Monday, March 1, 2010

The Holy Spirit Reveals

TGN would like to send a heartfelt belated Happy Birthday to BRIDGITTE MILES!!!

With Long Life Will the LORD satisfy His Daughter!

Please join me in praying over BRIDGITTE:

LORD, how Your daughter's soul glorifies You.  Her spirit rejoices in You her Savior, for You have been mindful of the humble state of Your servant.  Bridgitte has brought a family and more to Christ, according to You; she is living her life with You- never without You.  Her trust has been tried and tested and You knew she would stand with You every step of the way.  Thank You for protecting Your daughter since the day she was born.  We thank You for giving her strength, each and every time she thought she had none left.  Thank You for bringing a smile to her face, when she couldn't find anything to smile about.  And thank You for blessing her LORD; for Your blessings have been abundant. You have demonstrated to Bridgitte and through Bridgitte that whatever You have promised, will certainly be done.  You have shown through Your daughter, the necessity of time and faith.  The Mighty One has done great things for her by His loving mercy.  You have performed mighty deeds with Your right arm; and given Bridgitte a testimony that will stir many to Your Grace.  Thank You not just for the earthly rewards, but the eternal rewards that You are storing for her in Heaven.  Your purposes continue in Your daughter.  Continue to lead her step by step into Your Glory.  LORD, bless her family in every area of need.  Restore anything that has been broken.  And destroy any attempts of the enemy to harm her or her family.  Take them into this next journey with all eyes on You.  With loving, compassionate, understanding and honest motives, attitudes, words and thoughts.  Develop in them and bring forth every creative talent that You have planted inside of each of them to do Your work on this earth.  Thank You for the rest and restoration that You have provided.  A rest that only You could have given Bridgitte.  Invigorate, energize and renew Your daughter, because Your plans for her continue in goodness and success.  Thank You LORD for her life, continue to make a change in this world for Your honor only, through her.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Mark 8:27- 30 *part 2 *

:29-30 Peter’s Declaration about Jesus

29 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

   Peter replied, “You are the Messiah (Christ).”

:30 Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.


My apologies for jumping around, but we're back on track today.  Back to "Who the People Say Jesus Is?"  And we're all devoted to getting to know the Savior we serve... right?  Let me ask you again?  "Who do you say Jesus is?"  I would love to hear your responses, comment on the blog.

Today, we're going to discuss how Peter called out exactly who Jesus is- "The Messiah,"  Jesus confirmed it.  Yet, the disciples STILL didn't get it completely (as we will read about more as we continue in the Gospels).

Think about this:  Things get revealed to us all the time, but for some reason- we just don't get it right away.
For example, I've been reading the Bible since I was 12 years old; and only now are most things starting to come alive.  Really popping off the page, making great sense and adding to my life- tremendously.

Peter answered Jesus' question correctly, yet Peter is the one who refuses to let Jesus wash his feet.  Peter is the one who denied Jesus 3 times.  Yet, he knew who Jesus was.  This is exactly why Jesus warned His disciples not to tell anyone the truth about Him.  When they confessed Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), they still didn't know all that it meant.  Jesus knew they needed more instruction about the work He would accomplish through His death and resurrection.  They needed the Holy Spirit.  Without more teaching and the Holy Spirit to reveal the mysteries, the disciples would have only half the picture- and a lot of opinion instead of Truth.  

Are you full of opinion or serving the Truth? 

Yes, we need to study the Word; but we NEED the Holy Spirit.  We need that Anointing.  If you are not sure if you have the Holy Spirit and you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior.  Take a moment to ask the LORD to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.  BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW JESUS BEFORE YOU CAN DO THIS.  I encourage you to take a bigger step and allow someone from your church to pray over and with you.  If you don't attend a church, hit me up- and we'll get you connected.  For the Holy Spirit is our Helper; left as a gift from Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is that One, that gives us the revelation of things we don't understand.  He is the one that shows us how the Word does apply to our lives.  He is the one who counsels us when we are going through the worse of the worse.  The Holy Spirit makes all of this real for us, because it's not simply about knowing; He gets us to live it.

Be filled with the Truth.  Be filled with the Holy Spirit.


Daily Prayer:  Jesus You are our Heavenly Father's Son, whom He loves.  He is always with You and with You He is well pleased.  You are so awesome.   Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who enables us to serve You freely, in holiness and righteousness before You all our days.  I need You now; in my home, at my job, in my car, in my school, every hour, every day.   Let everything that we do be done Your Way and not in our Way.  Let us truly let go of our habits to serve You with full hearts.  You're so mighty LORD.  Thank You.  In Jesus' Name. Amen


Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

1 comment:

  1. EMAILED COMMENT: Interesting....often times I feel it's too early to have new members/new
    believers serving in the ministry. Maybe in some "group" ministries (like
    the choir, etc.) but not in ministries that require one on one or small
    group interactions. They just haven't learned enough to represent the
    kingdom that way, just like Peter. The Lord knew this and did not want him
    preaching quite yet, because he wasn't ready. To serve requires spiritual
    maturity and everyone just don't have that right from the beginning.

    Also, I like how you put the plug for the blog right at the top....
    Don't give up.
