Friday, April 9, 2010


Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of my father, Hector V, I would like to thank family and friends for their prayers and individual efforts in finding my dad a living kidney donor. Unfortunately, to this point we have not found a match within our family.  We hope that with the more specific information provided in this letter, you would intensify your efforts within your individual network to help us find a donor.  My father will soon enter the dialysis stage and is only in his second year on the “Deceased Donor’s Waiting List.”
Living donors offer the best opportunity for success.  A Living Donor’s kidney last twice as long as one from a deceased donor and can be transplanted right away. Today’s kidney transplant surgical techniques are extremely different than the historical impression most people have of the procedure. Today’s laparoscopic approach allows surgical instruments to access donor’s kidney through three small incisions and provides a shorter, usually two day ,recovery period for the donor.  My father’s insurance and our family resources will pay all expenses and lost wages.
In order to qualify as a living donor, an individual will be provided, at no cost, with a complete comprehensive physical examination.  They must be determined to be physically fit; in good health; free from cancer and kidney, heart, liver and lung disease. Individuals considered for living donation are usually between 18-60 years of age.  Gender and race are not factors in determining a successful match. Living donor’s blood test will determine blood type compatibility with my father’s type O.
Please join us once again in reaching out to as many people as possible to find a compatible person.  Pray that God will give someone the courage to come forward in giving my father a second chance; it is through people that God performs his miracles.
May God Bless You,

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