanded us to love one another; He taught us about true forgiveness; He taught us about the power of the blood- and so much more.

It is true that everything that Jesus did and still does is done well and is wonderful. Dying on the cross for our sins was huge! I'll never diminish the importance of His death and resurrection. But we can't forget His life's work. What He told the people, and what He not only preached but lived. Jesus gave His life for each and every one of us, in trust of the God who resurrected Him. Can't we live an obedient life in honor of His sacrifice, with the trust in the same Father that continually came through for Jesus to come through for us?

I like to be fed well when it comes to the Word; so I also subscribe to Joel & Victoria Osteen daily emails. I believe the message from 2/18 titled: Change Your Focus; fits perfectly with TGN today. Jesus didn't want the people talking about the healing because the healing shouldn't be the focus. Healing is a great and wonderful thing but GOD SHOULD BE OUR FOCUS.
Here you go! Hope you're blessed by it....

"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things"
(I Thessalonians 4:12, NIV)

When others look at your life, what do they see? Does your daily life win the respect of others? As believers, we are Christ's representatives in the earth. We are called to a higher standard. The way we live our lives should bring glory to God the Father.

Notice this verse doesn't say, "Go out of your way to do something major so that everyone will respect you." It doesn't say, "Win a gold medal or Pulitzer prize so that people will glorify your Father in heaven." No, it says that your daily life should win the respect of others. That simply means always taking the high road and living a life of excellence. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of faith and thanksgiving.

Remember, you will become like whoever you spend the most time with. If you are committed to spending time with God the Father every day, you'll develop His character. You'll win the respect of outsiders and bring glory to your Father in heaven!

I've incorporated their prayer for today in the TGN prayer below as well. CHANGE YOUR FOCUS!

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have called me into a fellowship with Your Son Jesus Christ our LORD. You are faithful and I can trust You to keep me strong to the end, so that I will be blameless on the day of our LORD Jesus Christ. LORD, forgive me for forgetting the Message; for allowing anything to come before what Jesus lived to teach. You are LOVE, Father. And I ask that You show me where this is lacking inside of me and in my life. I ask that You minister the healing that can only come from You. To not just change my life LORD, but to strengthen my relationship with You and with others. I also lift up those reading The Good News today, who do not know Jesus; I pray that each person answers Your call for their hearts and their lives. That they confess their sins to You and trust in Your promise to be Who You are: Faithful and Just, all the days of their lives, including eternity. I dedicate every area of my mind, will, and emotions to You today. Help me live my daily life as an example of You. Show me anything in my life that is displeasing to You. Let my daily life win the respect of others through Your holy message and let everything I do bring glory to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen. (1 Corinthians 1:8-9; 1 John 1:9; Joel & Victoria Osteen).

GIVING OPPORTUNITY: If you have an x-box 360 or know someone who does, please respond today. Not asking you to give away your X-box. I'm giving something away.

Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible, Prayer CCC.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

TGN: Jesus

TGN would like to celebrate DANA SMITH, who had a great time bringing in her birthday Saturday, February 13th!

Please join me in praying over our sister DANA today:

Prayer: Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus to lift up Dana to You this day. First, thank You for creating her and placing her in our lives. Thank You for creating in her a relating spirit that draws people in, and allows Your Spirit- that dwells in her, to bless their lives, situations and circumstances. You are a very present help in trouble, and You are more than enough. Your Word declares that You shall supply all her needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You blessed your daughter with a generous heart. She brings all her tithes and offerings into Your storehouse and is consistent in listening to Your promptings when dealing in every area of her life. Thank You for the wise mentors that You have placed in her life who are teaching her the principles of good stewardship in different areas.

LORD of hosts, You said, "Try Me now in this...If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." I ask that You show forth this blessing today in closing deals and bringing new business into what You have appointed Dana head of. You will rebuke the devourer for her sake, and fill her heart with thanksgiving. She is a partaker of the inheritance and treasures of heaven. As Dana commits and entrusts her works to You, continue to cause her thoughts to become agreeable with Your will, so that her business plans continue to be established and successful; as she serves to obey Your Word by making an honest living with her own hands. Father, thank You for the ministering spirits that You have assigned to go forth to bring in clients and professional relationships that will move forward all the ideas and plans that You have called forth before her.

