Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Imagine Me"


Today I have to PRAISE our Heavenly Father!!!!!!!

If it doesn't come across in The Good News daily, let me tell you now: I LOVE GOD!  The Alpha and the Omega, I LOVE the Word, Jesus-My loving Savior, The Great I Am!!!

Whether you know me or not, I would like to share this with you...  I've made some dumb decisions in my life.  Many, many, many, many stupid decisions.  I've been mistreated, I've mistreated others.  I've been abused, I've abused others.  I allowed money and a seductively "cool" industry become my god, and almost destroy me.  I allowed this world to lead me even when I knew my God.  I repeatedly turned to the wrong things and people to get out of bad situations- that just led me to worse situations.  I just wouldn't give God everything. I stubbornly wanted to do it my way.  I wanted to live in sin with the blessing of God.  WHAT A CONTRADICTION RIGHT?

But I thank Him, for being so patient with me.  For loving me, when I didn't know how to love myself.  For forgiving me, when I couldn't forgive myself.  For placing the right person(s) in my life at the right time.  I thank Him for having a vision for me that's bigger than I could have ever imagine for myself.  A vision that is for His Kingdom and His people; and my future.  I LOVE God so much!  I see His Word with fresh eyes, each and every day, and I'm amazed at how God really doesspeak - we just have to listen. 

At one time, I was living in sin, claiming to be blessed; praying to be blessed.  But I wasn't giving God any room to do anything; I wasn't obeying His commands.  He was providing solutions, but I wasn't takingthem - I was walking right pass them.  One thing I never did was blame God for my mistakes, but there are many people who do.  It doesn't make me any better than anyone, but can I ask,  "What did He do?"  I'm so thankful God isn't human, because  He FORGIVES mess - totally!  He offers us this opportunity that we don't deserve.  He sees who we are supposed to be; not what we've created ourselves to be through decisions or experience; or to impress others.  We're called to do something with the forgiveness though: walk a new walk, live on a righteous path, separate our actions from the way of this world! BE TRANSFORMED!

I say all this, because in January 2009 I heard God tell me (yes, I actually heard Him) to make a move that made absolutely no sense, but I was willing to take it because 1) I trusted Him; but 2) I was desperate to get out of the situation I was in more than anything.  If anything, I knew it was right; but I didn't know that God was going to completely change my life, beyond my expectations through this move.   June 2009, I left a job and a life that many people wouldn't have left, to come home and humble myself.  To let God have His way!  To spend time with Him and get to really know Him and what living life according to His Kingdom really is.  My life is totally different, it's not about the glam and self ambition.  It's about true light; really learning His Word, discerning His voice, doing everything His way, doing for others; it's about trusting Him every single step of the way. Simply put: IT'S ABOUT GOD!

I praise God daily because I've received so much; healing in relationships (the right relationships are still standing, thank You Jesus), in my soul,  and in my spirit.  I am actually happy and I know it.  I just realized I've never really known happiness before; and the JOY OF THE LORD - I am a witness at how GOOD it is.  I'm making more decisions from righteousness, and not emotion or selfishness.  I'm inspired to write and share this very personal note today because I'm currently experiencing something unbelievable; and I am a believer in praising God in advance, in it and after it.  He is amazing!  God is doing some magnificent things and is leading me every step of the way; placing me in the right places, at all the right times.  I don't even know the whole picture, but trusting Him is more real to me than anything I've EVER done in my life.  He has made me so strong, because He is my strength.   I have the most amazing Father ever, there is nothing  better than Him.  I love, because He has shown me what real love is.

I don't write this to tell you to to make the same decisions.  We each have a different story.  But God is asking for the same thing from each of us: Seek first the Kingdom of God (NOTHING ELSE); and His righteousness.  I am encouraging you, my friends, to get real with God, because this isn't just for me.  God really does answer because He is the answer.  He really does come through.  But He calls for righteousness.  How can He work on full blast in our lives, when we're tangled in sin; when we don't want to do it His way. 
Do not do what tradition tells us, stop following the way of this world.  Do what Jesus commands of us, and specifically, do what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do.  Whatever it is.  TRUST HIM.  I encourage you all to listen to Him.  Because there is an amazing freedom in God.  There is a life that only God can create, because we would never be this good to ourselves.  There is great promise in God.

I could never have imagined my life today.  I am thrilled that God holds my present and future in His hands.  He isn't done with me and He isn't done with YOU.  He wants to do great things for you.  I beg each of you to allow Him to have His way.  It is the best way...completely.  It's not too late, He is calling each of us today.  Submit to Him my friends.  It's much more than begging Him to fulfill our wish list, it's more than church on Sunday (many of us go to church, learn and still choose to go our own way repeatedly)...It's so much more!  And I don't want any of us to miss this honest relationship with Him.  It is the relationship that became a true priority for me, that changed me.  Seek what God wants...

I've included the song below, because it's so personal - I believe we all can relate.  Play and just receive the ministry.  If this message speaks to just one of you; God's purpose is complete.


Galatians 5 - Freedom in Christ

1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

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