Sunday, August 2, 2009

God Will Console

And today I believe He has for many of us. He has soothed the grief in our hearts.

God scatters the unfaithful, but He gathers those who return to Him and learn to obey His commands.

-What confirmation to know I am on the right track. God is filling my life with believers on every level- new, to backslidden, to fully faithful. He is gathering us together for His purposes. The only specifics I know is to love, pray and encourage one another. It shouldn't be taken so lightly as to why people return to or are already in our lives.

God is attentive to those of us who delight in His Name. Let's pray that God opens the door for each of us to release the message He has put in us, in all kinds of creative, conventional and unconventional ways. In order to relate to everyone. We are not all the same, we are all suigeneris, therefore we don't all receive in the same manner. STOP being so rigid ladies and gents. How harmful it is to turn someone from the kingdom with your judgments, hurtful (uneducated and un-spirit-filled) words and actions. Proclaim the mysteries of Christ, not what YOU think.

God's ways are so above our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts. If you're not hearing from Him, you have no authority to answer or speak. So we have to be aware in the way we act towards all people; making the most GOOD out of every opportunity. Sometimes you don't have to say a word for people to receive the Holy Spirit that is within you. That's how powerful God is. Our conversation is to be FULL OF GRACE & SEASONED WITH SALT (the flavor of God).

God is not arcane at all. He is available to us all and is so understand. Share your heart with Him. He will listen, forgive and CONSOLE.

In Jesus' Name-Amen

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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