LORD, our God, Dana knows it is You, and will always remember that it is You Who give her the power to get increase and wealth, that You may establish Your covenant. In the name of Jesus, Dana worships You, and only You, and she will have no other gods before her. Your daughter has a great love honor and respect for You Father- You know her heart. Your relationship with her is close and personal and real. Remove the distractions LORD, and everything set against Dana, so that she is able to see clearly ahead, as she takes courage and leans on Your Strength through it all. I pray that she is patient and does not despair; but continues to call on you for Your Wisdom in all things. Trusting you to lead, guide, direct and protect her. If there are any issues that may be causing distress, remind her that "this too shall past." Move her to lay aside every weight and sin and run with endurance the race set before her. Looking unto Jesus the entire way; the Author and the Finisher of her faith. Rejoicing in You always!

Thank you for setting the resources in Dana's hands to be a great blessing to so many people in her life, including her family. Through her you are reaching the souls that You desire and the hearts You want more of. Your Word does not return void, dear LORD, but always accomplishes what it is sent to do.
I pray that in the midst of it all, that Dana truly follows and honors Your promptings of rest; for in rest, she is honoring You, and refreshing her mind, body, spirit and the "land" You have given her. In rest, she is trusting You to handle all her situations while she is standing still. For You are building her a strong team and allies! Thank You Father for Ms. Dana. Bless Your Name and thank You for all that You have in store for her. You are able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessing come to Dana in abundance, so that she is always and in all circumstances, furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen (Malachi 3; Psalm 4, 56, 119; Philippians 2, 4; Deuteronomy 8, Exodus 20, Luke 4, 2 Corinthians 9; Romans 8, Colossians 1; Isaiah 55, Philemon 1; Proverbs 2, 4, 16, 22; Ephesians 1, 4; 1 Timothy 5; Hebrews 1, 12).

*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 7:24-30 (NLT) *part 2*
emphasis v. 29,30

29 "Good answer!" (Jesus) said. "Now go home, for the demon has left your daughter." 30 And when she arrived home, she found her little girl lying quietly in bed, and the demon was gone.


This miracle is another testament to Jesus' power. His power over demons, specifically is so great that He doesn't need to be present physically in order to free someone. His power transcends any distance and is the power that is waiting to be activated in our lives today.

I receive weekly emails called Christ Notes to learn more about Jesus. My spirit is moved to share with you one of the Wisdoms this week. There is someone on this list who doesn't understand who God is, nor what Christ means to our lives. I pray this helps:

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the authors of Scripture use the images of a father and his child, a husband and his wife, and a friend and his companion to describe the relationship between God and his people.

According to Genesis 1 and 2, when God created the first human being, Adam, God breathed into him the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). In a very profound sense, Adam was a son of God (see Luke 3:38). In Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, the son takes his inheritance and runs away from his father because he is seeking joy and pleasure in a very different lifestyle. Similarly, Adam inherited a beautiful paradise, but by trying to become like God (Genesis 3:5), Adam rejected the Father who breathed life into him.

In addition to using father and son language to describe God and his people, Scripture uses the language of marriage: Just as a marriage is commenced in vows so also the relationship between God and his people is sanctified in covenantal vows. God made a covenant with the nation of Israel: "I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people" (Leviticus 26:12). God remained faithful, but his people cheated on him; they slept with the gods of other nations such that the Lord sent prophets to call back his adulterous people: "'Return, faithless people,' declares the Lord, 'for I am your husband'" (Jeremiah 3:14). (See also Isaiah 54:5-6; Jeremiah 3:20; 31:32; Ezekiel 16:32.)

By rejecting our Father and cheating on our Husband, we became "an enemy of God" (James 4:4), helpless in the face of his wrath (Romans 1:18, 2:5).

