Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TGN: Happy Christmas!

If you're familiar with the history of Jesus' birth, you should remember the wise men. They have been a great focal point for me this year, because of what they did. They didn't give gifts to one another when they went to Jesus; their mission was to give gifts to the LORD. To honor Him, no matter what!

So on this awesome Friday, where we celebrate the birth and life of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, and love on family and friends with food, laughter, games and gifts; think about what gift you can give to Jesus. Is it your heart? Is it your obedience? Is it your faith? Is it your time? Is it your belief? Is it your money? Is it forgiveness to someone you don't think deserves it? Whatever it is, on this day that we honor His birthday, give Him that gift and let Him keep that gift through 2010 (hopefully extending to the rest of your life). For our lives are enriched by His presence and His grace.

I can't exclaim enough how much I love Jesus and how I'm so thankful to Him for His life, His love, His compassion, His kindness, His boldness, His faithfulness- there is nothing greater than Jesus Christ. Let's step towards making sure that we don't allow anything else, from circumstances to material things, to become greater than our God.


Merry Christmas! And to the New Beginnings of 2010. Remember God loves making all things new. He is the God of not just a second chance, but another chance. Don't place limits, where God hasn't; and don't change His Word to fit you. Change, to become more like Him (Proverbs 30:5,6).

I love you all and would like to say again how thankful I am to each and every one of you and your fellowship. Iron definitely sharpens iron!

His love and His mercy-
"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion." Philippians 1:6

*TGN will return January 4th 2010. Stay in the Word. We'll continue in the Gospel of Mark. I encourage us all to use the wisdom that we've gained from His Word this year, in all of our decisions, actions and celebrations. xoxo*  "Providing you with what you already have access to in the most convenient way. So that we all can continue to grow in wisdom & understanding of God." LT

What makes us special is... The signature of God on our lives. Merry Christmas!

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