Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spiritual Discipline

Please begin with your own personal prayer; set the atmosphere for you and God.
Mark 9:30-32 (NKJV)

Jesus Again Predicts His Death and Resurrection

30 Then they departed from there and passed through Galilee, and
(Jesus) did not want anyone to know it. 31 For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.” 32 But they did not understand this saying, and were afraid to ask Him.


At times, Jesus limited His public ministry in order to train His disciples in-depth.  He knew the importance of equipping them to carry on when He returned to Heaven.  It takes time to learn.  Spiritual growth isn't instant, regardless of the quality of experience or teaching.  If even the disciples needed to lay aside their work periodically in order to learn from the Master, how much more do we need to alternate working and learning?

One of the examples that Jesus demonstrates to us through His time with the disciples, is the benefit of fellowship in small groups.  And not just hanging out, but coming together to actually learn the Word of God with one another.  I got involved in my first "Life Group" when I was about 22 years old; and I benefited greatly from it.  To join together with a group of women, of all ages, from different life experiences, with different careers; to talk about the Word and life according to the Word - even our mistakes...  Well, it was life changing.  It helped me mature in ways that I would never had experienced at that age.  It was another way to keep God and His Word real in my life.  It was the opportunity to really see people living a life for God.  And I thank God for the honesty and stories shared; because we learn a great amount from shared struggles and testimonies - we also gain freedom from secrets that the enemy tried to keep us ashamed of.

As many of you know TGN, began a life group this year!  Praise God!  And I can only speak for myself, but it is already changing and developing something new and godly in my life from sharing this time with some of the subscribers (fellow believers) on this distribution.  From new believers, to those of us who have been going to church for a while; I observe that we're all learning from one another in the TGN Life Group.  And again I thank God for this; it was His idea and He truly is genius! 

For the last 2 years, I've made it a priority to keep a good amount of my time with people who apply the Word.  For instance, over a year ago, a former neighbor and now great friend of mine in New York, started a weekly Bible Study, and we still keep it up via phone - because our mutual desire is to be increased in the Kingdom of God.  My family just started a monthly Bible Study to keep our family encouraged in the Word; it's just getting started but I know it's bringing power to our family.  I've stayed in consistently fellowship over (first through real letters, now) email with someone I've known since I was 8; we've lifted one another in the Word and prayer for many, many years now.  I'm even blessed enough to work for a believer, where my faith is supported and I can shout out God any time I please. 

I say all this not to brag, but to stress that we're not meant to do this alone. I say all of this to stress that God is offering opportunities to fellowship in Him with one another - ALL OF THE TIME!  Not just to me, but to each one of us. 

What is He presenting to you?

You don't have to jump into everything; but I'm sure that there is a need in you right now, that fellowship with other believers will fill.  The things I listed above are just some of the ways God has blessed me and I'm thankful that I took hold of each opportunity in order to allow the Word to come to life for me and in me.  This is how I implement it and get myself held lovingly accountable to it.  This is what God would like to build for you!

A great spiritual discipline, is doing as Jesus did.  One of His disciplines was to get away with a small group of believers and fellowship in the Word; reading and learning from it together.  It doesn't have to be a church structured Bible Study; it could be a small group gathering at the beach, at the Starbucks on the corner, in your living room over Cheetos; I'm confident the Holy Spirit will lead it, if He's calling you to it.  Just listen to His voice.  Reading daily emails from TGN, Rev Run, Joel Osteen,TGIF, daily forwards (that curse you if you don't forward them - so annoying!) and so on are not going to do it!  They're helpful and encouraging, and sometimes right on time with the Message you need, but they are not enough.  God put us here to go through this life together.  Our people time can't be all work, clubs, bars and lounges.  It can't all be about us or all about making money.  Our time with one another should center around God; and sync up with lives that are focused on Jesus.

Daily Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father for the believers that You have placed in my life.  From those relationships that only lasted a season, to those only there for a reason, to the many who have lasted a life time.  It is so awesome to be with them, talk to them and have Your Name exalted in it all.  You are so good LORD.  I thank You for every relationship in the past, present and future - with believers and non-believers; where I have learned more about the importance of serving and honoring You.  I thank You for being a God involved in every detail of my life, and that You direct my fellowship.  I desire to seek and get involved only by Your leading.  LORD, please show me when I am ignoring You and choosing my own way; for I rebuke rebellion from my mind, body and spirit - for rebellion is evil.  And the Holy Spirit lives in me.  Light and dark cannot co-exist.  Because You love us LORD, You have chosen us to accept Your Son, to live and fellowship with one another.  For isolation leads to death; Your Word says, it is not good for man (a person) to be alone.  The LORD my God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen

How will The Good News help you today?
♥ Thank You to L.Nias for sharing the picture above with me.

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