But God, in his great love and unswerving commitment to his covenant, did not give up on the child who rejected him, the wife who cheated on him, and the friend who betrayed him. God could not overlook our sins, but instead sent his son, Jesus, to absorb God's wrath against all those who had rejected and betrayed him. While we were still sinners and enemies, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

Through Christ's death, you, by faith, can be adopted as a child of God (Romans 8:14-17, James 4:4-5). Because of Christ's work on the Cross, the Father can celebrate "for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found" (Luke 15:24).

As God's adopted children from every race, ethnicity, society, and people-group, we are his people. Just as a husband and wife are united and become one flesh, so also, we, God's people, will be united with Christ in a new marriage covenant when he returns (Ephesians 5:31-32, Revelation 19:6-9).

Finally, because Christ, through his obedient life and sacrificial death, absorbed the wrath of God, you, if you have placed your faith in Christ, are no longer an enemy of God. You have an entirely new identity. Now, instead of being an enemy, you are, like Abraham, a friend of God (James 2:23).

What good news! The wonderful grace that defines Christianity is all about being pursued and adopted by the Father we rejected, being forgiven by the husband we cheated on, and being embraced by the Friend we betrayed. And when we think about this amazing grace, there is no room for anything but completely unavoidable rejoicing.

Today's Prayer: LORD, I am abiding in Your Word, holding fast to Your teachings and living in accordance with them. It is my desire to be Your true disciple. I am abiding in and vitally united to the Vine. I cannot bear fruit unless I abide in You. LORD, because You are the Vine, and I am a branch living in You, I bear much abundant fruit. Apart and cut off from the vital union with You I can do nothing. Your Son, Jesus, said, "If you live in Me and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you" (John 15:7). When I bear and produce much fruit, You, Father, are honored and glorified. By Your grace that I have received, I will show and prove myself to be a true follower of Your Son, Jesus. He has loved me, just as You, Father, have loved Him. I am abiding in that love.

LORD, You have assured me that if I keep Your commandments and continue to obey Your instructions, I will abide in Your love and live in it, just as Your Son, Jesus, obeyed Your commandments and lived in Your love. He told me these things, that Your joy and delight may be in me and that my joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing. This is Your commandment: that we love one another, just as You loved us. Father, thank You for Your Word- it is the truth that makes me free. I am born begotten of You, LORD, and I would like to change any way in me that deliberately, knowingly, and habitually practices sin. Your nature abides in me, Your principle of life remains permanently within me; and I cannot practice sinning because I am born begotten of You. I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You in any way.

May Christ through my faith actually dwell, settle down, abide, and make His permanent home in my heart! It is my desire to be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that I may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints (Your devoted people and the experience of that love); what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it.

I pray in the name of Jesus, that I may know this love that surpasses knowledge-that I may be filled to the measure of all Your fullness. You are able to do immeasurable more than all I ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within me. To You be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen (Job 8; John 8, 15, 17; 1 John 3; Psalm 119; Ephesians 3).


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible, Prayers- Prayers That Avail Much... (Germaine Copeland), Christ Notes.

Peace comes when our minds stay on Him.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TGN: Faith

TGN would like to celebrate KERRIE ROBERTS, who had a birthday February 5th!

Please join me in praying over him today:

