Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TGN: Hidden Sin

Daily Prayer: O, God, You are my shepherd, all my life- just as You were for Israel (Jacob). You have delivered me from all harm. Father, rescue me from myself, restore my broken relationships, and right the wrongs in my life. I thank You for what You did for Jacob and for what You will do/are doing in my life. I pray for those who don't think You see them. I pray that they realize You are watchful and mindful at all times of all Your people. You see trouble and grief. You see sin and good deeds. I pray that we each take more responsibility of what we do, say and think. We are free to commit all that we are to You. You are our helper. You hear the desires of the afflicted; You encourage us and You listen to our cries. You are ready to defend us, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more. The LORD is King for ever and ever. In the name of Jesus. Amen (Genesis 48:15; Psalm 10).

Mark 6:14-29 (NLT)

The Death of John the Baptist *part 1*

14 Herod Antipas, the king, soon heard about Jesus, because everyone was talking about him. Some were saying, "This must be John the Baptist raised from the dead. That is why he can do such miracles." 15 Others said, "He's the prophet Elijah." Still others said, "He's a prophet like the other great prophets of the past."

16 When Herod heard about Jesus, he said, "John, the man I beheaded, has come back from the dead."

17 For Herod had sent soldiers to arrest and imprison John as a favor to Herodias. She had been his brother Philip's wife, but Herod had married her. 18 John had been telling Herod, "It is against God's law for you to marry your brother's wife." 19 So Herodias bore a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But without Herod's approval she was powerless, 20 for Herod respected John; and knowing that he was a good and holy man, he protected him. Herod was greatly disturbed whenever he talked with John, but even so, he liked to listen to him.

21 Herodias's chance finally came on Herod's birthday. He gave a party for his high government officials, army officers, and the leading citizens of Galilee. 22 Then his daughter, also named Herodias, came in and performed a dance that greatly pleased Herod and his guests. "Ask me for anything you like," the king said to the girl, "and I will give it to you." 23 He even vowed, "I will give you whatever you ask, up to half my kingdom!"

24 She went out and asked her mother, "What should I ask for?"

Her mother told her, "Ask for the head of John the Baptist!"

25 So the girl hurried back to the king and told him, "I want the head of John the Baptist, right now, on a tray!"

26 Then the king deeply regretted what he had said; but because of the vows he had made in front of his guests, he couldn't refuse her. 27 So he immediately sent an executioner to the prison to cut off John's head and bring it to him. The soldier beheaded John in the prison, 28 brought his head on a tray, and gave it to the girl, who took it to her mother. 29 When John's disciples heard what had happened, they came to get his body and buried it in a tomb.


This story makes me sad in so many ways, because, really- was it necessary? To behead a man? But this is what sin and guilt gets us to do; stupid, ignorant and evil things in order to get our way and cover the shame in order to continue in sin. I hope we don't go as far as beheading others; but we can be just as dirty as Herodias, even using others to make it happen like she did. I mean she used her own daughter.

So let's get into the details of Herodias. Get ready for the soap opera: Herod (Antipas) and Philip were brothers. Herodias was Philip's wife, but she left him to marry Herod Antipas. Which was and still is a sin. When we marry, we take a vow before God. Before even getting into marriage, we should be responsible over our decisions. Take our time. Make sure God is in it. Marriage shouldn't be taken so lightly as to, when we're bored or see something better- we decide to leave it. This is what Herodias did, and so many people do that today; I think of Hollywood as a huge example of that.

Anyhow, when John confronted the two for committing adultery, Herod continued to respect John. I believe Herod's spirit was being stirred by the Word John brought to him- but Herodias wasn't hearing any of it; instead she formulated a plot to kill him. Instead of trying to get rid of her sin, Herodias tried to get rid of the one who brought it to public attention.

This is exactly what the religious leaders were trying to do to Jesus. And this is what we do today. When someone holds up a mirror to us, showing us the sin we're allowing ourselves to sit in- how many of us distance ourselves away from that person? We don't want to hear anything that is going to ruin this moment for us. We would rather lie to ourselves for a few moments of pleasure, when we know that the Truth is what we need. When we know deep in our hearts that God commands us to live another way; His way.

What is that one topic that you won't allow the Word to speak to in your life? It is time to stop ignoring the fact that God is not pleased with it. It's time to submit it to God, and show Him that You trust Him by living His way.

This may mean, to stop having sex outside of marriage. This may mean that you need to start tithing in the way that He commands, not in your way. This may mean to forgive the boss that hurts you day in and day out. This may mean you need to get up and go to church, and/or take the time to find the right church- instead of putting all of church into one "toxic" judgmental labeled box. This may mean to stop gossiping and slandering others. This may mean to stop flirting with that man or woman who is not your husband or wife. This may mean to stop pursuing that married man or woman. This may mean to stop treating your wife, husband, children, mother, father, a friend in the disrespectful/demeaning manner that you always do. This may mean to stop drinking (issues with drunkenness). Maybe it's your thought life, you allow your thoughts to go to places they shouldn't. It may be to break all the habits (smoking, over eating, etc.) that contradict our call and desire to live a long life. This may simply mean the lies need to stop.

None of the above may speak about your life, but there is something. God is bringing it to light today and I encourage us all to listen. To think and pray about it. To really act and make a bold change. If not for yourself, for God- because He loves you; because you desire all that He wants to provide you in life. Because you want to honor Him in every way.


It's time family! Not our way, but God's way! We don't lose anything of value when we make this decision, WE GAIN!

*This may be tough subject manner for some of you, but if I'm not getting you to think and evaluate your life according to the Word, I'm not doing my job. It's not to condemn you at all! Satan condemns. God convicts our spirits and changes our hearts. God is concerned with every detail of our lives.* Don't forget this!


Resources: biblegateway.com, NIV Women's Devotional Bible- Classic Edition (B. Donigon Seversen), Life Application Study Bible.

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