Thursday, January 7, 2010

TGN: What Do You Choose Over Jesus?

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, I desire to worship You in Spirit and in Truth.  For Your Word without Your Presence is simply religion without the Power.  Guide me and teach me through Your Word today, how to be salt and light in this dark world and influence the culture with Your Greatness.  Greatness only lies with You.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Mark 5:1-20 (NLT)
*part 2; emphasis on V. 15-16
The Crowd Tell Jesus To Leave

15 A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons. He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were all afraid. 16 Then those who had seen what happened told the others about the demon-possessed man and the pigs. 17 And the crowd began pleading with Jesus to go away and leave them alone.


What would you do in this situation?  There is a man next door, possessed with a legion (many) of demons.  He mostly keeps to himself, but when he gets out of hand-no one can restrain him, not even with a chain.  Whenever the cops are called he is place into chains and shackles (handcuffs won't do), and each and every time he snaps the chains from his wrists and smashes the shackles. No one is strong enough to subdue him. So every day and night he wanders among the streets, howling and cutting himself with sharp razor blades.  Then Jesus shows up, calls out the demons to leave this man and puts their unclean spirits into your only car.  Your only means of transportation, the car you are still paying for, the car you love.  Your car automatically start, and drive itself (along with everyone else's' car on the block) off a cliff.  Leaving you with no car to get to work, but good news-the man that you use to torture you day and night is now standing before you fully clothed and perfectly sane.  What would you do next?  Would you tell Jesus to leave?  

I just don't get it.  The people were more complacent with living with a host of demons than with Jesus Christ.  They were undoubtedly afraid of His supernatural power.  They may have also feared that Jesus would continue disrupting the life that they were use to.  By placing the demons in the pigs, and then the pigs drowning themselves-the people lost money.  And therefore, one message in asking Jesus to leave is that they would rather give up Jesus than lose their source of income and security.  Another message, they would rather give up Jesus, than give up their way of life-what they knew and were comfortable with; even if it was wrong.

Can I tell you, much hasn't changed today.  People tell Jesus to leave their lives daily, simply by their actions.  Our love for money, our desire to be loved by man (men & women), and sometimes our self-hatred cause us to make decisions that the Holy One we serve would never approve of.  And the "double-edged sword" type thing about God, is that He will never force us to do anything we don't want to do.  These people pleaded for Jesus to leave, and that's exactly what He did (we'll get into His clever move of love before He left tomorrow).  

My dear friends, you do not want to live a life without Jesus in it.  The time is now, to start making room for Him to remove the unclean spirits around you and dominant your life with His righteousness.  You can know who He is, You can know about His power-but what you need is a relationship with Him.  A real respectful, honorable relationship with Him.  He is where life comes from. We just have to be willing to give up this life, of the world.  Trust me, I'm not talking about something that I haven't experienced.  At this present time in my life, I am learning every day that I am not missing anything by putting Jesus first.  When I don't I surely do regret it, but I'm thankful for His mercies; to learn from my mistake(s) and keep it moving. I haven't always been at this place, but I'm so glad that I'm here now.  And my desire is for everyone to know the joy, the gift, the fully complete life that results from giving ALL (not just on Sunday, not just when you're with your Christian friends, not just when you're suffering-but at ALL times) you are totally to the LORD.  We can do this right where we are; if and when God desires to move you-He will.

I will encourage you until the day I leave this earth, not to make my decisions; for my road has been paved for me, as yours has been paved for you.  But I will encourage you to always make the righteous decision; what is right and just according to God, not you.

Don't live this life only partially with Jesus, and/or on your terms.  Submit to Him, you won't regret it. 

Personal Prayer: LORD, I pray that Your people, who are called by the name of Jesus will humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, then will You hear from heaven and will forgive our sin in the name of Jesus and will heal our land.  So many people are hurting and making decisions based on that hurt and or despair, resulting in cursing their land.  Move us to make decision on hope for You.  The hope that You promise.  Show Your people why it is a privilege to serve You, love You, honor You, praise You and intimately know You.  You are King, You are LORD, You are Alpha and Omega, You are everything to me.  I cover this prayer with the blood of Jesus.  Amen (2 Chronicles 7:14).

United We Serve: January 18th - The deadline to sign up for the opportunity at Belvedere Middle School (Los Angeles, Ca) with me, has been extended to January 13th at 8a.  Please reply to this email if you're down to commit.  Confirmations will now be sent January 14th.

For other opportunities:

1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...

Resources:, NIV Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition, Life Application Study Bible.

Spread The Good News:  "Providing you with what you already have access to in the most convenient way. So that we all can continue to grow in wisdom & understanding of God." LT

This is not a game!  Let's get serious.

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