Daily Prayer: I will sing to the LORD, for You have been so good to Kerrie. In seen and unseen ways; Your desire is to be good to him. I pray that Kerrie trust in Your unfailing love and that his heart continues to rejoice in Your salvation day after day. Hallelujah. Thank You LORD, for Kerrie's life, his smile, his warm personality, his heart, his talent and abilities. Thank You for everything You have created Kerrie to be. Thank You for the good thoughts, plans and purposes You have already set for him. I pray that he adheres to all that You have commanded of him to do. Bless Kerrie with the heart of David, the heart that desires to serve, please and praise You. And like King David asked, show Kerrie Your ways, O LORD, teach him your paths; guide him in Your truth and correct him, for you are God his Savior. I pray that his hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, Your great mercy and love, for they are from old. According to Your love remember Kerrie, for You are good, O LORD. Good and upright is the LORD; therefore instruct Kerrie in Your ways. As Kerrie humbles himself before you each day, guide him in what is right and teach him Your way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant. For the sake of Your name, O LORD, forgive all of Kerrie's iniquities. Turn to him and be gracious to him. I pray that Kerrie's eyes are ever on the LORD Almighty. If there is any trouble, affliction or anguish in his heart LORD, free him of it. Show him how to release anything that is unpleasing to You, so that Your full glory can show forth in his life LORD. Guard his life and rescue him; let him take total refuge in You. May integrity and uprightness protect him, and let his hope always be in You. For You are so good, and gracious, and love, and amazing. Thank You Jesus for Kerrie's loving heart. May he become more and more like Jesus as he calls on and trust in You. Thank You for his life LORD. In Jesus' Name, amen. (Psalm 13, 25)

*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 7:24-30 (NLT)
The Faith of a Gentile Woman

24 Then Jesus left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre. He didn't want anyone to know which house he was staying in, but he couldn't keep it a secret. 25 Right away a woman who had heard about him came and fell at his feet. Her little girl was possessed by an evil spirit, 26 and she begged him to cast out the demon from her daughter.
Since she was a Gentile, born in Syrian Phoenicia, 27 Jesus told her, "First I should feed the children—my own family, the Jews. It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs."
28 She replied, "That's true, Lord, but even the dogs under the table are allowed to eat the scraps from the children's plates."
29 "Good answer!" he said. "Now go home, for the demon has left your daughter." 30 And when she arrived home, she found her little girl lying quietly in bed, and the demon was gone.


Ok, some of you might be asking "Did Jesus really just call this woman a dog?" LOL. The NLT translation is more clearer than others, but let's read these verses as it's presented in The Message Bible before we get to why it is relevant to us today:

24-26 From there Jesus set out for the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house there where he didn't think he would be found, but he couldn't escape notice. He was barely inside when a woman who had a disturbed daughter heard where he was. She came and knelt at his feet, begging for help. The woman was Greek, Syro-Phoenician by birth. She asked him to cure her daughter.
27 He said, "Stand in line and take your turn. The children get fed first. If there's any left over, the dogs get it."
28 She said, "Of course, Master. But don't dogs under the table get scraps dropped by the children?"
29-30 Jesus was impressed. "You're right! On your way! Your daughter is no longer disturbed. The demonic affliction is gone." She went home and found her daughter relaxed on the bed, the torment gone for good.

"Dog" refers to little dogs or house pets (our cuties that we dress up in outfits and tote around in our LV bags LOL), not outdoor nor vicious scavengers. I know for sure Jesus' intention was not to offend this woman and this is exactly why the woman wasn't offended but was ready to press in for the healing of her daughter. Jesus was saying that His priority was to provide food for the children (teach his disciples; whom He was looking to be alone with), not to allow interruption to the family meal.

The woman did not try to argue with Him. Using Jesus' choice of imagery, she pointed out that she was willing to be considered an interruption (a dog even) as long as she could receive God's healing for her daughter. Ironically, many Jews would lose God's spiritual healing because they rejected who Jesus was, while many Gentiles, whom the Jews thought to be beneath them, would find salvation because they recognized the Truth in God's Son.

So how does this apply to you and I today? Be encouraged by this woman's faith. Jesus is moved by faith. Are you lacking in faith right now? Is it hard for you to believe? Don't give up. Keep reading the Word. With the trust that you do have, pray to God, talk to Him; be REAL with Him, just like this woman was with Jesus. Jesus was not bothered by this woman and He will not be bothered by You. He actually desires more of YOU!!!!! He will increase your faith as you move in pursuit of it being increased. Then you'll be able to come boldly to the throne to receive all that God has promised to you, through Jesus Christ. FAITH! FAITH! FAITH! George Michael was right with this line in that song, "You gotta have faith!"

