Thursday, March 25, 2010

He's Able

(You have to go to the website to hear the song)


Mark 9:49,50 (NKJV)
Tasteless Salt Is Worthless
49 “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. 50 Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”
Jesus used salt to illustrate 3 qualities that should be found in His people: (1) We should remember God's faithfulness, just as salt when used with a sacrifice recalled God's covenant with His people (Leviticus 2:13).  (2) We should make a difference in the "flavor" of the world we live in, just as salt changes meat's flavor (Matthew 5:13).  (3) We should counteract the moral decay in society, just as salt preserves food from decay.  When we lose this desire to "salt" the earth with the love and message of God, we become useless (hard word, but it's true) to Him.  We're called to stand out.  Not in a self-righteous, "God loves me, not you" type of way... But in a "Taste and See that the LORD is good," kind of way.  People won't know it, unless they see it in you and me.

This isn't necessarily just for the outside of us; it actually needs to begin within ourselves.
One way we can "Have salt within ourselves," is by living in peace.

PEACE: Definitions from for us.
  1. a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations.
  2. public order and security.
  3. cessation of or freedom from any strife or dissension.
  4. freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.
  5. a state of tranquillity or serenity.
  6. in a state or relationship of non-belligerence or concord; not at war. b.untroubled; tranquil; content.
  7. to maintain order; cause to refrain from creating a disturbance.
  8. to become reconciled with.
  9. to ask for or arrange a cessation of hostilities or antagonism.
Is there a peace within you?
If not, what are you allowing to disturb your peace?
Are you living in peace with others?  OR are you just ignoring them?
Are you actively pursuing peace?  OR are you pursuing more strife?

This is a hard one!  We, as people - we can be some difficult, harsh, hard to love individuals.  Yet, God still loves us.  So if He can, knowing all that we are, and all that we've done.  Can't we strive towards not reacting, but responding to one another from the motivation of love and peace?  No matter how hard the other individual makes it, "salt" up the situation with what God requires; instead of our own desires.

If you don't think you can do it, trust God to help you through it.  Add this to your prayers today.
Daily Prayer: Heaven Father, thank You.  For since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with You through our LORD Jesus Christ.  You are the God of peace, and as Your children - peace should dwell in us and live through us.  LORD, show each of us how we can be salt to this world.  Show us how we can live at peace with one another.  Work on the forgiveness we need to extend from our hearts, as I believe this is the main ingredient keeping us from a life of true peace.  Work on the trust in our hearts, for I believe this is another ingredient to the lack of peace in our lives.  LORD, You have clearly written out who You are for each and every  person.  Who You are is not a secret to us.  What You desire to do in and with our lives, is not a secret to us.  For You plainly tell us Your desires.  Forgive us for making it so complicated.  I pray that we choose to proclaim Your Name, and praise Your greatness.  You are the Rock, Your works are perfect and all Your ways are just.  You are a faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just You are.  There is no other god beside You.  You bring to life, you heal and no one can deliver out of Your hand.  Your Word is not idle, it is living and should be our life.  LORD, may we simply love and obey You; may we allow our faith and trust in You to grow beyond our limitations; may we live a life that honors You LORD; and may we be at peace.  If anything is different in us, may the peace that You bring to our lives shine brightly in this world and in our interaction with one another.  Surely it is You who loves the people.  In Your mighty Name, Jesus, we pray.  Amen (Romans 5,16; Philippians 4; Deuteronomy 32, 33).

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