Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's the Roc in the Building


 Today we are honored to celebrate Geraldine!  Please join me in praying over our dear friend.

Prayer:  What a mighty God we serve, dear LORD!  Thank You for creating such a wonderful person on this day.  May her life bring glory to Your Name.  For You, Father, are the Supreme Authority -- a God deserving all the honor and the praise.  May Your Authority be Supreme over Geraldine's life; in order to keep her in healthy relationships and maintain harmony in every area of her life.  May Geraldine continuously choose to surrender her will to You, each and every day; so that she might find protection and dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

Father, thank You for the light  You have placed in Geraldine.  Thank You for the gifts, talents and abilities that You have instilled in her.  Thank You for the kind heart You have given her, to be a good friend to those in need.  LORD, You know exactly what Geraldine needs in her life today.  We confidently thank You for administering to those needs right now in the Name of Jesus.

May Geraldine bind her mind to the mind of Christ, and her emotions to the control of the Holy Spirit.  Help her to loose from her mind any and all obsessive thought patterns that try to confuse her.  Obedience is far better than sacrifice, and may Geraldine choose to listen to You at all times.  You deserve honesty from the heart Father; utter sincerity and truthfulness.  If this is lacking, may today be the day that Geraldine welcomes in this wisdom.  For today is a new day.  Let the celebration of her life be also a celebration of You, and the Promise You have created in her.

May Geraldine completely follow You LORD!  Putting aside her own desires and conveniences.  Yielding her desires that are not in Your plan for her; and even in the midst of her fear, choosing to surrender and trust her future to You.  May every moment of this good day, be blessed by sharing it with You.  We rebuke any and all attempts to steal her joy today and all days. In the mighty Name of Jesus, we thank You again for Geraldine, who is so precious and lovely in Your sight.  Amen.

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