Daily Prayer: The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving my soul continually. The statues (laws) of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The percepts (rules of conduct) of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. May my life declare Your magnificent glory in every area, in every way. May my faith increase LORD, so that I can give more. May I use everything You have blessed me with for Your good; in your honor. May I move where You tell me to move and take action where You instruct me to do so. I love You LORD and I thank You today! If I haven't shown my gratitude to You in a while, I desire to bring it back to just thanking You, Jesus- to be acknowledge day after day. Because if you never did another thing for me, You have done more than enough by blessing me with salvation, freedom and eternity- among so much more. That deserves not only thanks but my life! Thank You LORD! In Jesus' Name, amen. (Psalm 19; Exodus 38)


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Peace comes when our minds stay on Him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

TGN: What defiles you...

GIVING OPPORTUNITY: If you have an x-box 360 or know someone who does, please respond today.

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know that Your blessings are found in my obedience to Your Word. Help me to obey You, LORD, in the handling of every area of my life, that I may be a good steward over all you have given me. In Jesus' Name. Amen

*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 7:1-23 (NLT) *part 1.4*

Food isn't it!
Emphasis v. 14-23

14 Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. "All of you listen," he said, "and try to understand. 15 It's not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart."

17 Then Jesus went into a house to get away from the crowd, and his disciples asked him what he meant by the parable he had just used. 18 "Don't you understand either?" he asked. "Can't you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you? 19 Food doesn't go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer." (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in God's eyes.)

20 And then he added, "It is what comes from inside that defiles you. 21 For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23 All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you."

So #1, Know THE Word! Are you geared towards really learning and knowing the Word of God and applying it in every area of your life?

#2 Honor God by helping those in need today. Do not use Him as your excuse NOT to help. God isn't down for that.

Now, do we worry more about what is in our diet than what is in our heart and mind? As they interpreted the dietary laws (Leviticus 11), the Jews believed they could be clean before God because of what they refused to eat. Jesus pointed out that sin actually begins in the attitudes and intentions of the inner person. Jesus did not degrade the law, but he paved the way for the change made clear in Acts 10:9-29 when God removed the cultural restrictions regarding food (Jesus, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean"). Before Jesus came to this earth as Son of Man, these restrictions were symbolically necessary; to keep the distinction of clean and unclean before the people; so that they would know the importance to God. With Jesus, everyone was declared free from this, He showed us the importance.

I'll share a story with you: When I was 12, I read the Bible daily- whether I understood it or not. My Pastor drilled it into me how important the Word was. And honestly I was drawn to it- so all glory to God. But anyway, I read in Leviticus of the unclean pig; and at that time I ate pork. So as a sacrifice I decided to give it up. But I was freed from this just recently, in the last 2 years actually. This brings me back to #1 how important it is to read and know the Word. We put ourselves in bondage we don't need to be in. I still don't eat pork all the time, just because after 16 years, the taste buds don't always receive it well; but I know it doesn't make me clean to not eat it; nor unclean to eat it. Are there any old traditions you're holding onto, that are not doing anything for you and your relationship with God?

We are not pure because of outward acts-we become pure on the inside as Christ renews our mind and transforms us into His image. An evil action begins with a single thought. Allowing our mind to dwell on lust, envy, hatred, or revenge will lead to sin. Who has felt the aftermath of this? (Both hands raised over here!) Don't defile yourself by focusing on evil; anything not of God. Especially if the world finds it OK; that should be a huge sign to focus on the opposite-Christ. This means we have to be careful of what we take in. Look, I'm a T.V. addict! And I love all types of music. But I've come to realize that some of these television shows, movies and songs- really take my mind in the wrong direction. So I've decided to walk away from many of it; and now I really limit it. I have one CD, that I'm going to have to go buy- just because I can't take the cursing. I need clean versions now! LOL! God's Word should be the majority in my life. We think we're cool enough to handle it, but don't forget we're dealing with a spiritual world as well. And it will find you, in your weakest moments; you'll be so full of crap- you will have nothing to fight it. Sometimes not even the right mind to flee from it. So let's follow Paul's advice in Philippians 4:8 and think about what is true, noble/honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy- according to God.

