Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mark 8:25-26

   TGN is shouting out 
We thank the LORD for your life!

Please join me in lifting Tiffany up in prayer:

Heavenly Father, when You create- it is declared good; and you created something special in Tiffany.  She is definitely a woman after Your own heart and we celebrate Tiffany in Your presence today LORD.  Thank You for the peace and goodness that You bring into her life, as she acquaints herself with You daily.  What an awesome example You have in Tiffany.  We pray that Your Message continues to reach the students she teaches, the parents of those students, her co-workers and all the people she encounters on a day to day basis.  Let Your light continue to shine brightly through Your beloved daughter.  We pray protection over her family LORD.  Destroying all strongholds and declaring a bless and prosperous future in her life.  If there is anything unpleasing to You in her, please reveal it; so that she can submit it completely to You and be free of anything that might be disrupting the ministry You have placed within her.  Speak to all of the issues of her heart LORD.  Answer the questions that she has.  Direct her every step.  LORD, bless and keep Tiffany.  Continue to smile upon her and be gracious to her all the days of her life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If YOU, too, would like to be celebrated on your special day ( ) please comment on this post and I will add your birthday, anniversary, baptism, the day you gave your life to Christ, any special days you want to recognize and get prayer for; will be added to the TGN calender.  If you replied to the original email sent on October 30th, you're all good!  No need to reply today.


Thank You!

Mark 8:22-26 *part 2*(NLT)

:25-26 "Don't Go Back into the Village..."

25 Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. 26 Jesus sent him away, saying, “Don’t go back into the village on your way home.”


Some of you may be saying to yourself, "Didn't we already pass this verse?"  And you would be right.  But God has something else He would like explained, and I will be obedient in that.  This verse also stood out to one of our readers ( ), which confirmed it needed to be addressed.

How many of us, get clarity from God on a certain issue, and then we walk right back into the environment that gave us the issue in the first place?

This can be anything!  This can be choosing to stay with the girl/boy that keeps us living in a life of sin.  This can be continuing to live the party lifestyle, when you want to stop the mistakes that come along with it.  This includes, wanting to change your work atmosphere, but you continue to hang with the gossips of the office.  This includes anything that redefines INSANE.  Choosing to do the same thing over and over, yet expecting a different result.

Jesus tells us not to go back the same way.  Jesus tells us that something has to change, and this is usually our walk and our routes.  Once your spirit has been convicted, You have given up that sin to Jesus, and He gives you a fresh start.  This means it is time to make different decisions.  Don't allow the lie fool you into thinking, just because you can see the danger clearly now, that you can walk right back into it.  Because you are NOT strong enough.  And trust me, God probably doesn't want you there (or in that situation).  He tells us to FLEE (run away quickly) from temptation.  He doesn't tell us to test our strength against temptation.

We need to listen to our God.  We need to make some changes.  Each and every one of us.  Now that it has been made clear to you, "Don't go back into (whatever is YOUR village) on your way home."

If you desire to grow; if you desire things to change- You need to listen to what Jesus is telling you.


Daily Prayer: Jesus, I pray that each one of us reading Your awesome Word today, take heed to Your instruction.  That we deliberately choose each and every moment of our day not to make the same decisions we made yesterday, that push us further away from You and right into sin.  I pray that those of us who have been awaken by this message today, will bow down to You and ask for forgiveness and for Your strength in fleeing temptation each step of the way.  For we should not be the same as yesterday.  Your Word changes us, brings us towards Your likeness- and away from the appeal of the corruptions and lust of this world.  LORD, I pray that the salt and light in this world, Your redeemed people will live to make a difference for Your Kingdom today, tomorrow and forever.  In Your Name, Jesus.  Amen.


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany's reply: Thanks for the shout out AND the clarification!!!

    You're very welcome Tif Tif xoxo LT
