Monday, July 6, 2009

Pray for one Another

Because when we do, we discover what God wants and remove our own desires from suffocating other people.

We might have the best intentions in what we encourage people in or hope for them. But we have to come to terms that those "things" may not be right for that person.

For instance, I've been praying for someone to get up and enjoy life. And today it was revealed that this person needed the rest. That it wasn't laziness, or isolation; but true rest- why would I want to pray that away.

What we can pray about is the individual's spirit. That they know Jesus. That they are growing closer to God each and every day. That God's glory is being revealed in their lives. Praying evil spirits to flee away from them. That they have a servants heart. That they have the spirit of wisdom and revelation. That the eyes of their hearts are being enlightened with the Word of God. That they know the hope to which they were called. That they were called by God in the first place-this makes them special. That they know the power of God. That they know how merciful God is. We should be giving thanks to God for them. Ask God to reveal what that person needs. And keep the Good News in their ears.

The word instructs us in more ways on how to pray and serve others. I believe the more we learn of God's way, the less we will react in the world's way. Don't ever forget that as Christ ambassadors, we are called to stand out for Him.

P.S. Honor your mother and father in whatever you do and say, that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth. -how quick we all forget this-

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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