It will change your life... and for the better. I can say this, because I know.

Daily Prayer: Jesus, whatever is true, noble/honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy- let me meditate on it. Let it be the key in choosing what to watch, listen to, even in the conversations I decide to join. Create in me a pure heart LORD, so that I can serve You respectfully. On Your terms and not on mine. For You know all and I would like to show in my actions, the trust I have in You. Thank You so much for Your Word. I'm thankful that I don't have to live without it. In Your Unfailing Name I pray, amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible, prayer CCC.

Peace comes when our minds stay on Him.

TGN: God Should Not Be Used As An Excuse...

GIVING OPPORTUNITY: Feb. 27th I am hosting a Greeting Card Party, where we'll get together over snacks and drinks to make quality homemade greeting cards with love, for the patients in the Pediatrics Cancer Ward and for Seniors in the Inland Empire Area. This is the month with the "love" holiday; but instead of focusing on couples-I would like to focus on "Hav(ing) a Heart" and show some love to those who may need a little extra right now. If your heart is stirred to get involved, here are a couple of ways:
#1- If you live in Southern California and would like to join the party. Reply and I will hit you with all of the party & location details.
#2- If you are not local or cannot make it, but would like to participate. Reply and I will give you the requirements for making the cards and the directions in sending them to me by Feb. 27th.
#3- If there is someone in your world, you think would appreciate receiving a card of love. Reply with their information and they will receive a card the first week of March, along with the rest of our love recipients. You can have this sent anonymously.
Easy enough!
Have a heart and show some love!
Daily Prayer: The LORD, my LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet, He does not leave the guilty unpunished. This is the God I serve and I just want to praise Your name. For when I praise my God the enemy is defeated. Praise You LORD. I open up the atmosphere for You to rest and dwell in. Teach me, guide me, correct me. I love You, LORD. In Jesus' Name. Amen (Exodus 34:6,7)
*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - save it in your favorites!
Mark 7:1-23 (NLT) *part 1.3*
Canceling the Word of God
Emphasis v. 6-13
6 Jesus replied (to the Pharisees and teachers of religious law), "You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote,
'These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
7 Their worship is a farce,
for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.'
8 For you ignore God's law and substitute your own tradition."
9 Then he said, "You skillfully sidestep God's law in order to hold on to your own tradition. 10 For instance, Moses gave you this law from God: 'Honor your father and mother,' and 'Anyone who speaks disrespectfully of father or mother must be put to death.' 11 But you say it is all right for people to say to their parents, 'Sorry, I can't help you. For I have vowed to give to God what I would have given to you.' 12 In this way, you let them disregard their needy parents. 13 And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition. And this is only one example among many others."
So #1, Know THE Word! Are you geared towards really learning and knowing the Word of God and applying it in every area of your life?
In today's verses, we see that the Pharisees and teachers of religious law, used God as an excuse to avoid helping others; including their families. They thought it was more important to put money in the Temple treasury then to help their needy parents, although God's law specifically says to honor fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12) and to care for those in need (Leviticus 25:35-43). We should give money (especially the tithe- 10%, a command of God) and time to God (every day), but we must never use God as an excuse to neglect our responsibilities. Helping those in need is one of the most important ways to honor God. Remember back in Mark 6, when Jesus wanted to rest with His disciples, but saw the need of the people hungry for the Word. He didn't say, "Nope, it's rest time for us. Come back another day!" NO, He had compassion and He began to feed them with what they searched for and needed.
Honor God by helping someone(s) in need today. Jesus is the most perfect example of this.

