Sunday, March 15, 2009


I don't know about you, but I've been thinking a lot lately.  About everything, past and current decisions.; the activities I have taken part in; the work I've been involved in; what I've had interest in; people I have chosen to bring into my life; how I've allowed certain people to treat me...  I mean everything, I've been thinking about everything.  I'm no longer taking things lightly.  Everything has meaning.  When someone says, "I didn't mean anything by it" it's a lie.  The meant something, most of the time they didn't think you were going to get it.

I wouldn't call this position I am in- a crossroads.  Because I know where I'm going.  The decisions have been made in many areas of my life.  There's no turning back now, I'm trusting God to the fullest, no matter what!  I would call this position "days before graduation."  I am being promoted to another level in life and I'm filled with the excitement, anticipation, impatience, glee, and more in the days to come.

I'm doing my best to make bold, precise moves via instruction from my LORD and Savior.  I don't have it all figured out, but He does.  And I am grateful that every day I gain encouragement, vision, correction, and love.

God is really good!  If you don't believe that, you're honestly missing out.

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