Daily Prayer: Jesus, You are my LORD; apart from You I have no good thing. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me. I will set You, LORD, always before me. With You, I will not be shaken. You have made known to me the path of life- Jesus. You fill me with joy in Your Presence with eternal pleasure at Your right hand. LORD, let me be a servant of honor; honoring You by not ignoring the needs of others, set before me. If I have to stop my time with You to listen to a friend in need, I will. If I have to give my last $5 to a stranger, instead of buying the sermon on Sunday, I will. LORD, where I fight these desires to serve, I ask that You help me. For Your Spirit is perfect, and that perfect Holy Spirit dwells within me. Hallelujah. Comfort Your children, seeking Your peace- right now! Thank You Jesus. In Your Name, amen (Psalm 16).

Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Peace comes when our minds stay on Him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


GIVING OPPORTUNITY: Some of you who know me well, know I was a cheerleader in High School. Yep! And Commissioner of Spirit. I had a lot of pep! hahah. Any how, you'll also be surprised to know I was Co-Captain of the Squad. My counterpart was Marie Mayor-Mora and she is asking for help. Please read below: Hello Family and Friends,

I am raising funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a participant in their Team In Training program and I'm asking you to help by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. I am doing this in honor of my mother, Gloria Mayor, who was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and battling the fight against blood cancer. I have become a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training (TNT) and will be participating in the San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon on June 6th, 2010. Please take a moment to check out my website!

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation. donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. More than 823,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support.

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

Thank you,

Marie Mayor-Mora

P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again.


Daily Prayer: LORD, as a fellowship of believers we would like to lift up Gloria Mayor. The enemy would like her to sulk in a place of fracture and disorientation; but we know You have a holy and loving desire for Your daughter. We pray that Gloria has her eyes lifted toward You and not the cancer. We plead the powerful, healing and wonderful blood of Jesus over her blood and entire body to do all the fighting on her behalf. For the battle is not Gloria's, it is Yours. We pray that her hope and faith are in You; that she allows it to be in Your hands alone. We pray that she seeks Your face in earnest, so that You will release a powerful and miraculous move of Your Spirit to bring healing and restoration to both her body and her life. For You will surely deliver Gloria, and she shall not fall by the sword that is seeking her life. But by placing her trust in You, her life shall be a prize to her; as she gives You all the glory and honor for that life. We also lift up Gloria's family, her husband, her son, daughter, and son in law. We pray that they are trusting in You as well. Trusting that You have each of their best interest at heart. I pray that they allow their minds and spirits to refer to You on all things; that they stay open and believe that You are directing their steps into the abundant life You have for each of them. Give them peace and the strength that can only come from You. We lift up the doctors, specialists and nurses serving Gloria. You are the one who has given them the skills, abilities and knowledge. Let Your Spirit dwell in each of them, to do Your glorious work. We pray this through faith in the name of Jesus. Amen.


*If TGN isn't delivered to you early enough; You will always be able to find the fresh daily Word at - first thing in the morning; save the page in your favorites!

www.biblegateway.comMark 7:1-23 (NLT) 1.2

...AND LIVE THE WORD (emphasis :1-9)

1 One day some Pharisees and teachers of religious law arrived from Jerusalem to see Jesus. 2 They noticed that some of his disciples failed to follow the Jewish ritual of hand washing before eating. 3 (The Jews, especially the Pharisees, do not eat until they have poured water over their cupped hands, as required by their ancient traditions. 4 Similarly, they don't eat anything from the market until they immerse their hands in water. This is but one of many traditions they have clung to—such as their ceremonial washing of cups, pitchers, and kettles.)

5 So the Pharisees and teachers of religious law asked him, "Why don't your disciples follow our age-old tradition? They eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony."

6 Jesus replied, "You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote,

'These people honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

7 Their worship is a farce,

for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.'

8 For you ignore God's law and substitute your own tradition."

9 Then he said, "You skillfully sidestep God's law in order to hold on to your own tradition.


First Mark explains these Jewish rituals because he was writing to a non-Jewish audience. So to put this all in the right context, let's start with this- the disciples didn't have dirty hands. They simply didn't carry out the traditional cleansing. With Jesus they were not bound to that tradition (along with so many others). The Pharisees thought this ceremony cleansed them from any contact they might have had with anything considered unclean, Jesus said they were wrong in thinking they were acceptable to God just because they were clean on the outside.

Today, many traditions still remain. For example, the confessional. Sins are confessed to a man, memorized prayers are "prescribed" to the sinner and they are told to sin no more. This ritual lacks the relationship and direct communication with Jesus. The Son of God who died for our sins. Jesus made himself available to people while He was on this earth, and He still is available to us in a direct way as believers. When you're in a relationship with Jesus, I know (from experience), we're much more likely to take confession and repentance a lot differently; more seriously. There really isn't any accountability in a dark box. When I confess my sins to Jesus, I have to come face to face with Him. Full of shame and regret. The awesome thing about Him, is that He is able to take that all away and gradually change me into the person the Father has created me to be. And man, a rosary- can't do this.

Hypocrisy is pretending to be something you are not and have no intention of being. Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because they worshiped God for the wrong reasons. Their worship was not motivated by love but by a desire to attain profit, to appear holy, and to increase their status. We become hypocrites when we (1) pay more attention to reputation than to character, (2) only accepted God to get into Heaven, yet don't desire to know Him, (3) carefully follow certain religious practices while allowing our hearts to remain distant from God, and (4) emphasize our virtues but others' sins. As I get deeper and deeper into the Word and get understanding from God; I am starting to realize there are many "church rules, standards, sayings and rituals" that are not of God. This angers me because these fallacies are just locking people up into unnecessary and ungodly bondage, and it is being passed down generation to generation.

Isaiah's prophecy (Isaiah 29:13), that Jesus uses above in verses, 6-9, says it all:

" 'These people honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

Their worship is a farce (light comedy, foolish/ridiculous display),

for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.'

For you ignore God's law and substitute your own tradition." Then (Jesus) said, "You skillfully sidestep God's law in order to hold on to your own tradition.

The Pharisees added hundred of their own petty rules and regulations to God's holy laws, and then tried to force people to follow these rules. These men claimed to know God's will in every details of life. There are still religious leaders today who add rules and regulations to God's Word, I mean parents do it to scare their kids into obey-causing much confusion among believers. It is idolatry to claim that your interpretation of God's Word is as important as God's Word itself. It is especially dangerous to set up unbiblical standards for others to follow. Instead, look to Christ for guidance about your own behavior, and let Him lead others in the details of their lives.

Man's interpretation is not God's inspired revelation. I'll give my opinions every now and then, but I will always stress the importance of knowing and following the Word alone. What God's Word commands is right. You can't allow nor rely any person(s) to simply give you this information; YOU have to seek it for yourself, YOU have to know it; so that you can test what you read, hear, see and feel by the Word.

Yesterday, our daily TGN introduced us to Mark, chapter 7; a reader actually responded with this revelation: " (Man's tendency to "sidestep God's law...") "Requires us to maintain the closest of relationship with the Holy Spirit to deftly maneuver between what is Man required vs. God Inspired." Thank You DS! I totally agree.

If TGN helps you in anything, I hope it's helping you to KNOW THE WORD! And I hope you're encouraged to dig in deeper on your own. It's so very important. Our relationship with God, grows in His Word.


Daily Prayer: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Your words are flawless. Thank You for the Word today! It is a mighty Word and I pray that I get it in the exact way that You have authorized me to receive it. I pray for understanding and direction in application of Your Word. Hallelujah Jesus! You are raising up a mighty and strong people in Your Name and Your Word is our foundation; Your Spirit is our guide. Thank You for being so available to each and every one of us. We can come directly to You and You will be there for us. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Correct what needs to be corrected and stir our hearts to move in the heavenly direction of Your Kingdom. In Your Awesome Name we pray, amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Appreciation Study Bible, Joel Osteen, Spirit of Prophecy.

The Word is meant to be used TODAY!

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